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Posts posted by Blasto

  1. Thanks for the PM's, replied.

    Also would like to add the following to the list (I was surprised to see these going for 150 on ebay).

    75$ - Mighty Empires + Expansion 2 tile set - unpainted

    70$ - Mighty Empires + Expansion 2 tile set - unpainted. 1 tile and flag missing, 5 tiles primed

    75$ -Planetary Empires + Hive City tile - unpainted

    100 - Mighty Empires "Game version" NO BOX
     + 3 metal Elf Towers, 3 bridges, 3 pirate ships, 2 catapults (look like rock lobbas), 2 undead banners, 2, bridges with towers, 2 sedge towers, 1 undead tower, 1 cannon
     + White Dwarf pages with extra rules for: Pirates, Wilderness, Agents, Bridges, Necropolis, Wizard Tower.

  2. Hello Ordo!

    I need to raise some funds for moving, and find some underused geekery a new home. I'll be putting this up on ebay in a couple of weeks, but I figured I would put it up a little cheaper on Ordo first. I live in the Seattle area, and happy to meet locally to trade stuff. If it needs to be shipped to you, I'll do my best to keep the costs as low as possible.


    50$ - Games Workshop backpack and figure case (Apocalypse)

    125$ - Warhammer Tower of Sorcery (Unbuilt)

    60$ - Warhammer Sedge Tower (Unbuilt)

    20$ - 40k Plastic Craters 

    20$ - Crashed Aquila Lander 40k

    20$ - Crashed Aquila Lander 40k (I have two sets)

    25$ - Shrine of Aquila (unbuilt) 

    25$ - Manufactorum - Earmarked - WestRider

    300$ - Descent 1st Edition, with ALL of the Expansions, 2 extra sets of dice (HEAVY).

    225$ - Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition, with Mass Hysteria kickstarter bonus.

    200$ - The Others 7sins, Apocalypse exp (+Kickstart bonus), Beta Team, Omega team, Men of Faith, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, dice pack, Plastic token pack. All still in shrink wrap.

    150$ - DeadZone: 
    - KickStarter Box set
    - 2nd Edition rule set
    - Deadzone Compendium (Nexus Psi, Incursion and Contagion)
    - 2 "Deluxe Mats"
    - Arcrylic Counter set
    - Resin Equipment Crates
    - Forge Father Starter pack
    -- Forge Father Booster pack
    - Asterian Starter pack
    -- Asterian Booster pack
    - Plague Booster pack
    - Rebs Booster pack
    - Enforcer Booster pack
    - Marauders Booster pack
    -- Marauder Stunt bot
    - Extra Dice
    - Many "free" Kickstarter extras.

    100$ - Sedition Wars (Unpunch, unbuilt):
    - KickStarter freebies included
    - Terrain pack
    - Ripley
    - Ramirez
    - Hexen
    - Calamity Crew

    Thanks for taking time to view my listed, and for the help raising moving funds.


    • Like 1
  3. Hello Ordo's,


    I have a few things that I haven't used in a while, and i hope to send them to better use with another Geek. At the moment, I'm looking for offers. The GW stuff I'm willing to part out, the Deadzone I'm selling as one large lot.


    Games-Workshop stuff:

    White Dwarf Mini from 2010. This is the 40k "Squat" nod


    Warhammer Sedge Tower (unbuilt)


    Plastic Craters (GW's Vacuum formed ones)


    40k crashed shuttle (from older starter set)


    40k crashed shuttle (from older starter set)


    Warhammer Tower of Sorcery (unbuilt)


    40k Building Manufactorum, and Shrine of Aquila (unbuilt)




    - KickStarter Box set

    - 2nd Edition rule set

    - Deadzone Compendium (Nexus Psi, Incursion and Contagion)

    - 4 "Deluxe Mats"

    - Arcrylic Counter set

    - Resin Equipment Crates

    - Forge Father Starter pack

    -- Forge Father Booster pack

    - Asterian Starter pack

    -- Asterian Booster pack

    - Plague Booster pack

    - Rebs Booster pack

    - Enforcer Booster pack

    - Marauders Booster pack

    -- Marauder Stunt bot

    - Extra Dice

    - Many "free" Kickstarter extras.


    Send me a PM with an offer if you like anything.




    • Like 1
  4. My comment was all in good humor. I've invested quite some time in to WarCraft, 1,2, and 3, along with WoW. I am have tickets to see the movie on Sunday. I really only expect it to be eye candy, as Blizzard has that down pat. The rest will just be a bonus for me.

  5. Hello Ordo!


    I have a all of the Deadzone stuff from the first Kickstarter, and the revised rulebook from the second one. The group that I geek with are not really intrested in it.


    Anyone looking to pick up some Deadzone stuff?

    • Like 1
  6. Like many above, I just saw Deadpool. Not having read the comic book, I am unsure how close to cannon it was. BUT, I would easily go back and see it again tomorrow. I might actually do so with my Brother as he has not seen it yet.


    Very funny, and yes R, don't bring the kids.

    • Like 1
  7. All good points,


    Yes, I can break out the SM's, and I will do so on Monday. In its current pricing, the Orks are at 50% of their cost (a little under) and the SM's are close to 25% their cost. So I was kind of "gifting" the marines if you bought the Orks.


    I'll fix the link for the picture, thank you for letting me know it wasn't working.

  8. Hello Ordo


    Here is the second listing of GW stuff going up for sale.


    1 Forgeworld "Runt Bot", Con exclusive (I used him as a Warboss)

    1 Forgeworld Warboss on Warbike

    1 Snikrot (metal, in blister)

    1 Mad Dok Grotsnik

    1 Ghazghkull Thraka

    1 Warboss with BigChoppa (metal)

    1 BigMek with KFF (metal)

    2 BigMek with ShockAttack Gun, 1 build, one not

    1 Painboy on foot (metal)

    3 Warboss, plastic from AOBR

    1 Ork with WaaaGH banner (metal)

    1 Nob metal

    10 Nobz, plastic (current kit)

    10 Nobz, plastic fro AOBR

    3 MegaNobz (FineCast)

    3 Orks on Warbikes

    1 Ork on Warbike w/PK

    1 Ork on Warbike, converted Painboy

    3 Warkbikes various stages of assembly

    20 Lootas

    15 Burrna boyz

    1 box of Orks Burna/Lootas

    20 Gretchin w/Ork Slavers

    30 Boyz w/Shootas, 3 Rockets, 1 Nob w/PK

    30 Boyz w/Shootas, 3 Rockets, 1 Nob w/PK

    2 Ork Trukks

    12 Boyz w/2ccw, Nob w/PK

    12 Boyz w/2ccw, Nob w/PK

    22 Boyz w/2ccw (AOBR)

    4 Orks w/BigShootas (AOBR)

    2 Orks 2/BigShootas

    1 box of Ork Truck Boyz (includes boyz and trukk, on sprue)

    1 BattleWagon, w/DeffRoller

    3 Dakka Jets

    1 Deff Dread w/4 CCW

    3 Converted Ork Buggies w/Rockets

    6 Killa Kanns (current)

    1 Stompa, 3/4 built (body, arms, head, built but not attached)

    1 Stompa extra head and chest plate (was going to use it as an objective) 

    8 DeffKaptas (AOBR)

    4 Metal Ork Kamandos

    1 Blister metal Gretchin

    1 Blister metal Ork Slaver

    1 set of Ork Barricades

    All of the bits from above kits and far to many years of playing 40k.


    To buy everything above (but not the AOBR) it would cost you 1900$.







    Both the Orks and the SpaceMarines go to the first bidder of 1000.


    Shipping is going to be somewhere around 60-80$ via FexEx.


    Sadly, I do not have time to part anything out. If this isn't sold by the end of Feb I'll be using Captain A's services.

    • Like 1
  9. Hello Ordo,


    I've moved to Texas and doing school at the moment. Sadly I have zero time for gaming, and can use the extra money.




    Sealed Boxes:

    Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x2

    Chaos Terminators x2

    Chaos Spacemarine squad

    Chaos Spacemarine Land Raider

    Chaos Deamon Prince

    Chaos Deamon Blood throne/Skull Cannon


    Open but unassembled:

    Chaos Spacemarine squad

    Chaos Deamon Bloodthrone/SkullCannon

    Chaos Deamon BloodThirster


    Build, 1/2 built:

    Chaos SpaceMarine ForgeFiend x2

    Chaos Heldrake

    Chaos Defiler

    Chaos Terminators

    Chaos LandRaider

    Abaddon the Despoiler



    Juggernought of Khorne (metal)

    Khorne Lord (metal)

    Khorne Berserkers x35

    Khorne Chaos Lord

    Chaos Dreadnought x2 (metal)

    Chaos Terminators x24 (metal, needs rebasing for larger bases, larger bases included)

    Abaddon the Despoiler



    Minotaur w/Great Weapon, metal in blisters x8

    Minotaur w/Great Weapon, painted x4

    Minotaur w/2 weapons, primed x4

    Chaos Hounds painted x10

    Beastmen w/2 weapons x21

    beastmen w/spear&shield x9

    Beastmen w/light armor x6

    Beastman hero

    Khorne Dogs x15


    Bloodletters painted metal x30

    Juggernaugt of Khorne

    Tzeentch Flamers x4

    Bloodletters Plastic x14

    Deamonettes Plastic x22

    Beastmen w/armor x35


    Also includes 1 double sized GW mini case, and 2 of the "normal" sized mini cases.


    800$ gets everything.


    FYI, this is a big box so keep shipping in mind.


    Sadly, I do not have time to part anything out. If this isn't sold by the end of Feb I'll be using Captain A's services.

    • Like 1
  10. I am sorry to see this bad news, and you are 100% right, it does suck. But, from what I've read in this thread, you are taking the right steps.


    My Brothers was a horrible one, his ex wanted to do every dirty trick possible. While sadden to hear the news, I'm glad to hear it will be a "quite" type vs the other types I've seen.


    I hope things go well for you, and you get back on your feet quickly.

  11. Yeah, first off, I doubt that you have looked through their tax documents to see what they can or cannot afford. I'd agree that they probably could self fund, but what they are doing is not out of the scope of kickstarter and it is not like they are doing anything unethical. But one thing that kickstarter does for them (and others) is allow them to avoid getting loans to cover production costs, and that will be a huge savings in the long run. Also, with the amount of stuff you get, it is a good deal.


    I agree that their add-ons are often too expensive, but people aren't getting "dinged" with add ons. They are completely optional and the price is public info. Anyone paying for them chose to to so.


    I think something else you are missing here is that Kickstarter gives them a clear view of how big the game will be based on actual interest. When their KS doesn't make it as big, they don't produce as many. Lowering the risk of over production is a huge boon to their business.


    I get that it is a bit annoying, and it is certainly your choice to opt out (and mine too) but they are being smart about how they run their business and as long as it keeps working they'll keep doing it. KS has no rule about disallowing established companies from using it.


    I wanted to come back to this a little,


    I agree, what CoolMini is doing with Kickstarter is 100% within the rules. I in no way think they are doing anything shady. (I also backed Others, 7 Sins, lol).


    What I was trying to suggest, as an opinion, is they don't "need" to use Kickstarter. Currently, IMHO, they are simply using kickstarter as more of a presales tool vs acutally needing the start up funds. In the long run, this hurts the physical game stores ability to stay afloat as deminishes their sellable product line.


    SO, when it comes to games on Kickstarter, I try really hard to balance what will be available to me as an exclusive, and what I will be able to pickup at my local game store a little later.

  12. One of the bigger problems is that the producer is "Cool Mini-or-Not". They have enough cashflow that Kickstarter really isn't needed for them. All they really use Kickstarter for is to cut to the Mom&Pop game stores. They also really like to ding people with Add-ons that are higher than what they would be retail. For example their Zombicide wave 2&3 ended up being more expensive than what they are sold currently at the local games stores.


    The game looks cool, and I'm still looking at what everything would cost. But, I've been going out of my way to NOT back CMoN mainly based on their use of Kickstarter as a preorder system vs tyring to get something off the ground.


    Still looking,


    This one looks better than some of their last, in terms of Add-ons and gotchas. The expainsion is the only one that has any exclusives (something I'm a sucker for). The "Teams" looks like they lack any exclusives, so those I can look at adding later, should it become a popular game.


    At the 100$ level, it includes quite a few streach goals. Add-ons that have Exclusives are:

    Apocalypse expansion (40$)

    Men of Faith (20$)

    Plastic Tokens (20$) -while they said this "might" be available for retail later, they were not 100% sure (it was in their update).


    Sons of Ragnarok, Gamma Team and Delta Team do not contain exclusives, and adding via Kickstarter saves 5$ per set.


    So I'll be pondering 188$ dollars from my fun funds:

    Base game, Apocalypse, Men of Faith, Plastic Tokens, and 8$ extra dice pack (I've found the dice are usually worth it).

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