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54th Grumblies

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Everything posted by 54th Grumblies

  1. Next one is set for July 23rd. We'll have slate of games set by Monday.
  2. Maybe the 30th but still to be determined at this point.
  3. A reminder that the next Portland Historical Wargaming day is this Saturday (June 18) from 2pm to 6pm at Guardian Games (in the bar), featuring plenty of SAGA and a demo game of Pikes Rampant (ECW variant of Lions Rampant). This is a good way to meet and connect with other historio-curious miniature gamers in the greater Portland and Willamette Valley area!
  4. The next Portland Historical Wargaming day is Saturday, June 18th, from 2pm to 6pm at Guardian Games (in the back bar). There will be a game of "Pikes Rampant" (an English Civil War pike & shotte variant of the Lion Rampant rules) and one or two participants are needed for this game. There will also be a SAGA warband (or two) loitering around and thus available for a game or two - so bring your dark ages faction of choice if you'd like.
  5. Yes but not with anything resembling regularity. Personally weekdays are a non-starter for me given kid-care and work-schedule stuff. But I think there's always interest in more playing time.
  6. We did not schedule a Portland Historical Wargames Day in May because of Enfilade. We will return to regular programing in June.
  7. I have around 100 unpainted 25mm Gauls. Gabe has a similar number of unpainted Caesar's War in Gaul Romans. We are planning to use the Hail Caesar rules. I believe Gabe is planning to base his guys 4 figs to a 40x40mm base. I'll probably base mine individually and use movement trays. Units would be either 12 or 16 figs each. This may be a less grand scale that you are wanting? But various aspects of a Carthaginian army would fit in the Gallic war period (Numidian light horse, Spanish/Iberian infantry and cavalry, Balearic slingers).
  8. April 23 is the next Portland Historical Wargames Day, 2pm-6pm at Guardian Games (in the bar). There will be an instructional/demonstrational game of the Napoleonic naval game 'Sails of Glory'. As always, SAGA players are welcome - a heads up that you are bringing your dark ages army to play this game is always appreciated. There will also definitely be a game of Lion Rampant for those interested in seeing how that medieval skirmish game works.
  9. . Probably the 23rd. There was no game of Lion Rampant. I knew people were bringing Saga warbands so that's what I brought.
  10. A reminder that the next Portland Historical Wargaming Day is this Saturday (March 19) from 2pm-6pm at Guardian Games (in the bar), featuring plenty of SAGA and Lion Rampant (both 28mm) so dust off that collection of dark age or medieval figures and come on down! There will also be a demo game of DBA 3.0 in 15mm. If you can make it, great! See you Saturday!
  11. March 19 is the next Portland Historical Wargaming day, 2pm-6pm at Guardian Games (in the bar). 15mm armies will be provided for an instructional/demo game (or two) of De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) 3.0. Additionally, Bolt Action, SAGA, and/or Lion Rampant players are welcome. Please respond if you are interested in bringing your army to play one of these games. We will likely settle on one or the other of these games when we get closer to the 19th, depending on feedback. There may be an English Civil War game using a variation of the Lion Rampant rules as well.
  12. Quick update on Portland Historical Wargames Day at Guardian Games on Saturday February 20 from 2pm to 6pm. Calendaring issues with Guardian have been cleared up and these times are the only ones now listed. Based on feedback this gamesday will feature SAGA! SAGA! SAGA! in 28mm. There is a hosted demo game featuring 4 point warbands of Vikings and Anglo-Danes. One seat is spoke for, but if you've ever wanted to try this Dark Ages skirmish game Saturday is your chance. In addition to the demo game there will be six or seven people playing pick-up games of SAGA as well - so if you have a SAGA faction we hope to see you on the 20th!
  13. @zcaust83 The hosted Saga demonstration game will feature two 4 point warbands (Vikings and Anglo-Danes, most likely). You are certainly welcome to command one of those! See you there!
  14. Our next wargames day will be February 20th starting at 2pm at Guardian Games (in the bar). There will be a demo game of SAGA in 28mm - please respond if you would like to participate in this demo game. The demo game is kindly hosted by Gabe. Aside from the demonstration, we will also be playing Lion Rampant and/or SAGA (we will probably settle on one or the when we get closer to the 20th, depending on feedback). Please respond if you are interested in brining an army to play one of these games. Thanks to everyone who came out on Jan. 23rd, see you again soon!
  15. An update on Portland Historical Wargames Day on January 23rd, 2-6pm at Guardian Games: the final slate looks to be a demo game of Bolt Action in 15mm and Lion Rampant in 28mm. For Lion Rampant, Gabe and I will be bringing Hundred Years War French and English retinues, and I believe James is bringing his crusaders in order to give the rules a test-drive. If you have a medieval-themed army collecting dust, come check out these easy-going rules. We hope to see you Saturday!
  16. We'll be having our monthly wargames day get-together on January 23rd, 2-6pm at Guardian Games. There will be a demo game of Bolt Action in 15mm (kindly run by Jesse) - please respond to this email if you think you would like to participate in that demo. Semi-related to my email earlier today, we are also seeking players (with armies ready) for Lion Rampant or Saga in 28mm. Please respond if you are interested in bringing an army to play one of those games and we will set you up with an opponent. If you don't have a SAGA or Lion Rampant army, but are curious about trying one out, we can easily arrange a demo/playtest for that as well - just respond before the 23rd so one of us will know to bring extra figures.
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