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Men are weak

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Everything posted by Men are weak

  1. Tomistokles - would be happy to join you for a game. What's a good night for you? Next weekish is a bit tight for me, but after is pretty good. I have a fair number of painted models I can loan for a game as well. You might enjoy Battle Companies, which is a small force variant of the game which allows for units to gain some experience and promote to low level heroes. Good incentive for you to get a small number of models painted :). Three jacks - I haven't heard that the new rules will be like WHFB. LOTR was always more of a skirmish game so that wouldn't seem to be consistent with the game's history, and I think wouldn't over well with fans of the current rule set (which are pretty good). There was War of the Ring, which was a larger, unit based variant, which was closer to WHFB. Maybe that is coming back.....
  2. Yes - GW is planning a fairly large release late this year. A new rulebo ok, and the game is being rebranded as Middle Earth SBG. Many of the old OOP models are being reproduced, With many on the web store already. And there will be new models as well. A Google search will turn up some images of a few.
  3. Any players ready to dust off their rule book and be up for a game? I'm getting back in after a long layoff. Have some flexibility on game nights and am reasonably close to GG and WoW. Can play points match, battle companies, scenarios. Reply if interested.
  4. Reviving a long quiet thread as I'm looking to get back into this game after a long respite. I'd like to get back to playing before the new rule set (Middle Earth SBG) comes out this fall. If anyone would like to meet up for a game or two, just reply. I'm close to GG or WoW. Up for playing points match, scenarios or battle companies. I can field Isengard, Moria, Rohan or Minas Tirith, or smaller forces of Eregion, Numenor or Mordor. It'd be fun to get a campaign going to play out the scenarios in the Fellowship journey book.
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