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1500pt 40K- Just a Game Con, Corvallis, April 13th


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The bi-yearly Just a Game Con is nearly upon us here, run by Matt's Cavalcade of Comics, and our local club will be running its usual tournament at the event. Entry to the convention (which runs from April 12-13, starting at 10AM the first day and finishing at 6PM the second) is $10 and is required for attending the tournament, but if you enjoy board games, card games, roleplaying games, or video games, there will probably be something there for you.


The tournament itself starts at 10AM on the 13th, and will cost $10 to enter. Prizes will be drawn from the entry fee of all participating, and we may have some additional bonus items contributed as well depending on attendance. The intention is to run three two-hour rounds, although depending on the number of players present this may be altered slightly. We do have finite tables and terrain, so please post here, PM me, or otherwise RSVP if you are coming in from out of town- we are happy to have you, but without foreknowledge of who will be there, we could easily be underprepared. We have players of all skill levels in our group, so don't feel too bad if you don't bring The Most Strongerest List; assuming a reasonable number of attendees, prizes for sportsmanship and painting will also be awarded.


The tournament format will be 1500pts, with no Escalation allowed. The Cadre Fireblade formation and Aquilla Stronghold fortification are also disallowed; for this event only we are having the Imperial Knights' melee weapon function as S10 AP1 Armorbane Instant Death, though this likely will not be the case for future events. Additionally, we are issuing errata to have the Grimoire of True Names only improve the invulnerable save granted by the Daemon rule (rather than any save) and Fortune only allow rerolling of a single type of save for the target (rather than all saves.)


If you have any further questions about errata, FAQs, format, or other subjects, feel free to post here about them and I will do my best to answer them.

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