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H: Circle Army W: $$$, Infinity Aleph, Infinity Terrain


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My time and my number of factions no longer match, so I am going to get rid of my circle. I am going to sell things on ebay if they don't sell here but I would rather give a good price to someone in the community than an ebay reseller (lets face it, there are alot of them out there). 

I will consider trades of Infinity terrain, Aleph, Khador Ironfangs, or Merc Boomhowlers send me a PM and we can talk details.

Here is what I got, and for coding sake: + Fully painted to a good standard, - is partially painted, and * is primed in black

pKaya+ [also based and flocked on scenic base] 
eKaya*[Laris is partially painted]
pBaulder+ [also based on scenic base]

Feral Warpwolf+
Pureblood warpwolf+
Warpwolf stalker +
Warpwolf stalker* [metal]
Gnarlhorn sayter +
Woldwarden [not assembled bare metal] 
Gorax +
Argus + [scenic based and flocked]
Winter Argus+ [scenic based and flocked]

Druids- and UA [NIB]
Max skinwalkers- [plastic, scenic bases] and UA* [scenic base]
Max skinwalkers [plastic]
Max Wolves of Orboros* and UA *
Min Wolfriders * [one has a few passes of grey dry-brushing on the fur]
Stones with UA [all painted]

Blackclad - 
Druid Wilder - 
Lord of the feast

Token set
2x4" green foam Forrest/rift templates 
10-15 resin scenic bases to add to the collection
All the cards for the above models are also included. 

I am thinking $345 for the lot, but I am willing to negotiate. 

Pics on request, glad to meet up in person too at a local store, PM for all other details. I'll keep this up two weeks, then it heads to ebay





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