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Posts posted by huggies01

  1. So before I vacate the boards like my bowels after Panda Express, I want to reach out to anyone in the club and see if anyone has a talent, knack, or general love for any of the following:


    Videographer - I.e) Filming, understanding best camera shots to get out of scene. Knows how to effectively operate a camera and tell a story through it.


    Audio - I.e.) Understanding and implementing the use of various mics, from lavelier, to shotgun and has experience with sound capturing and editing, also with audio programs.


    Video Editing - I.e.) Great with editing software and has a knack for piecing together clips to tell a story through dramatics, but mostly humor.


    If anybody can or is interested in this please let me know. I am seeking some help for a project that is getting ready to move into the production stage and I could use some help with any of these. I can't say much without getting repeatedly stabbed to death via my counterpart, but this will be in regards to gaming in general. Again if anyone has the talent or passion hit me up. Pahleese.  

  2. So after a long hiatus, a journey of self but mostly sexual discovery has led me back to the club. Where have I been? Well that's between me and Dr. Seuss's greatly desecrated grave. There isn't too much to say but what I can say is I do so like green eggs and ham, My god I love them Sam I am. But that is neither here nor there......it's really not anywhere.......


    Anyway. It's about time for a club meeting. Lets get together and chat about who all the cute couples in high school are.


    If you're free Tuesday November 10th around 6:00pm......well I don't really care that's when it's happening so if you can't make it, make like Justin Tim Tim and cry me a river.  


    I want to take that quick moment to cover certain areas of discussion;


    1.) Dirty Dirty Santa this year,

    2.) January Re-Elections for Club offices....


    But mostly I want us to spend the next couple of weeks thinking about topics to discuss if there are any. This is the time, if there has ever been one, to see what it is that you want out of the club or from the club. If you think its important than this is the time to address it. If you're afraid you'll look stupid, then don't worry I already think you all are, so you have nothing to lose.


    But all joking aside I look forward to it guys. See you then.

    • Like 1
  3. For a fun game that could be fun. Just make sure that you put some building terrain on the field for the Jean-stealers. Other wise they are going to have to ignore their Fancy pants rules and infiltrate like everyone else.


    If you are looking for somewhat competitive; There are in total only 5 shots in the list to take out vehicles. Two S9 Small Blast shots, and 3 18" range zoanthrope shots, granted if you pass psychic rolls. But I love the march across the board mentality. Hope it works.

  4. Cut the Hive Crone. It's really not worth it. T5 with a 4+ save and only shoots 2 Haywire shots at BS3 Twin-Linked. Can be really good and can really suck. Nids don't have a lot to stop air. My two cents....either really invest in it or not at all.


    I agree with abuse puppy. Good great Scott, that's a lot of CC. Most units will sadly never see combat. But good luck on making it work.

  5. Loren, completely unrelated and on it's own note (aside from Jim's note (thus being a sub-related or semi-related note) about peeing) and hopefully this will make you feel the slightest bit better.


    I peed on my laptop once. Apparently nothing fries the motherboard quicker than highly salinized urine.

    • Like 2
  6. Lol, it's all good. Now you can play with your objective secured rippers and learn how awesome they are.

    NOOOOOOOOO!!! I will not do it. I will not accept that rippers are a good unit!


    However thinking about that, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing several full units on the field of battle. But losing the parasite of Mortrex make them a bit weaker. 9 ripper swarms with poison doesn't seem too bad. Say good night Wraith Knight, hope mommy tucks you in super tight this evening.

  7. I thought in the BRB it says that Swarms can't score, but if not then....


    Well look at me and my misinformation. Did you guys know that the United States American Revolution was won soley by Robots? It's true look it up.

    • Like 1
  8. Can't swarms no longer score objectives? Or I thought rippers weren't allowed. Even if I am wrong Fluger convince me if you dare, however I will never give into those abomination of troops. Never you here me.

  9. If you could go with Mucolid spores you would save 50 pts over rippers. And being rippers can't secure objectives I figure why not. However that means that you also have to have the items to build/scratch build spores.


    Keep in mind that if out of range rippers will easily kill themselves with IB Feed. Real jerks if you ask me. If you have lictors I would think about making that work. Since you can have a formation and 1 lord of war in most ITC acceptable list I would look at taking the lector spam list.

  10. I can take a look. What are they, probably text me the deets. Since I have to tourney prep. I successfully hired Mr. Miyagi and Joe Espositio for a wonderful montage so text will be the best to reach me. Need I say maybe the best around to reach me?

  11. Yeah the tough part isn't going to be killing the land raider. Any MC can do that in assault, it is going to be what's inside (usually thunder hammers or something stupid of the sort) but your're going to want to do as much damage to those in shooting being most of the time it is stormshield termies which MC's have a hard time in CC but if the S Dule is assaulting then they get off scott free with out taking shooting damage.


    However this really only leaves two options:

    B Dule


    Maybe Heavy Venom but uber unreliable

    Maybe Hive Guard - Impaler Cannon but BS3. Yuck.


    It's a tough cookie to crack. Pods are the next best thing since sliced bread. Maybe the best unit in the codex now. However your list would start to be a lot like mine, which is no Bueno.

  12. *completely ignoring pumpkinhead*

    I like the idea of FNP rather than armor saves, however anybody with a grav gun might pee themselves, but it gives a great feel for nid specific game fluff. Much like demons and invuls.


    Now back to the main topic, how are the Fexes getting around? On foot? My opinion is they die way too quick. Venomthrope might also die too quick. Might look at taking more venoms in different squads or beef up that squad. Fexes will need the cover. Using E. Grubs as the sole hope for destroying vehicles is unreliable as there is only a 1 and six chance for a pen and it wont explode from that. Not to mention a 1 in 6 chance to do nothing at all. It will take at least 2 turns with well positioned flyrants having to land to take out a land raider. Risky.

  13. A genestealer with 6 attacks. Crazy good. Sign me up. I wonder if these guys have thought about playtesting one game with Tyranids before they release it to the public. Everything in this codex works in theory, but stops being effective once it is put on the table. Man if someone did their job for at least 5 minutes, this codex could be great and fun to play.

    • Like 1
  14. The Malanthrope and Venomthrope seems redundant. Gaunts seem too expensive and may die too quick especially with flamers just about everywhere now. 3 Flyrants are solid. And if any tyranid player had any self respect (none do) then the entire army would be flyrants.


    It would seem in order for nids to be effective at Maelstrom there are 2 options. 1st is to have too much stuff on the board prior to disallow enemies like Eldar/Dark Eldar from sprinting to the objectives. Ways of doing this, Genestealers, Lictors, Sporefield formation. Downside is that in turn 1 all of those units die....so that sucks.


    The other option, is to have enough powerful hard hitting models that either can last turn 1 and then get in range to kill detrimental units or deepstrike strong enough models to shoot them off objectives. Models like, Flying MC Except Hive Crone, Mawloc (maybe) Trygon/Prime, Pretty much anything in a Tyrannocyte. Its a real uphill battle.

  15. If you are staying within ITC format then my main question would be what type of objective are you thinking about playing. Maelstrom or regular. If maelly I would say that it is entirely not enough troops.

  16. I tried the Tervigon, but me and that thing get along like my mother law and I. If you are going unbound, why bring any troops? Tervigon cost too much and once it is done spawning it is pretty worthless. Yes CC are great but it can only move 6" and rarely assaults the full 12.


    The Barbed Hierodule is the one thing that can kill vehicles. It is the best. Desperately needed to be competitive. At least with my play style. But don't let me rain on your parade, make it work.

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