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Guild Ball Tournament - 9/24 Glimpses of Wonder - Sherwood


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I'm hosting a tournament at Glimpses of Wonder in September - all are welcome!




Glimpses of Wonder will be hosting a 4-round Guild Ball tournament on Saturday September 24th. It is the intention that this event will be a warm up for a larger, sanctioned event to be held later in the year. For this reason we will be using the Guildball Organized Play document (see link in the headline), with the following exception. The requirement for fully painted teams is waived, although there will be a prize for best painted (Judged by Derrick). From that document we will be using the following options.
1 - B. "It's not over until it's over" - placings decided after 4 rounds are complete.
2 - B "Play to the final whistle" - 12 VP for victory
3 - B "Team Tactics" - 45 minutes of clock time per player.
4 - A " The First team" - the same 6 models for each round.

Entry costs $10 and tickets can be purchased from Glimpses of Wonder before or on the day

9:00 Welcome
9:30 R1 Start
11:30 R2 start
13:30 Lunch
14:30 R3 Start
16:30 R4 Start
18:30 Prizes!
For questions please email chrisfitzsimmons@mac.com


Hit me up on here if you want to come, or have questions!





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