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House Rules


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Just curious, is anyone playing with house rules? If so, what are some that you find helpful or interesting?


I played a couple of games recently and walked away feeling like the game could still use a few more rules. One though I had was shooting into combat feels like it should come with a risk or penalty. Maybe ones are considered hits of friendly models?

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 Ive been playing Flesheaters which have pretty much no shooting and have had any issues with shooting units,though ive yet to face a dedicated shooting army.I know that last year and into this year many believed that shooting needed to have more restrictions on it.However its turned out not to be the case as most all shooting units are rather horrid in close combat and usually once enganged just hope to survive until the next shooting phast to do their damage.One thing to remember is that a player gets 2 combat phases per Battleround yet only one shooting phase,this can be a huge deal once a shooting unit is engaged in melee.


   Ive been thinking lately about trying to build a dedicated shooting force just to test with.I think I probably need to get more Ironweld arsenal units though.


 As for house rules,about the only thing im seeing is the base to base measurement at this point.Now that matched play points and comp system is in place there doesnt seem to be much need for anything else.Im sure we will see basing standards for tournaments in the near future though.

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I think that movement (and assaults) in the game are fast enough that shooting doesn't need a general-purpose nerf of any kind. However, we have been looking at some houserules for our group, first and foremost being the South Coast GT FAQ rules. Some of it is inapplicable/unneeded since the release of the General's Handbook, but some of the others are still helpful- for example, measuring base-to-base for models, not allowing multiples of the same modifier to stack, and Deadly terrain not automatically killing Monsters and Heroes.


We've also had a lot of contention over rolling off initiative each turn of the game, but we haven't abandoned it yet. Personally, though, I don't like it very much because of the possibility of "double turns" and whatnot, which I feel can often swing a game in ways that aren't very much fun.

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 Yeah,the Deadly terrain issue with multiwound models can be very unfun,,more so I think than the initiative roll each turn.Awhle back a player on the fb page mentioned that his group houseruled that to be an auto d6 wounds instead of auto kill,interesting thing to try.


 As far as the per battleround initiative roll,It certainly can be a game breaker at times.However AoS has originally had more of a random element by design.One thing I would like to see GW do to address this is add in more Hero warscrolls that add modifiers to the initiative roll...or perhaps even add in a choice to replace an allegiance ability with a +1 to the initiative roll,,or something along those lines like a universal artifact that can be taken.My overall experience with the initiative roll is that it certainly has bit me just as much as blessed me.I do like the random effects of this though,I have to consider additional possibilities when planning each turns moves.

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