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Posts posted by Gunnerson

  1. Meh I think this is going to lock me in as a no go. I was kind of up in the air about being able to attend anyway. I was looking at bringing the same list I brought last year (I think) but changing it around in order to fit Skarsnik. The list is almost all core. I cant imagine 3 blocks of 50 NG with 1 boss and 1 shaman in each unit 2 fanatics and nets supported by 2 five man wolf units and 4 goblin war machines coomming close to comparing with half of the OFCC armies I ran into and those were supposed to be friendly. I might change my mind if the dwarf book drops in time to make it into the event.

  2. Ive got a pile of OOP books and old WD back issues. If you want them hit me up. They are taking up too much room. If you have any of the following in any amount Im happy to trade to get it out of your mess.


    BfSP NG


    Dwarf Warriors

    Iron Breakers



    If you don't have any of the above and still want any of these old books and mags that are cluttering up my closet and garage let me know!

  3. I live in west salem and its pretty nice. Rents can be all over the place but there is a fairly large house at the end of the block that rents for like 1300mo. Schools are good and pretty new. Its poop trying to get across the bridge at 7am and 5pm but all in all not too bad.

  4. IMHO The hulk wins this matchup if it comes down to a slugfest in overtime . The Hulk has an unlimited potential for strength "the angrier he gets the stronger he gets". The Hulk does not get winded or get tired but Superman does. Superman depends on solar radiation and lack of Kryptonian chemicals in the area, the Hulk relies on rage.


    The fight probably goes down something like this. I think in the short term Superman notices that the Hulk is intent on property damage and a desire to be left alone. Superman being no fool lets the green machine wonder off and become Banner. Thus Superman wins using "The Art of War". He seeks to know his enemy. By knowing his enemy he sees that his enemy is overconfident in his strength. In knowing this weakness Superman "feigns" defeat by leaving the field of battle which ends the fight. The Hulk believes he has won and for all intents and purposes he has. Superman on the other hand prefers peaceful resolution with minimal harm to participants and witnesses. In this matchup Supermans' apparent loss is actually his victory.

  5. So I am considering pitching my Chaos Dwarfs. I have not been playing much and I have been loosing interest as of late. I have enough stuff for 2 completely separate armies. I have both FW and 4th ed metals and can make a full army or more of each without mixing resin and plastic. If I decide to take the step are people here interested? Or shall I just toss them up on feebay.

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