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King Mekhet

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Posts posted by King Mekhet

  1. I think the list seems good as is. I wouldn't worry too much about making a bunch of changes unless you really want to. I would say submit it and see what the rating committee says.


    My issue is that the whole "divide your battle score by your comp" is a pretty crippling disadvantage if your list is rated significantly above a 3. A 3.8, for instance, means you get the same points for winning by 299 victory points as you do for losing by 699 victory points with a 2.7. You need 21% more battle points with a 3.8 just to break even with where you would be with a 3.0.


    As a middling-at-best general that's actually a pretty big handicap to overcome. I'd rather run something softer that I can still have fun with, and not feel like I've gimped my ability to do well by bringing a list that the ratings committee will perceive as stronger.


    With that in mind, here's an attempt at something a little softer:


    King Mekhet

    Vampire Lord

    Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield, Hellsteed

    Night Shroud, Talisman of Preservation, Other Trickster's Shard

    Quickblood, Red Fury

    Level 4 (Vampires)



    Queen Iset (Coven Throne)

    Shield, Lance, Coven Throne

    Armour of Destiny

    Red Fury

    Level 2 (Shadow)


    Vizier Neferkare


    Level 2 (Shadow)

    Dispel Scroll



    4x5 Dogs

    2x40 skeletons (FC)

    1x15 skeletons (champ, Standard)



    6 Crypt Horrors (Champ)

    1 Spirit Host

    4 Vargheists (Champ)

    4 Vargheists (Champ)




    1 Terrorgheist



    Total: 2797

    Master Necro + Hex Wraiths by get axed in favour of a coven throne for the Queen. Baby necro gets axed in favour of a caster vamp scroll caddie. Both will be level 2 shadow. Without Black Periapt I'm a bit worried about how reliable my magic phase is going to be, but I'm pretty tight on points and a Master Necro with the Periapt wasn't going to fit.


    Not really sure how I feel about this list. My blender definitely isn't as good, but he's a more survivable to make up for it so I won't be as afraid of throwing him into stuff. Coven throne might be kind of cool, though holy hell is it expensive.


    The plus side is that this is almost identical to my 2,500 point list save for the character loadouts. Also a coven throne might be kind of cool, as will 4 levels in shadow. I don't like not having the periapt, but then I can't fit that at 2,500 points either so I'm used to running without it.

  2. Thanks Drak and Flava, that's exactly the sort of feedback I'm looking for. I read over the scoring system and seems to pretty drastically penalize "harder" lists, so softening it up without crippling the playability is the key.

    I could probably soften the blender by dropping Ogre Blade for Nightshroud and a Great Weapon, which would give him a better balance between blenderiness and survivability. I could also drop the hero necro by putting the dispel scroll on the level 4 and dropping Black Periapt. Any other suggestions? Preferably ones that don't affect the maneuverability of the list (which comprises the bulk of what I'm loving about this list at the moment).

  3. King, great analysis.  However, I'd even throw in that even having that spell, your opponent knows to stop it and then you toss more dice for a damage spell when you could be going for those great buf spells like speed of light.


    Haha, yeah I pretty much plan on getting Banishment off once or twice in a game, and generally just at the mopping-up stage. Throwing 4 dice at boosted banishment essentially guarantees that your opponent is throwing 6 dice at stopping it. Cast it off two dice with a powerstone basically guarantees an early-game dispel scroll. That leaves you with a solid 3-6 dice to play with as you will. Honestly I didn't take the light council for Banishment: I took it because banishment guaranteed that my tomb guard would be hitting first, or my 5 snakes would output 35 ASF attacks, or my entire army could be immune to artillery fire 50% of the time.


    That said, I found the banishment battery to be a really boring list to play, both with and against. The combination of short range, high cost, and high fragility really lends itself to a gunline-type playstyle that's pretty boring and static. At least with Tomb Kings. Once Bitten on Youtube ran the double-banishment battery and his list didn't seem too unenjoyable to run, but it certainly isn't the sort of thing that's appropriate for OFCC judging by my impressions from this forum (my gaming group went last year, but this is the first time I will be able to attend).


  4. As a list rater I can tell you that we can not give any estimations on ratings as we won't know what a 3 is until we have all of the lists in. Make sense?


    Can you at least give me an idea of whether I'm on the right track? I've tried my best to build something that's as fun and non-netlisty as possible, but this will be my first time at OFCC so I only have a shaky idea of what I ought to be shooting for.

  5. I say "best" lore because that seems to be the general consensus on "the interwebs". I don't play Empire and have only played against them a couple times, so I couldn't really say which lore is better.


    The internet only says that because of the double-banishment build (which I believe they're now the only book that can still do it). War Altar, level 4 light (power stone), two level 1s on light (dispel scroll and forbidden rod), celestial hurricanum. That gives you a beastly banishment battery, with 2d6 S6 on the level 4 and 2d6 S7 on the altar, and enough power dice generation to run it.


    But unless you're taking all of those pieces, light is just a reasonably useful buff lore. You can help your guys hit or not get hit, maybe shut down a magic phase with net, or clear some chaff with the magic missiles...but that's about it. It's still your boys doing all the heavy lifting, and if you messed up your play on the board there's nothing in Light that's going to bail you out (no dwellers, no purple sun, no pit of shades or mindrazor).


    If you're looking for a crutch lore then Life or Shadow both go very well with Empire. But honestly I think Heavens is the better lore if you're looking for something robust enough to compliment your play rather than dictate it. Harmonic Convergence protects your knights from rubberlancing or rolling the dreaded '1' on armour saves. Iceshard Blizzard helps you break foes in combat (and is probably one of the best sigs in the game). Curse of the Midnight Wind protects you from poison and killing blow, and makes you harder to hurt. And the ranged spells offer you a very strong, flexible toolkit. Comet is perfect for breaking up castles or crippling an opponent's back lines. Chain Lightning can do the same, and is even better against fliers. Heck...even the hex spells become pretty solid for dealing with fliers (cheap d6 S4 is nothing to shake a stick at).


    The ranges are a lot better than light as well. 12" is reeeeeeally short when you get right down to it. I've run light with my Tomb Kings and it's frustrating how easy it is to venture outside that bubble, and when you've got some 800 points invested in squishy wizards you don't want to get super aggressive with them either.

  6. Check your counts for Blood and Glory.  Make sure you aren't too fragile as I only count 2 standards (no BSB)...  You are close to failing quickly in that one.

    Oh that's a good call. The skeleton bricks get shaved down to 39 to put a banner in the bunker unit. That gives me 6 fortitude (assuming that my Terrorgheist counts, as per the scenario rules HERE). So long as I keep my general alive I should be okay (and if my vampire is dead I'm pretty screwed anyways).



    edit: any feedback on how this list might be rated? I'd like to think it's quite reasonable, but if people think it's too hard I'd rather know now so that I can alter my modelling goals accordingly (the amount of scratch-builds and conversions is pretty extensive and time consuming...).

  7. It's not that a level 4 on Light is OP, it's probably just that it's the "best" lore for Empire, even without the big Banishment. As your list stands now with the revisions (which I like very much, BTW; not a push-over, but nothing over the top), a level 4 on Light is just fine. I think the problem before was taking Light on top of all the other goodies,  2x Cannons, Knight bus, etc. 


    Really? I've always thought that Heavens was a better lore for mounted Empire...

  8. Hi all,

    Here's a list I've been looking at for my Khemri-themed Vampire Counts list, which I'm hoping to premiere at the OFCC team event. The restrictions I've placed upon myself are that the list a) uses skeletons (rather than zombies) as core, b) all models must fit a bronze-age Egyptian/pseudo-Roman theme (so no black knights, no blood knights) c) the list must be fun and dynamic, with lots of fast movement and flying (because coming over from Tomb Kings flying units are amaaaaaazzziiiiinnngggg), and finally d) the list must contain my flying, vampiric Pharoah and Queen because I have awesome models for them and want them in my list).

    With that in mind, here's my first crack at making a list for OFCC. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the list, particularly on how to make it more in keeping with the spirit of the event.


    King Mekhet**

    Vampire Lord

    Heavy Armour, Shield, Hellsteed

    Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, Other Trickster's Shard

    Quickblood, Red Fury

    Level 1 (Vampires)

    **I tried running him as a Ghoul King but he's just so damned fragile and all my hammers evaporate when he dies. Hellsteed means he can't be stepped on, though it also means he'll have to get better at catching cannonballs...

    Vizier Neferkare
    Master Necromancer
    Level 4 (Vampires)
    Black Periapt


    Queen Iset

    Heavy Armour, Lance, Hellsteed

    Dawnstone, Enchanted Shield

    Red Fury

    Level 2 (Shadow)  - (also on a hellsteed so that she can swap places with her husband with the lore attribute...because I've always thought that was really cool, as little use as it can be in game)


    Priest Skraul Khaddie


    Level 1 (Vampires)
    Dispel Scroll  -   (it's a safety blanket, I know)



    4x5 Dogs

    2x40 skeletons (FC)

    1x15 skeletons (champ)  -  (necros go here)



    6 Crypt Horrors (Champ)

    5 Hex Wraiths

    1 Spirit Host

    4 Vargheists (Champ)  -  (Because 3 just isn't enough, and 6 puts a huge target on their heads)

    4 Vargheists (Champ)




    1 Terrorgheist  -  (To give people something to shoot at that isn't vargheists, and to deal with those nasty steam tanks and skullcrushers)



    Total: 2797



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