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Posts posted by derek

  1. Hey there are a few players in Vancouver Washington that play.  Some aren’t super active myself and one other dude are active in that we play when we have the time I have a talons of the emperor army and he has alpha legion and night lords shoot me a message on here and I’d be happy to get a game with you.  

  2. Hey guys I’m looking for any space marine predators you have available.  The build I’m looking for specifically is the autocannon and heavy bolter but I will also take some of the blood angel ones with the melta cannons or flamer cannons.  I need about 15 of them.  This is a project I want to work on for a warhammer 30k list.  If new on sprue that’s awesome if they’re built that’s fine too.  

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  3. Hey guys unfortunately since I’m the one running the event and something has come up that conflicts with this I have to cancel the event when I can work out another free weekend I’ll be sure to plan it out better than i did this time around 

  4. Well the store is closed today but you could always call during the hours the store is open 5-10pm and see if they could take a payment over the phone.  But I am happy that you’ll be participating :)

  5. Hey guys just dropping a line here.  I’m the guy who’s running the game and I’m just dropping in to say if you plan on attending I need you to sign up ASAP contacting fate and fury is the best way if you can tell them your army of choice that’d be really helpful I want to work on some fluff for the game.  Again 3750 a person bring as many toys as you want titans included.  15 dollars is split between buying pizza for the game day and to give joe the owner some money as well for allowing us to use his store during non business hours 

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  6. I think I’m running into high volume shots and high volume damage. That’s what I consistently see in my games and it’s killing me.  So I’m working on actually a dark angels army right now just ravenwing right now.  But hopefully it’s gonna do pretty well assuming the codex gives some nice buffs if not then we’ll not sure what I’m gonna end up doing 

  7. Your right titans are to far out there.  But seeing as I’m working on a thematic list and a model would fit perfectly within it to be the big imposing centerpiece it’d be nice to take it to a game or 2.  Because I’m having no luck at all currently with normal space marines it might be the lack of special weapons or transport options I don’t know but I refuse to either play forgeworld and normal dread spam or gulliman and whatever else ultramarines.  And to counter everyone shouldn’t need the big stuff sometimes it’s nice to see something big and iconic on the table outside the actual titan models as cool as they look Nope I’m good 

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  8. Hey if anyone sees this before tomorrow I'm gonna be late for the tournament I got stuck driving out to spokane and the way timing is working out I'll miss the first round so whoever I end up pairing with you get the first win.  But I will be there for rounds 2 and 3.   I also messaged agent p but I haven't heard anything so 

  9. So just bought it and it'll be the first time I get to play 40k or any event for that matter in the ofcc I've always seen people say it's a friendly event so don't bring the dick smash list just bring something fun.   But this event is an itc event so are we going competitive or is it more air on the side of caution and don't be a jerk with only bringing 12 units and dropping all of them in 3 drops?  

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  10. So during deployment when you have a model with a transport capacity you can embark any number of units as long as it doesn't exceed its transport capacity right?  So example would be something like two 5 man berserker squads kicking it in the same rhino.  So when you deploy you declare you have x units in a transport right?  So that would in theory make a rhino and 2 squads into a one drop?

    sorry if that doesn't make a lot of sense just trying to understand the whole deployment step right now 

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