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H: FSR+2x Mortis dreadnoughts, W: Cash, GG trade, DE flyers


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I've got an assembled Firestorm Redoubt. It's got some base colors, but no thick paint applications or big globs of glue, original base coat is the silver seen photoed.


Dreads are ironclad torsos and legs with strong magnets for arms and waste. Both are silver.


Deal is that the FSR lascannons have magnets inside them. They fit normally on the FSR, they just also fit on the Dreads. The dual TL lascannons makes them "Mortis" dreadnoughts.


I'd really prefer to sell off/trade the FSR with no weapons, but I can't imagine a market, so I'm offering it with the dreads. Asking price is $30 for the FSR without weapons, or $75 for the FSR with weapons and the Dreads.


For trade, I'm looking for 2 flyers for DE of the current DE flyers on sprue (or new in box), need to be complete sets. At the $75 ask price, I'd be spending 72.80 on these two flyers at GG, so $2.20 is saved if you buy it instead of me....I will consider other trade offers for on sprue complete orks, DA, DE, CSM, or Necrons. If you want the FSR without the weapons, I'd be happy to find a more reasonable trade for the $30 mark.


Pictures to follow.


Contact via PM. I live south of tanasborne, which is inbetween hillsboro and beaverton, which is in oregon. I'd prefer no shipping, as it increases complications - I can probably meet you somewhere in the portland metro area if it's important.


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