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Posts posted by winterman

  1. Nice exposure Dan!


    Thanks for the primer, it has some really cool looking missions.  I will be running them down here next Saturday at our practice event.  Did you work these up?



    I however, must object to mission 3 - even with the added secondary and tertiary objectives I think Big Guns on Hammer and Anvil is a terrible terrible matchup.  Just don't do it on hammer and anvil!

    Thanks Alex.  These are partially taken from LVO/BAO -- specifically the scoring and the objective placement/tweaks for each of the standard book missions.  The 3 point primary's that aren't from the book are my own devising to some degree, but are influenced by other game systems, old editions and the work being done by the east coast GT guys on www.missioncatalog.org.  


    Your objection to mission 3 is noted and we  will keep it in mind.  Should mention though that in that mission and all the others its important to check the objective placement rules since they are not always straight from the book.  In this case the Frontline gaming guys came up with an interesting tweak -- in that you place one objective in your deployment zone and one in your opponents (and the opponent does the same).  The idea being you won't have both objectives in a favorable position 6" from your table edge.  Combined with the central objective in the 3 point mission (which is normally relic in LVO/BAO but is now a variant of the old 4ed central objective mission) it shouldn't be as bad as a straight from the book Big guns mission.  


    Maybe play it and see how it ends up.  There's really no way around the way hammer and anvil plays out regardless of the mission chosen, but ensuring there's at least some objectives toward center table does help.

  2. Battle bros was not a big deal until Tau and Eldar were released, so I don't think its really an issue with the BB rules entirely, more to do with the power creep those two books received.  As Chaos Lord Chris stated, you are hurting mid level armies as much or more with such a move.


    I do however think the way USRs convey to everyone is problematic and really the main issue.  They should probably have an extra layer of how they are conveyed (eg whether they are conveyed to same army only or BBs or even down to same unit type/chapter tactic etc.)  Seer council without Hit and Run from Baron becomes more managable, etc.  Would be nice to if Blessings had a higher rate of fail when used on BBs.

  3. http://www.torrentoffire.com/3102/mission-elevate-the-underdog


    The list detailed above and similar lists fielded by reecius of frontline gaming are about the only way you will see RG played.  40-50 scouting marines in rhinos + an assault squad or two for counter assault. Which is silly since RG are known for being less into mech than most marines.


    White Scars + Khan will probably make a better version of those lists though.

  4. **New Updates as of March 21st**

    --Codex: Imperial Knights is a go for the Storm GT. However using them in your army will count as your 'Special Allowance' whether they are your Primary Detachment or just a separate detachment.
    --Codex: Legion of the Damned is a go for the Storm GT. If using Legion of the Damned as your Primary Detachment you MUST bring an allied detachment. Like Codex Inquistion, adding a Legion of the Damned Detachment counts as a Special Allowance.
    --Codex Supplement Crimson Slaughter will be allowed at the Storm GT. 
    --The latest dataslates that have been released so far will be allowed at the Storm as a Special Allowance. 
    --Void Shield Generator will now be allowed at the Storm GT since a model was released. Anyone wishing to kitbash their own must match the dimensions of the actual model -- no 12" by 12" void shield generators! As always please send us pics of any potential kitbashes and counts as models for our approval.

    Any questions or concerns let us know.

  5. Oh, right, the 3++/Rending one replaces the AP3 one.


    It's an interesting idea, but very awkward in its inclusion. Changing your unit type can do some really weird stuff- like having Beasts embarked on a transport or on the upper levels of a ruin, or a Daemon prince with the upgrade accidentally losing his Smash rule (and potentially FMC status as well.)

    Beasts can go into ruins in 6ed so no issue there (its cav that can't go into ruin levels). 




    However, are Crimson Slaughter and Black legion battle buddies?  How does that work?

    The first couple of supplemental codexes had a rule that said an army can only ever have use one supplemental codex.  Not sure that has carried over into the newer ones though.

  6. It's more of an issue with the wording for blind USR and is not specific to gargoyles.  The rule:


    "Any unit hit by a model or weapon with

    this special rule must immediately take
    an Initiative test. If the test is passed, all
    is well - a shouted warning has caused
    the warriors to avert their gaze. If the
    Initiative test is failed, all models in the
    unit are reduced to Weapon Skill and
    Ballistic Skill 1 until the end of their
    next turn. Should the attacking unit hit
    themselves we assume they are prepared
    and they automatically pass the test."


    It does not really define well whether its one or more hits or every hit so is open to interpretation.  It is contentious and has not been FAQd.  In my opinion as a tyranid player there's not a strong enough case RAW to lean one wya or other so I'd play it more conservatively (1 test regardless of how many hits) but it's certainly arguable either way.

    • Like 1
  7. The knight ignores the damage table though which is an important distinction -- its like eternal warrior for vehicles.  The stomp attack, ability to score and threat of asploding and wiping your opponents models are other considerations.  


    IG + knight allies seem like a nice fit to me as they compliment the knights well (by providing anti air via vendettas and barrage for anti horde).  Not a necessity but nice none-the-less. 

    • Like 1
  8. May 10th - 11th


    1750 Points 


    Fully painted armies are REQUIRED at these events!


    Entry Fee: $40 


    Sign ups with PRE PAY only!


    Pre-pay by:


    Calling the The Gamer's Haven @ 509-443-5992 and paying with Credit Card 


    Paypal @ thegamershaven@yahoo.com (but still call in to let us know that you paid via paypal!)


    Coming into the shop and paying in person!


    We only have 60 spots available for each event, and they are already filling up fast with locals as well as players traveling from Seattle, Portland, Missoula, Moscow/Pullman, the Tri-Cities...


    Don't Delay if you want to Play!


    Big Announcement #1: Torrent of Fire will be used at the Storm GT to track data and pairings in real time! Find more details on what this means for the Storm and you at http://www.torrentoffire.com/tournament-organizers



    Big Announcement #2: The Storm GT is going to be included in the tournament circuit that Frontline Gaming has just kicked off at their Las Vegas Open. The details are still being worked on but this is an exciting development that we feel is worth mentioning now. We hope you guys are as excited about this as we are.


    The Details:


    * Armies must be 1750 points or less.

    * An army's Primary Detachment and Allied Detachment must be made from the following Codexes or Supplements:


    6th Ed era: Tyranids, Inquisition (Primary Detachment), Adepta Sororitas, Space Marines, Eldar, Tau, Chaos Daemons, Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marines

    5th Ed era: Necrons, Grey Knights, Dark Eldar, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Imperial Guard

    4th Ed era: Orks

    Supplements: Clan Raukaan, Sentinels of Terra, Black Legion, Farsight Enclave, Iyanden


    * An army is allowed one 'Special Allowance' selected from the list below:


    --Any number of Forgeworld 40k Approved units as FOC and points allow for their Primary and/or Allied Detachments (see link below for allowed units and sourcebooks).

    --One 40k Dataslate Unit (eg Belakor or Cypher)

    --One 40k Dataslate Formation, as long as it is not treated as "Come the Apocalypse" with the Primary or Allied Detachments

    --An Inquisition Detachment, as long as it is not treated as "Come the Apocalypse" with the Primary or Allied Detachments


    * An army's Fortification Slot may be selected from Stronghold Assault. However the following fortification datasheets are NOT allowed: Fortification Networks of any type, Void Shield Generator, Prometheum Relay Pipes, Fortress of Redemption, Aquilla Strong Point.


    * Forge World Approved units are NOT allowed unless the player chooses to select them using their one Special Allowance.

    * Forge World Army lists are NOT allowed.

    * The following Forge World units are NOT allowed under any circumstance: Super Heavy, Gargantuan Creature, Experimental Rules, Units available only within a Forge World army list and Horus Heresy Units of all kinds.

    * Lords of War are NOT allowed.

    * Apocalypse only units and formations are NOT allowed.

    * Players must use the same army list throughout the event.




    * 5 rounds. 

    * 2.5 hour time limits.

    * Missions will consist of two primary objectives and three secondary objective. 

    * Primary and Secondary objectives will be drawn from the standard book missions as well as other sources (old editions, other events, our own devising).

    * Missions are scored in the same manner as Las Vegas Open (4 point primary, 3 point primary and 1 point for each of three secondary).

    * Primer missions will be out a month before the event, until then LVO missions are a great practice resource.

    * Win/Loss/Draw record will be used to determine Best General.

    * Battle Points will be used to help determine Overall Champion, Best in Codex and as a tie breaker for Best General and Best Sportsmanship.



    * Sportsmanship per game will tracked in a pass or fail manner.

    * Poor sportsmanship can result in Battle Point deductions, exclusion from awards, expulsion from the event or banning from future events at the organizers discretion.

    * Favorite Opponent Voting will be tallied at the end of the tournament.

    * Favorite Opponent voting will be used to determine Best Sportsmanship and as a tie breaker for Best Overall and Best in Codex.



    * Armies must be fully painted

    * Model WYSIWIG requirements whenever a bit is available (primary concern is identification on the tabletop)

    * Scratchbuilds and counts as models are allowed on a case by case basis as long as they conform to the general size and shape of the model they represent.

    * Appearance will be scored by judges using a standard rubric.

    * Armies that were not wholly created and painted by the attendee are not eligble for Best Appearance but will not otherwise be penalized or restricted from winning other awards (including Favorite Army -- new this year).

    * Armies will be setup during the second day lunch break for Favorite Army voting.

    * Favorite Army voting will be tallied at the end of the tournament.

    * Appearance scoring will be used to determine Best Appearance and to help determine Best Overall and Best in Codex.

    * Favorite Army voting will be used to determine the Favorite Army Award and as a tie breaker for Best Appearance.



    * Overall: Battle Points + Appearance Points

    * Best General: Best Win/Loss/Draw Record

    * Best Appearance: Appearance Points 

    * Favorite Army: Favorite Army Votes

    * Best Sportsmanship: Favorite Opponent Votes 

    * Best in Codex: Battle Points + Appearance Points


    Rules Questions:

    * FAQ: GW FAQs will be the primary source. We will then refer to the most up to date IGTC FAQ document (that is currently the Adepticon FAQ, but be aware that it contains a lot of info specific to their events that will not apply at The Storm). We reserve the right to add additional clarifications prior to the event.


    If you have any questions not covered by the two sources above or have any concerns feel free to contact us.


    * Forge World:

    The most current resource for 40k appropriate units is the Adepticon pdf. See the link below. Ignore any reference to the Adepticon Events.


    *Dataslates: All of the dataslates avaiable as of the time of this writing (2/18/14) are legal for use as a Special Allowance (see above for details). 


    *New Rules Releases:

    --If a Codex is released on or before April 12th that replaces an existing codex, then the new codex will be supercede the older version. If a new codex is released after that date and before April 26th then both the new codex and old codex will be allowed. Any replacement codex released after April 26th will not be used at the event.

    --Any other rules (dataslate, supplement, Forge World release or a new codex that does not directly replace an existing one) released after 2/18/14 will be evaluated and given a go or no go on a case by case basis.


    Questions?  Post here or contact us on Facebook or by calling the store.


    Gamer's Haven: 509-443-5992

  9. Dataslates are banned at tournies?  interesting.  Hadn't come up much.  Escalation and Stronghold, lotsof talk on those but the Dataslates are another thing altogether and its just hard to keep up!

    They were not allowed at TSHFT and LVO and won't be allowed at Adepticon championships.


    I think the main issue people have is there's no 0-1 restriction on formations (so 2-4 Tau Firebases is the thing that people harp on) and mixing 3+ factions into one list.  Nix those and I don't think there'd be much issue with the dataslates.  That is OT though.

  10. Since it has the asthetics of dread knights and the FW titans and the old armorcast stuff it seems very legit to me.  Could still be fake of course.

    My issue with it is not the release of these but the fact that its not part of a greater adeptus mechanicus release as it should be.  Since dataslates continue to be all but banned from tourney play that just seems to doom this thing until people loosen up.

  11. Great tips here.  I'd add


    --Bring advil with you and maybe tums (I tend to eat crap when I go to tourneys).  Your feet back and head will start hurting toward the end of the day.  Its really hard to track this down when you are on the road in a strange place.


    --If you don't have a display board have some sort of tv tray (seen people use room service trays).  Being able to get to and from tables quickly is key when games are timed.  Don't be that guy deploying from and putting casualties into a foam case -- you waste so much time doing that.

  12. That sounds like the voice of experience :D, which trumps my arm chair.  Thanks for the feedback.  I haven't had an opportunity to get any games in with nids yet. But I have been wracking me brains on lists.  The only list theory, pure armchair here, that I keep coming back to is threat overload.  I feel that if the list doesn't max out every FOC slot, it's wrong.  What's your take on that Mr. Winterman?

    Well my experience with the new dex is limited to only one game -- and then theory and reading waaay too many forums.  I have also not played bugs much since March, so I have yet to face the current boogie-men with bugs in old or new dex (well my one game was against eldar but it was not your typical build). I am hoping that will change next week when I play in a 'everything is in' 3 game tourny.


    So that said, I am leaning in a way similar to you -- threat overload.  The dataslate certainly encourages it.  All the point reductions help facilitate it.  So it is worth testing it out to me, especially when the cadgey 'win on turn 5' style that people are trying again Taudar is just not working -- these armies are getting picked apart at leisure.  What I haven't come up with is a list that I like that really does it without too much of the 'attack waves' effect (especially with what I own or can get ready quick enough).  What I am leaning towards though is using 2-3 mawlocs; an outflanking warrior brood or tervigon; the deathleaper assassins brood; 30+ stealers; and some fast attack choices.  Get a comms relay and now we have a pretty reliable way of getting 10-14 units within danger of assaulting on turn 2.

    • Like 1
  13. pure armchair here:


    my guess is that the Mawloc craze will pass and that it's just the current cycle of test lists coming out.  I feel the mawloc will prove to be too random to be reliable.

    I dunno, I see the mawloc as more akin to Doom in a Pod.  It doesn't matter if its reliable (doom despite all his hype was not reliable), its still 140 points that your opponent cannot ignore.  Now, whether that means its worth taking 2-3 of them like many lists are at the moment depends on the type of list you are going for.  What I like about the mawlocs is that they can work well with an aggressive play style and with a more passive, 'play for the objectives end game' style.  Gives a player some options.

  14. http://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2014/01/21/tits-tournaments-competitive-tyranid-results/


    Tasty posted up his observations about bugs from his three games at TSHFT.


    His (and MikhailLenin's) opinion on the flyrants as disappointing was interesting, as it matches my own view but goes against the group-think.  


    When TastyTaste mentions a need for more long range shooting it make me wonder if its worth going that route without sacrificing the heavies.


    So consider perhaps adding some of the following to a 2-3 mawloc build instead of flying tyrants and tervigons.


    Tyrant with venomcannon or strangler + miasma cannon or devourer.  The ability to take two 36" range weapons outside of heavy and in a compulsory slot may be worth it to thin down the opponent a bit.

    Multiple 100 point warrior units with barbed strangler 

    Tervigon with miasma cannon (if not taken on the tyrant)

    Harpies (something MikhailLenin had but Tasty did not)

    Hive Guard (not really long range unless onslaughted but not too bad)

    Biovores (Tasty already considered these)

  15. Yeah the removal of armored shell from tyrants was odd and annoying.  I much preferred the 2+ and keeping my preferred enemy bubble with my army.  Removal of those made the walk-rant pretty meh.



    OneEye is kind of worth it if you want to run 10 Carnifex....

    If he had adrenal glands or was allowed to join carnifexes like a tyrant joins hive guard then he would have got some play.  As is he's just not worth it even in carni spam.



    Swarmlord with 3 Mawlocks will be a brutal alpha strike army.

    I had similar thoughts but a comms relay + bastion may work better.  Could then more easily mix in some outflank via hive commander



    I like the idea of a flyrant in the tyrant guard unit.  

    Unless the new FAQ changes things a Tyrant cannot leave the guard, only join (well its arguable I guess but without specific provisions and the old FAQ and rules as precedent you won't get much traction).

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