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Beerlifaux: May 28th- The Summer of Beerlifaux

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Guest Obscure Reference

Alright everyone, I just wanted to remind everyone that this Saturday is Beerlifaux! This is not just any Beerlifaux, though. In fact, this is the beginning of this years Summer of Beerlifaux!


What is the Summer of Beerlifaux? Well, it is a series of connected events culminating in one final Grand Beerlifaux!


You will be awarded Script at the end of each Beerlifaux by completing tasks during your games. Script may be spent on items I will auction off during the course of the night. This items will have in game effects. More on those to come.


Script will carry over between events, as well as your participation. Everyone will get 10 Script when they sign up, and will be awarded Script at the end of the night.


Normal Beerlifaux rules are in effect.

Starts at 5pm at Guardian Games in Portland, Or.


May 28th (not the 21st) will be the first of the Summer of Beerlifaux events, ending with the Grand Beerlifaux event in August. Save and spend your script wisely. :)

Guest Obscure Reference

Hey everyone, I messed up. The event is actually next Saturday, May 28th. Sorry for the confusion.


This just means I have more time to show you what to expect!

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