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Posts posted by Omx8

  1. Hey all,

    bundleofholding.com currently has a bundle of DRM-free pdfs of some of the Infinity RPG books.

    $9.95 gets the Core Rulebook, Adventures In the Human Sphere (10 missions), and the GM Screen & Code Infinity: Classified (charts, tables, 2 short adventures).

    Paying more than the threshold (currently $18.62) gets you the above + the Gamemaster's Guide, Ariadna Sourcebook, Haqq Sourcebook, and the Quantronic Heat mini-campaign.


    It's worth noting that this is not a complete set of current releases by far. Notably absent is the Player's Guide. There are also additional faction sourcebooks (Nomads, PanO, Aleph, Yu Jing) and a few other mission/campaign books that have already been released and more releases on the way.

    I have not had the opportunity to play the rpg so can't speak on the system itself but these are nice books for fluff and have been fully vetted and approved by Corvus Belli. 

    If someone were to start a campaign I would definitely be interested in playing, time permitting.


  2. My friend Jeremy is interested in the remaining Enforcers gang if it is still available. He doesn't have a forum account so I'm posting on his behalf.

    Let me know how you want payment and when a good time to make the exchange would be and I will relay the info to him. He will be picking up and should be able to swing by Ordo on a Sunday if that works.

    If you would rather not make a deal with someone through someone else we totally understand. We are both familiar with the Ordo Infinity guys though who would (hopefully? 🤨) be willing to vouch for him if you are at all concerned.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello! Appreciate the callout. It looks like your Aleph are coming along nicely! Despite our lack of regular contact Jeremy and I are still around and check in on club activity here regularly. As far as gaming, I'm still pretty overwhelmed with school and Jeremy with work. We've worked in a few games over the past few months and are excited for all the latest news. With the Beasts of War campaign coming up, we've decided to take a little break until then and have been playing some Deep Madness instead. 

    Still, we are hoping to make it to Rose City Raid to check it out from the sidelines and will likely make an appearance at OFCC as well. Looking forward to reconnecting and hopefully we'll be able to get back to clubhouse gaming at some point.

    • Like 2
  4. Excited for the new book! Spec Ops looks fantastic but the style of the HI feels similar to the Taskmaster and Kriza Borac which both already remind me of CA a little too much.

    I don't need the army + book bundle but would be happy to throw a reasonable amount of $ at someone for Saito if anyone is going all in and wouldn't mind parting with him.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't play CA so I can't give much advice but it's worth mentioning that the Shasvastii, a sectorial of the Combined Army and also available to the main faction, are getting a complete overhaul this year including rules and models. You might want to hold off on picking any of them up until they start previewing the new models. Of course this also means many, if not all, of the old sculpts will be discontinued. So if you do like the current Shasvastii sculpts or decide you like them better than the new ones after seeing them, you may want to look into hunting them down.

    And it's the Ikadrons (and Unidrons) that have G: Autotool. The Slave Drones, while certainly still useful, are just G: Servant as mentioned by @Natetehaggresar

  6. I bought into the Infinity rpg (physical core + all pdfs) and have been wanting to get back into rpging. Unfortunately I have almost no free time right now. But if someone manages to get something going I would definitely be interested depending on time and such.

    • Like 2
  7. Hooray, the order is here!

    So the other week I decided to start college while working full time so I am super busy lately and not sure when I'll be able to pick my stuff up. If you could hold on to them for a bit that'd be great. Once I get adjusted to my newly packed schedule I will try to find some time to get them and shoot you a message to make arrangements.

    And again, if anyone that got the full bundle doesn't want or is willing to sell the Dart Aristeia! card or Coldfront Wardriver, I am interested.

  8. 1) Do people like the venue?

    I think the venue is fine. It's unfortunate that it is a drive for some people and is apparently spendy to stay but it's a nice middle ground between the Portland area and Seattle area Infinity groups.

    2) Is the multi game system tournament event a good thing or does it detract from the Infinity Event?

    I think it's good for a once-a-year event for the club to showcase some of the different types of games people play there. While I haven't played Warhammer in a long time I do still love the game and love seeing other people playing and their armies. I think it's also a good opportunity for non-Infinity players to see the game in action and maybe even become interested.

    3) Do you like narrative event or ITS events?

    Provided there is enough support I think it's good to have both. That gives different types of players an event to participate in that best fits their style of game play.

    4) Is the painting requirement a barrier?

    This is a huge barrier for me. I would have participated this year and possibly even last year if painting wasn't required. That being said, I think it is a good requirement to have for a once-a-year multi-game event and it should be viewed as more of an incentive to paint than a barrier to play. 

    5) Is the price point a barrier?

    For me, no. 

    6) How many points do you want to play? 200, 300, 400?

    I have never played a 400 point game, nor do I really desire to. I think 200 and 300 are fine and probably best as they are with 200 points being for the narrative event and 300 points for the ITS tournament.

    7) If you like a narrative event, do you want the missions to be secret and announced before play?

    I think the missions should either be completely announced before play or at the very least some basic ideas or themes should be noted so that people can tailor their lists to accommodate. Infinity lists do tend to be pretty flexible but it can be difficult to try to cover all bases with some factions or sectorials.

    8 ) Should Ordo run Infinity events, or are Warcor like Rose City Raid enough or even preferred?

    I think the more Infinity events the better. If anything I'd like to see Ordo run more events!

    9) What is a good weekend to run the OFCC?

    As others have said, there is never going to be a perfect weekend for everyone. I think the current end of August works fine.

    10) How many games should we play in a two day event? 5 or 6?

    I think I would prefer 5 if I were to participate: 3 on the first day and 2 on the second to wind down.

    11) If you did not attend, what were you barriers?

    Jeremy and I were able to attend this year so no barriers there. Again, the painted requirement is the main barrier for me but one that I agree with.


    I also wanted to give a big thanks to all and especially the event coordinators! I wish Jeremy and I had had the opportunity to hang out with you all more but we were only able to do the one day and had made plans for a meet-up there as well. And I hate bugging people while they're gaming but at least we were able to chat with raindog for awhile.

    Looking forward to next year! (maybe I will actually have a force painted so I can participate! ...but probably not 😐)

    • Like 4
  9. So, sorry to dig this up but funny you had thrown me an @ because I had actually just been thinking about looking into these now that Jeremy and I have been playing again. I'm too late for this one but am considering September (depending on whether I go to RCCC that weekend or not) and beyond.

    What are the standard requirements for these - Unpainted ok? Entry fee? Anything else worth mentioning?

    • Like 1
  10. Hello! If you don't mind I would like a Dart and the Aristeia! Poster!

    I'd also be interested in the exclusive Dart card that only comes with the bundle if someone would be willing to part with it. I would be willing to pay someone a little for it if they would like.

    And this one's a long shot but if for some reason someone doesn't want the Wardriver from the Coldfront set I would be willing to buy that from them.

    I can Paypal you the money tonight if you want to send me your account info.

    Thank you!

  11. 31 minutes ago, PaladinX said:

    Has anyone found this year's Adepticon seminar online yet? If you do, could you post the link here?  Thanks in advance!


    Riotgrrl Painting posted a live recording to facebook of the entire seminar - https://www.facebook.com/riotgrrlpainting/videos/903298376519161/

    Also tons of pics taken and posted by Spud Spudlington to the WGC Infinity facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/WGCInfinity/search/?query=adepticon seminar spud


    Lots of exciting stuff!


    • Thanks 1
  12. Friend and I are really interested in this but still mulling it over. We're both a little hesitant about collecting yet another miniature game army we may not have much play time for. The sculpts feel a little off and there's always the concern of things getting stale quickly when there are only 2 factions. But Star Wars ground battles! 

    I'd be interested in seeing how the game plays but don't think I'll be able to make it to a demo this weekend. I'm going to at least try to check out the rules and/or a Let's Play video sometime soon anyway.

    • Like 1
  13. From the video posted by Beasts of War today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PVE2xVxYBs

    The Uprising book will contain Druze, JSA, and 2 new Non-Aligned Armies: Ikari Company and Starco, Free Company of the Star.

    JSA, Starco, and Ikari troop types, AVA and Fireteam options can be seen in this image here - https://imgur.com/a/SMow0 posted to Reddit

    Troop types with SPECIAL listed under Fireteams in the image are allowed to have mixed Fireteams with other troop types specific to each. This is nothing new but is apparently going to be a pretty big thing with these new Non-Aligned Armies according to Carlos in the video. One example given in Ikari Company is a Fireteam Core with a mix of Keisotsu, Tanko and Brawlers. Another example given that is worth noting is a Fireteam consisting of Wu Ming and Clipper REMs.

    2 Outrage characters available in Starco.

    One, possibly more, of the Yu Jing REMs available to JSA will be different from their Yu Jing listing as the Rui Shi available to Ikari Company notes "JSA version".

    And confirmed still 4 new Sectorials coming this year (JSA counts as the first of the 5 announced).


    JSA looks good but appears to have lost Asuka Kisaragi, Raiden, and Haramaki. Rumor is Asuka is now the Kuroshi Rider and that Ryuken Unit-9 and Tanko Zensenbutai are replacing Raiden and Haramaki respectively.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the other two new Non-Aligned Armies. They kind of seem like a pretty random lot of troop types thrown together. Each one has a core based in a particular faction or Sectorial - Starco has a lot of Corregidor while Ikari Company has a lot of JSA. Some interesting combinations to be made, I'm sure. 



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    • Thanks 1
  14. Oh wow, a new book! As much as I'm excited for JSA I'm even more excited for that. Maybe now Joel has something to be excited about too.

    Those JSA models are nice and look like they'll fit in well with the current models. I was a little worried they might not. I like the Brawler as well though not what I was picturing.

    Looks like it's going to be an expensive month for me!  

    • Like 1
  15. Of course that could be all wrong and this is just a Yu Jing JSA Sectorial box release with fancy new models and a few new troop types to round out the current JSA Sectorial. But I'm hoping for, and from what I've read the propaganda is hinting at, a split of some kind.

    After reading over the official forum thread I realized I completely missed the weapon the cat helmet rider is holding in the pic. That makes the Durarara!! inspiration even more obvious:


    And I can't believe I didn't catch it but, also mentioned on the official forum thread - the Ryuken Unit-9 in the lower left corner is probably Batou, from Ghost in the Shell's Section 9. The next one over, or even the one on the far right, could be Kusanagi, but that's more of a stretch.



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  16. Cat helmet biker possibly (probably) inspired by Durarara!! manga/anime character:



    So I believe it's rumored with this release that JSA is breaking off from Yu Jing and will be their own faction, with popular opinion placing them under the new Non-Aligned Armies banner. Assuming Vanilla Yu Jing will keep most, if not all, JSA units or CB would have to deal with Vanilla Yu Jing players stuck with models they could no longer use. The NA2 JSA faction will probably also have all or most of the old JSA units, possibly (hopefully) with new options like some of the pre-existing units in the Druze Bayram Security.

    It'll be interesting to see how they explain it all fluff-wise if Vanilla Yu Jing retains their current selection of JSA troops. I know they've been posting some Yu Jing / JSA propaganda leading up to this but I haven't been following it too closely. I'm assuming NA2 JSA will either be a small force created from just the Tatenokai and Kempeitai extremist organizations or it'll represent the Japanese majority breaking off with the small remainder being JSA troops who are staying loyal to Yu Jing. Or spies. :ph34r:

    Either way I'm excited to see the new army list and models!

    • Like 2
  17. I am also excited about it. Assuming you are talking about what I think you're talking about. And even if you weren't, I would probably still be excited about it. But I am definitely excited about what I'm talking about. 

    Isn't this officially being announced next week?

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    On the topic, what about those bigger ships (like the ships that come in boxes instead of blisters)? Do they fit into 100pt games? And for that matter, is there a site with points and stats listed for this game, or is it secretive like the GW stuff is?

    There are 3 size classes of ships:

    * Small (X-Wings, TIE Fighters, etc.) - basically the stuff that comes in blisters with a few exceptions

    * Large (YT-1300, Firespray, Lambda Shuttle, etc.) - boxes

    * Huge (Corellian Corvette, Rebel Transport, etc.) - big boxes

    The Small ships (of course) and the Large ships fit into 100 point games and are completely legal in any type of play. The Huge ships are only used as centerpieces in a mission-based scenario specific to each ship that is included with the ship or in Epic Play which is basically a scaled up version of the game that starts at 300 points, has a larger play area, more obstacles, etc. and allows for Huge ships to be taken and played with as normal as part of your list. 

    FFG doesn't publish the point values anywhere online that I'm aware of but there are a number of list building websites and apps that include all the information for every ship including point values, upgrades, available maneuvers, etc. Here's a few of the more popular list building websites taken from the X-Wing reddit:

    Voidstate's Squad Builder

    Fab's Squadrons Generator

    Yet Another X-Wing Miniatures Squad Builder

  19. The Most Wanted Expansion Pack is basically the Scum starter set. It was the introduction of the Scum faction into the game and provides a few Scum-themed ships as well as Scum ship cards for two other ships that already existed in the game at the time so that you can play those ships as Scum faction ships.

    I've also seen the Guns for Hire Expansion Pack recommended as another good Scum starting point.

     Neither of these include the basics that you will need to play though like dice, movement templates, a damage deck, etc. Some of that can be purchased individually like dice and movement templates but the damage deck is only available in the Core sets. It should be noted that there are some difference in the damage decks from each of the two Core sets but I believe both are still considered valid for any type of play. Core sets can be had for as low as around $20 (or even $15 on a really good sale) and provide a good starting point for Rebels and Imperials but if you're planning on just flying Scum for now and Scott can give you a deal on all the pieces of a Core that you'd need then you won't need to pick one up. And even if you do decide to pick one up down the line it never hurts to have more dice (one Core doesn't provide quite enough without rerolling), extra movement templates, etc.

    And I think 100 points is still the norm.

  20. So I really hate to do this but I am not going to make it. I woke up early this morning sick with a nasty bug. I apologize for the lack of notice. I was hoping to shake it in time which is why I've waited 'til the last minute but I'm still not feeling well enough to come out.

    I'm pretty bummed because I was really looking forward to participating in this. I do hope everyone else has a good time though, and good luck!

    • Sad 1
  21. I had a lot of fun as well! I think I might take a bit of a break after Rampage though. I should probably get some painting done at some point. 


    On 11/30/2017 at 12:34 PM, scotthartman said:

    also, I got my copy of Aristeia! If anyone wants to try a game of that just let me know.

    Nice! I'm definitely interested in trying this out if we could arrange a game sometime.

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