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Everything posted by Blackspine

  1. Hello ! I'm new to the area and excited to finally get games in. I play AOS primarily and have several armies: Slaves to Darkness, MaggotKin, IronJawz, and some semblance of a Beastman Army. I played a lot of former editions, but as most, have little to no experience with this new edition. So what better way to learn than to play with new people! I'm not super competitive; I love fun lists but push them to win. AoS / fantasy is near and dear to me. Talking shop, meeting people, chatting about the hobby are really what drive me. Huge bonus is that we can have a beer in store! I have a 40k army (deathguard) but it's not fully painted and I have zero clue what's going on in that game. it's a distant backburner but still an interest. My work is pretty intense, so I'm hoping to escape and make it to GG in time for the new Wednesday night games! I'm open for other venues, but this is a good starting place. Zach
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