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Posts posted by The_Rat_Catchers

  1. Hey everyone,

    Considering starting necromunda for the first time. As far as skirmish games go, I have a strong Mordheim background, own a dozen warbands, tons of terrain etc for those rainy days you don't want to go to the LGS and just want to play with your roommates (We're college students, when don't we want to procrastinate and roll dice). Scanning Gamesworkshop, ebay, and other areas of the internet i'm noticing quite the price tag. Starter boxes range from $125 to $290, Emperor preserve us. While i'd rather buy the gangs from their individual boxes, and maybe pick up those shiny Forge World weapon kits, I can't help but wonder about all the books they have out for the current game. I'm imaging the core rulebook will only get me so far? Especially if my roommates and I are using gangs released at separate times? What say the underhive, do I need a majority of the books? Gang warfare seemed like a great place to start, though i'm sure it doesn't include the new enforcers and chaos cultists. 

  2. The 9th Age released a statement at the 2.0 release saying there is no plans even in the far future for these rules to be changed again, so it's a very good time to learn! We're both interns down at DT maybe I could do a demo for ya 😏

  3. Hey guys, i'm looking to move to magnet bases for some of my Fantasy armies. Peeked about online and found magnetic movement trays decently prized. But when it comes down to the magnets themselves I'm only finding packs of ten for like $8. I've got a Skaven army and an Empire army, 200+ infantry models so i'm not trying to spend close to $200 on magnets. Anyone know a cheaper place to buy? Or perhaps buying in bulk?

  4. Hey guys, for those unaware i'm an intern down at Dark Tower Games. Usually I demo 40k, write the blog posts, do the codex reviews, podcasts, and the upcoming battle reports. But for those that DO know me, you know that my bread and butter(and frankly what I won't shut up about) is 9th Age as well as a side of good ole Horus Heresy. Now down at Dark Tower we want to open up the battlereports (and events, leagues, tournaments etc) to those interns willing to put the work in. 

    And by Sigmar i'm willing to put that work in. I'm looking for a show of hands here in the Hamsters who would love to go on camera with me down at the shop and roll some dice over some toy models that fall under 9th age and 30k. The "power" of the game is decided by the players, no tricks here! I do have to warn that as of now there's no reward for doing this from the shop, besides me offering to buy you a beer and maybe a few bad jokes about my armies while we play.

    If you are interested, just know that the store's policy is fully painted and based models. The battlereport process is simple, the end of turns are recorded, with a bit of dialogue about the overall game at the end, as well as an army display in the beginning. We don't require a ton of talking, but of course welcome it all the same. Put on a show or don't! Oscar nominations not withstanding.

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  5. Ahhaaa The blood runs cold.

    We take our loot but don't get old!

    Ahhhh ahhhh o' ahhhh ahhh!

    Yo ,yo-ho, yo, yo-ho

    Oh Hail the mighty Manaan, he's arisin' from the deep!

    With tattered sails and incredible tales, We're caught'n endless seas!


    These Tilean Privateers (Pirates) are making sail to a ruined City of Mordheim near you!


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  6. 30k is great! ZM is pretty brutal for 30k as well! I play World Eaters and Death Guard myself. Spartan, Kharybdis pods, Angron, Butchers, and Tac spam. The whole nine yards. I didn't know if Bham had many 30k players outside a small handful. I myself always found 40k (7ed) armies playing against 30k armies had a very very bad time.  

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