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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Ok, so maybe I was wrong, I just searched again and found your team. It was a TV1000. So maybe I misread what you said. i sent the team an invite. Please accept and let me know when done, and we will be about ready to start the league.
  2. You did the right thing. The Catch-up is just admin'd games. You dont play, you just get free SPP and cash to catch up to other teams. I have completed your catchup, you got 3 skill ups and 210k in cash....you may want to buy a reroll with the cash as you have 0......like none 🙂 Once we get ish taken care of, I will open the divisions for the main league and we will be on our way.
  3. @Ish Your team has to be a brand new one, IE you cannot play an AI opponents with it. You said the other team you have been playing against AI. If that is the case, you need to create a new tv1000 team and let me know the team name, or you can join the competition in Ordo league called S2 catchup - Ish. let me know when you have the new team and have joined the catchup (or just send me the new team name) thx
  4. it would ahve been today ...but we need to get Pete and Ish to complete the catchup
  5. @Ish @peter.cosgrove need the two of you to get me team names for catchup. Please get them in quick.
  6. done. you got 270k and 2 skill ups. Once I get all the catchups done, we will get you a new ticket to your division
  7. your getting ahead of yourself..... lets get to that bridge first it could be years.
  8. Ok, so you need a NEW team. Ie no games if your starting a new team.
  9. Have you created the team? I dont see that team at all. Or anything close.
  10. you dont have too. I can make it work.
  11. Please let me know as I dont see that team when I search. maybe you just need to create it still.
  12. Im building the new team's catch competitions. the teams below need to create their teams and advise me the team name. I will then send you a ticket to join your competition. Once you join, let me know and I will admin you 3 games for catchup. @Burk - BB2 team name: Ho Ho Ho's- BB2 name: Burk @Ish - BB2 team name: TBD- BB2 Name: Another Ish @Bosco - BB2 Team Name: Balloon-knot Bonanza - BB2 Name PDXBosco @peter.cosgrove - BB2 Team Name: TBD - BB2 Name: XXXX Teams below. Please look in BB2 for your teams ticket. join the competition I send to you and let me know when complete, so i can admin your games. @CountElmdor - BB2 Team Name: Lucavi - BB2 name: Elmdor @Russell Castronovo - BB2 Team Name: Goretown Gutsquishers - BB2 Name Daxer777
  13. Thanks Shane. All that means we have 8 returning teams and 6 new teams. I can either do an even split of 7-7 per division, or 8 in the main div (all human) and 6 (plus 2 AI) in lower. If I do the 7-7, that means I will be making an executive decision which team to put in lower division. If I do 8-6, then lower div will have 2 AI opponents. Speak up if you have strong feelings either way.
  14. Ok, so you would be in the upper division then, and I would put count in lower. leaning that way
  15. @Spielmannsfluch I am leaning towards starting with all new teams in div 2 and existing teams in div 1. Right now we are split 7 new, 7 returning. This is important as you will not be in the same division as CountElmdor. Does this change your mind?
  16. Im leaning towards top 3 so that the winner gets a bye and hence is rewarded with no new injuries. Toying if there is a way I can remove their MNG's without having an admin'd game.... Im wondering if I make the top division be 8 human teams and put any AI's in div 2...... interesting thoughts. Relegation will happen (only issue is if we have to many rerolls, that may cause relegation to always be 2.)
  17. I like this idea, but want to be clear that we dont have 7 new teams (or 6 if I put 8 in the upper). If I do this, do you have a suggestion for how to determine which of the returning teams goes in the lower? I can do it, but TV isnt the best determiner (considering coach level) and it might be more arbitrary......IE BURK decides. Also, it may not work very well after first year.....as a good coach may drop (with a bad season) to lower division. Another thoughts on playoffs. Instead of top 8 I could do top 6. 3 from each, and give the division leader a bye....thoughts? If I did that, I would do it as follows: Bracket 1: A1 - Bye A3 vs B2 Bracket 2: B1 - Bye B3 vs A2 Thoughts?
  18. Last day for signups. tomorrow I will build divisions and then setup the catch "games" for the new teams. For the new players, that catch up games are 3 admin'd games that give you a boost on SPP and cash. You dont play them, I will just create a competition for your team and you join it. I will then complete the games and close the competitions and you will have new SPP that you use to level up players and cash to fill out your team. for those that have not created (or told me) their team on BB2, please do so and provide it to me so I can work on the competitions. @Maxwell Christian (not sure if you are doing a new team or the same, let me know) @Ish @peter.cosgrove @Burk __________________________ With this we will have 8 person divisions, and 1 AI in each included in that 8. (So you have 6 games vs human opp and 1 vs AI for a total of 7 game season). Im thinking one of two options for playoffs. 1. Top 4 in each division do a seeded playoff for division "winner's" to play for league championship. So you would only play within your division in playoffs till championship or 2. Top 4 in EACH division seeded to play against the opposite divisions. (IE divsion A 1 seed plays divsions B's 4 seed).. So it would look like this. Bracket 1: A1 vs B4 A3 vs B2 Bracket 2: B1 vs A4 B3 vs A2 This could lead to 2 teams from same division playing for championship. Which do you prefer and why? I appreciate your feedback and will take id under advisement as I make my draconian decision. @Burk - BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 name: Burk @Weav - BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans - BB2 name: Weav @Spielmannsfluch - BB2 team name: Boring Dinos of Eastwood - BB2 name: Spielmannsfluch @WestRider - BB2 team name: Tlaxtlan Panthers - BB2 name: WestRider @SigurdBC - BB2 team name: Hold My Beer - BB2 name: SigurdBC @Maxwell Christian - BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 Name: Ironwolf3113 @Ish - BB2 team name: TBD- BB2 Name: Another Ish @michaels - BB2 team name: No Dikks - BB2 name: Michaels @scotthartman - BB2 team name: Smells Like Green Spit - BB2 name: PajamaRed @Bosco - BB2 Team Name: TBD - BB2 Name PDXBosco @Russell Castronovo - BB2 Team Name: Goretown Gutsquishers - BB2 Name Daxer777 @peter.cosgrove - BB2 Team Name: TBD - BB2 Name: XXXX @savion47 - BB2 Team Name: TBD - BB2 Name: Savion47 @CountElmdor - BB2 Team Name: Lucavi - BB2 name: Elmdor
  19. thanks. I see you choose chaos. Be aware for a new coach Chaos is a really tough team. They can be frustrating for the first few seasons even for experienced coaches.
  20. Ah got it. I didnt associate the two earlier. Welcome. good luck. Dont be discouraged. lot of good players with very powerful teams in this league. however, new teams will get a boost before the league starts.
  21. have him join the forum and post up and I will see what I can do. I plan to randomly determine divisions, but if he is on the other side, I will see if I can switch for a someone.
  22. Welcome. glad you joined.
  23. All, Final sign up day will be May 31st. @savion47 @Sgt. Rock @kb10r
  24. you dont need to register yet. just wanted to see if you are in.
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