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Pax's Planetary Empires (week 2)


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Got permission to ditch the HQ I used last week. I'll have two, with this one being an inquisitor from the PDF INQ book. My Banehammer has been re-fitted as the Banesword. Week 1, it gained the name, "Plow of Daemons" after bulldozing a GUO at full health into the ground with an awesome superheavy tank shock.


For theme, idea is that last week my opponent had daemons, so this week I have an inquisitor investigating the Daemon presence with my Mech-Catachans. Next week, my second re-occurring HQ will be presented, as the Exorcists SM (DA) are added to the fight as the Daemonic presence is confirmed, perhaps with a small GK presence (as per exorcists fluff). Later weeks will include a stronger GK presence in addition to the INQ, Exorcists, and IG (obviously too many allies, so will alternate force combinations). I may also be alternating in a Warhound scout titan for games where my IG aren't primary.


I am a defender in this mission, so I get to set my points and such.




INQ detachment:

Warlord Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (Hellrifle) 40pts


IG Primary

HQ Lord Commissar (Boltgun) 70pts

Elites Ratlings (8) 80pts

Troops Vets (10, 3x GL, 1x ML) 100pts

-Chimera (Hull HF) 55pts

Troops Vets (10, 3x GL, 1x ML) 100pts

Troops Vets (10, 3x GL, 1x ML) 100pts

FA Vendetta (Stock) 130pts

FA Vendetta (Stock) 130pts

FA Rough Riders (5, 1x Flame) 60pts

Heavy Vanquisher (Pask, Hull HF) 205pts

Heavy Battle Tank (Hull HF) 150pts


Fort Firestorm Redoubt (stock) 200pts


LOW: Banesword (Stock) 430pts


Total: 1850pts



Most of the list is pretty simple. Neat bit with codex INQ is that I can finally put the hellrifle in a unit that makes sense. Ratlings benefit from his higher leadership and stubborn, while he gains their stealth. Unit can't infiltrate together, so they'll probably be deployed somewhere, like on/in the firestorm.


EDIT: Tweaks.

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Game was against orks of the Dreadmob FW list. Opponent brought a stompa, equipped with several models in tow which could repair it from the inside. List needed considerably more AT, as Mister 12 hp stompa was repairing 4 hp per turn.


Banesword was perfect for what I wanted. 10" blast usually hit things, it caused wounds and destroyed vehicles, it had the durability I needed at a cost I could enjoy. 430pts was well worth it. That said, it was and is not a solution to other super-heavies. Assuming I keep including it, I need a proper solution to super heavies. This list was light on those solutions (or perhaps it was a luck thing).


Minimum range was not the issue it seemed on paper. This might be different against a pod force, but against these orks, it wasn't an issue. Much of my shooting with the banesword was about how to fire around the stompa to hit his scoring units or vehicles.


Sniper INQ was fine, though he really missed a lot (bad rolling).


Pask with the vanquisher was great until he died on enemy turn 1.


In general, this game really needed my Exorcist allies. I had forgotten how long it's been since I did a higher point game with pure IG...


I really need/needed a melee solution/tarpit for enemy super heavy walkers which try to assault my super heavy.


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