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~H:Warmachine: Cryx Lot,Legion Lot, Circle, PRICED TO SELL!!


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~H:Warmachine: Cryx Lot, misc Legion Lot, Circle

Hi Folks!
Looking to unload some kit,
Prefer to sell as lots, but can split up @ 60% of retail if you buy in $60 chunks. Shipping is included in full lot sales, but if you're splitting up and buying smaller chunks, buyer will pay actual shipping cost.
Feel free to make offers!
Cryx Lot: (Includes all MK2 Cards plus a few extras!) Keeping this as a lot for now, so please don't ask me to split it up.
Mortenebra and Derails (primed)
Asphixious 1 (primed)
Deneghra 1 (Painted!)
Bloodgorgers (Full) (primed)
Cephalix Overlords
Pistol Wraith (paint)
Pistol Wraith(paint)
Satyxis Raidr Captain(primed)
Retail over $300 with foam
$100 for Lot with foam.
Legion Of Everblight Lot!
Strider Deathstalker x2 (23.98) Assembled Bare metal (with cork base!)
Warmonger War Chief (16.99) Assembled Bare metal
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (49.99) Assembled Bare metal
Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (64.99) Assembled Bare metal
Raptors (89.99) Assembled Bare metal (with cork base!)
Strider Rangers (34.99) Assembled Bare metal
$270 total looking for $100 Shipped.
Everything that isn't NIB also includes MK2 cards.
Bradigus Thorle (NIB)~ $18
Ghordson Earthbreaker (NIB) ~$70
Lord Rockbottom (NIB) ~$6
Stingers Blister (NIB) ~$8
Tactical Arcanyst Corps (painted good tabletop Quality!) ~$18
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (Primed and magic washed) ~$22
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