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Posts posted by LuxxRazzys

  1. they had a meeting today and I went, they had it at wander brewery good beer. A couple people from the group seem really eager to share their hobby and passion. Most seem pretty naive and more hopeful to learn skills from other involved than actually contributing. Over all it was descent and I look forward to see if those in "charge" can actually bring the idea to fruition.

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  2. I don't have any concrete examples as I tend to just avoid playing games with him if I can help it and have been fairly successful. That being said I think talking to him and maybe explaining the expectations we have of our players may help straighten things out for him. (Also I was the one playing X-wing against Joey)

  3. I don't like the idea of monthly fees as much as anyone else, but to be completely honest if the fee is high ($20-$30 a month) I probably won't play there very often. I have a 4'x6' kitchen table that I'll build terrain for and start inviting people over to play. However if there was a local players club type of thing that had a monthly/yearly fee but offered us benefits as well I would be more inclined to buy into that. The other thought is if I have to pay monthly/hourly table fees just to play there I will take my purchasing online to make up the difference and will no longer feel a loyalty to purchase local to support my game room since I am paying for it. I think utilizing the floor space in the shop more would be a bigger step forward. I have thought for a while now that magic should be moved to the back, they need more space and tables than we typically do. you could still fit 5-6 table up front for tabletops and add some floor shelving in the area for more stock. Having tables ready to play up by the window is more appealing to walk by traffic to come in and check it out, I know I walked into stores before I started playing tabletops because of seeing games through windows. The other good thing about moving the magic to the back is it becomes less intimidating to shoppers instead of wading through a large crowd of smelly nerds, I've seen multiple frustrated customers walk out of the store because of this. I think having more events similar to the 40k weekend tournies would be good for other game systems. If inventory is being slow to move offer a discount for a week on that game system or particular section of inventory.
    As for having a LAN section I think it is a bigger waste than the tables. I mean game stores don't even make revenue or have people consitently playing on the systems in the shop. I worked at an indoor paintball field and we built a mezanine and filled it with PCs and made a LAN area for gaming up there, after two years we never fully recouped the initial investment of the equipment.

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