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Looking to Hire Painter


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So here's the deal:

I have a few small projects I need done BEFORE the end of October - About 5 weeks from now.

I need to have 4 Harlequin Skyweavers painted:


I am looking for paint-schemes -similar- to those in the pic, EXCEPT you do not have to worry about the 'diamonds' on the cowlings - you can leave those entirely black or solid medium-red.

Basing will not be necessary.

I can provide the minis unassembled or assembled.

I am willing to pay $20 for each Skyweaver painted. I am not looking for 'display quality', but rather something tabletop or slightly above.

I would prefer folks in the Vancouver, WA/PDX area, but others who can meet the deadline -including- postage (which I will pay for), I will consider. I am not insisting they all be done by one person: I am happy to split these up for multiple people to tackle.

If you HAVE any of these already painted and are willing to part with them - please feel free to message me with pics, etc.

If you're interested in painting, and are 99.99999% you can be done with these BY OCTOBER 31st, please give me a PM!

Thanks for looking! :)


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