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Posts posted by wargamingCalligrapher

  1. I am currently in the process of finishing the first 1,000 points of my crimson fists army. Right now I am focusing on my techmarine and librarian. I have no idea what tinge paintscheme should be on either of them. I was thinking of doing most of the techmarine red, but I have no clue for the librarian. Thanks to all who help!





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    • Thanks 1
  2. I am currently growing my army and maybe thinking about having some sort of knight armiger or otherwise in my Crimson Fists-adjacent detachment. I currently have one 1/144 HG G-Self Gunpla Kit (For any of you gunpla nerds on this forum) and I have the HGUC 1/144 RX78-01 FSD kit coming today. I thought about how big the gunpla kits are, as they seem to hover around 5-6 inches tall, compared to the Knight Armiger/Helverins. Could anybody help me out with the size comparison, I might want to do two custom Zaku II F2s rather than the ones I have. Thanks in advance!

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  3. So I recently played a very nice intro game to 40k with @paxmiles and I have expanded my army just a little bit. Now I am closer to 1000 pts, having five troops, and three HQs for one battalion detachment. I am looking into joining a local 40k League, but the only one that works with my current schedule is the 40k Escalation League at Dice Age Games. If anyone could give me a little bit more information on that league, or where to go to be able to play 40k casually, that would be extremely helpful. Keep in mind that I am underage, so things like the Critical Sip 40k matches that are hosted at GG will not work for me. I would hope to play at a shop up near Vancouver, WA, as I live around there. If anyone wants to set up just a regular old match, that is fine with me, but it would have to be either very north portland or vancouver. 

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  4. On 6/12/2018 at 11:07 AM, paxmiles said:

    Looks like this one is a bust. Free RPG day at GG means no table reservations or play space for non-RPGs, and that's happening on the Saturday we had planned.

    Anyclue if WOW will be open on that Saturday (16th)?

    From Guardian games, which is where I will be that day, to the WOW clubhouse, is a six-minute walk, so I could take my army and play if you could find out if we could use some of the space that day? 

  5. 2 hours ago, WestRider said:

    It's a good price, but be aware that A) those are the really old plastic Terminators, and the detail on them isn't great (this actually has its advantages as well as disadvantages, as they're somewhat less intimidating if you're new to painting) and B) as far as I can tell, they come with the old 25mm bases, so you'd want to hunt up a handful of 40mm bases for them or else they're going to look really dinky next to the rest of your dudes.

    I think I will most likely end on a redemptor (ETB) because I like the long and close range of it, one Pedro Kantor, and maybe either a close combat scout squad, or a squad of devastators. Because of the long range as well as pricing, I think I will lean towards the scout squad, and get either Kantor or the dreadnought later, by the end of the summer.

  6. I was looking around, and I found one of the old build+paint sets with paint, a brush, five terminators and a dreadnought. Is that any good, Or should I avoid older models? I think for troops I might get a close combat Scout Squad and a squad of Devastators. I am not completely set on my next HQ units, but I was leaning towards either  Pedro Kantor (As I play Crimson Fists) or the Space Marines Heroes set (With the Cataphractii Captain and a Chaplain).

  7. 7 hours ago, WestRider said:

    The Codex is an update and expansion of the basic SM elements of the Index. It leaves out all the really unusual Chapters (BA/DA/SW/GK/DW/etc.), and a number of Units that are not currently made by GW, but it adds a ton of extra Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Relics, Chapter Tactics, and Psychic Powers. Since you don't seem to have any of those old OOP Models, the Codex really is the one you should got for.

    Adding on: More Scouts are hard to go wrong with. Close combat or Bolters, usually. Probably at least one Devastator Squad. Whether in a Dev or Tac Squad, it's good to have at least one Heavy Bolter and one Missile Launcher on Infantry dudes in your Army, as those are required for the Hellfire Shells and Flakk Missile Stratagems respectively, which are very handy.

    You need 2 HQ to unlock the next Detachment up from a Patrol, the Battalion. I like either a Captain with Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, and Storm Shield, or a Librarian with Jump Pack, Force Sword or Axe, and Plasma Pistol. A cheap Lieutenant to sit next to your Devs and let them re-roll 1s to Wound is a solid option as well. I usually go with Chainsword/Plasma Pistol as that unlocks the option to take the Teeth of Terra on him, which is a good Relic if you need someone in your backfield who can fend off Units coming for your firebase.

    Rhinos and Razorbacks are worth having one or two around. Don't buy the Rhino kit, tho. Get a Razorback and leave the top plate/top doors unglued and you can swap it between the two options no problem, and it's way cheaper than buying one of each. The best option for the Razorback is Twin Assault Cannon, which unfortunately requires some conversion work. The two options that come in the box (Heavy Bolters or Lascannon) aren't bad to start off with, tho. Always take an extra Storm Bolter unless you're just going to sit it in your backfield for extra Lascannon shots; for 2 Points, it's really hard to beat the increase in firepower a second Storm Bolter adds to a Rhino. Don't bother with Drop Pods. They got nerfed too hard in the transition from 7th to 8th.

    Dreadnoughts are pretty cool, and you're spoiled for choice, with regular, Venerable, Ironclad, Contemptor, and Redemptor variants, even before considering the options from FW and such. The Ironclad is the best for added CC punch, while the others are more firepower focused. Hard to go wrong with the weapon options that come in the various boxes, but I wouldn't add a Heavy Flamer to them. Storm Bolter is less impressive, but more reliable and much cheaper.

    I don't have a whole lot of experience with the Primaris stuff yet, but it all seems at least decent, from what I can see. For Intercessors and Hellblasters, the basic option is the best in most situations. Inceptors can work well with either of their options, but the Plasma is a lot more expensive and specialized. Aggressors are easier to use with Boltstorm Gauntlets, but when you do manage get a Squad in range with the Flamestorm Gauntlets, it's awesome. Not really sure about Reivers, except that Grapple Launchers are excellent. Being able to ignore vertical distance when moving is awesome.

    I hope some of this helps!

    How good is the load out on the easy to build redemptor dreadnought. It’s cheaper than the regular, but maybe that’s due to having no load out choices. Also, how good are chaplains? I was thinking of making one be High Chaplain Tomasi

  8. I currently have for my crimson fists set-up a captain, one sniper scout squad, and one primaries intercessors combat squad. This brings me to just over 300 points. I want to expand my army, but I have no idea as to what I should get. I was leaning away from tactical squads, as my good friend who is leaving for the summer is gifting me two (very) well-loved 10-man squads. I wanted to stay within the bounds of the Adeptus Astartes, so I would not need to buy another codex. If anyone can help, that would be peachy keen. 



    On another note, I want to get either an index or codex for my army, to help with extra bits and bobs for reference mid-battle. I noticed that the first imperium index contained space marines, and was only ~25$, while the strictly space marines codex was ~50$. Which is better in your opinion, or what is the better option to go with?

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  9. 46 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    Okay, probably not the friday group then. I think too many of the regulars wouldn't do it without beer... Would you be able to get there earlier (free play starts at about 6pm, could play before that).

    Otherwise, weekends are pretty free for me, lately.

    Though are you able to attend GG? I'm rereading, and thinking you meant that north portland was south for you, and if so, GG might be too far. I feel like Pretre might be in Camas. Maybe not, but there should be a hobby shop there with some regulars.


    I think GG might be a little further than what I’m looking for, but maybe one of these coming weekends would work? This weekend could, the one after cannot, the weekend after that is fine, but nothing on sundays

  10. 4 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    300pts can be tough to balance. Got a list?

    ++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [16 PL, 289pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    **Chapter Selection**: Crimson Fists

    + HQ +

    Captain [5 PL, 97pts]: Combi-melta, Power sword

    + Troops +

    Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 96pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, 4x Intercessor, Intercessor Sergeant

    Scout Squad [6 PL, 96pts]
    . Scout Sergeant: Combat knife, Sniper rifle
    . Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher
    . 3x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 3x Sniper rifle

    ++ Total: [16 PL, 289pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe

  11. So I am relatively new to the 40k scene, I have been painting since last October, playing other games since September, and I want to start playing 40k. My friend showed me the basic rules a couple weeks ago, and after that, I put together a bare-minimum army of just over 300 points. If anyone would want to teach me or just play a game, PM me, on here or on GameFor @wargamingCalligrapher. If anyone could help me out, that would be great!

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  12. I’ve been looking at warmachine recently, because of the 20$ mk II boxes, but I don’t want to pop some money on it quite yet. Does anyone know where I could go/ who I could talk to to get an intro game for warmachine? If anyone helps, thanks.

  13. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    On a personal note, I have a bunch of Pathfinder books that I would be happy to sell you for a negligible fraction of their value. I just need the space cleared which they occupy in my home. I'm debating selling them to Powell's Books, at present. I'd rather get them to a person that would use them, and I'm not a fan of Powell's as much these days.

    If you can PM me with details, that would be great. I’m actually planning on buying the beginners box tonight, but having books later would be awesome. Thanks!

  14. 5 minutes ago, generalripphook said:

    Duckman is correct. 

    Both Pathfinder and 5th edition are really fun to play. Pathfinder just has a little more number crunching and I'd like to think you have a lot more options in creating a character. However it depends on you as a Dungeon Master, Can you remember all the modifiers for different effects? 

    Personally I like pathfinder because of the little bit of number crunching. Then again I play hackmaster and 2nd edition a lot. 

    Also before you buy any starter set you should can ebay, theres a good chance someone is offloading a small collection which can jump start you in. 

    What do you mean by a “small collection”

  15. I’ve been playing 2nd, BX, and 5th edition of dnd for a while, but it has all been through my brother, who is the master of tomes in my house. Now that he has left for college, I have no books to use. I’m trying to run a campaign with my other siblings, but I’m stuck on what system to start with. I’m either leaning towards Pathfinder (beginner box), or 5e D&D (starter set). Which system is better (pros and cons) and which starter set should I buy? Thanks in advance to anyone who helps out!

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  16. i bought the storm of Sigmar box a couple months ago, and have played quite a bit. For me, terrain increases the setting, but I have no idea where to get terrain. I am leaning away from games workshop, because of the price, where should I look for terrain that isn’t going to break the bank? Should I make my own terrain? 

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