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Posts posted by Kremmet

  1. I'm confused by your comment about what "I'd rather see" as I'd rather see the second list given that it's a bit easier to manipulate. Both lists are lacking in specialists which may or may not be important in the narrative, but it's still nice to be relatively unafraid of the heavy lifters in ISS such as the Sophotect, Kanren, and Ninja. Overall, I'd say the first list is stronger because:

    • It has 10 orders (this is huge in Limited Insertion)
    • It has a much more powerful bully in the Su-Jian
    • It handles a better range of problems through shifting the visors off of your one HI and onto other troops

    Both lists have pretty deadly links with their Haris+Core combos and, if the Haris is really your focus, the second list brings a deadlier one.


  2. On 3/1/2017 at 0:04 PM, Raindog said:

    After talking with Jay this weekend, I thought it was time to change the title of this thread. It is a go. I am in. Now, it is time to run. 

    BTW, been meaning to ask why this is Inifinity Run and not Infinity Run. Maybe I'm not ini on the joke!

    • Like 1
  3. Yeah, I always saw Toby (in the first movie) as a good Peter Parker, but a terrible Spider-Man. Garfield was the opposite.

    I'm excited to see a seemingly more complete actor for the leading role, but I definitely do not look forward to yet another origin story movie. So superfluous.

  4. On 3/26/2017 at 8:08 AM, paxmiles said:

    Well, both warmahordes and GW could just sell PDFs, which are very compatible with most systems.

    As I alluded to in my post, Privateer does exactly that. Point is that the market speaks in this way all the time. Should I insist that every metal model have a plastic version produced as well because I only have plastic glue?

    If GW really wanted to catch up with where they should be, they'd follow Corvus Belli's example and have their rules entirely free as PDFs with a free web-based army builder. They still sell physical books that contain story and the rules as they were written at each publication, but these for-purchase versions are just there for collectors and not in any way necessary to play the game.

  5. You could just use an iOS/Android emulator and use either app. I don't think it's unreasonable that they haven't and have no intention to create for the Windows store given the number of reboots its gone through. This coupled with the fact that both systems still produce rules that don't care about apps makes it a moot point.

    • Like 1
  6. That's a few questions, but here are my thoughts:

    Is 13 players worth it, or should I take 5 fan factor, or some other perk?
    FF isn't really worth something to invest heavily in IMO especially given that Chaos Pact doesn't need to go first/second nearly as much as some other teams (lookin' at you, dwarfs). Thirteen players is definitely something worth thinking about, but I'd probably look at shifting things around to get a different perk first (star player upgrade, etc).

    Thoughts on skills:

    1. Minotaur (Claw)

    I'd avoid Claw here as Pact has no base skills which are far more important. A more reasonable choice would be Break Tackle if you're looking to take a minotaur for murder purposes. Guard is also reasonable given how Wild Animal works.

    1. Ogre (Guard)
    2. Troll (Guard)

    Guard on big guys is pretty good on a team that otherwise gets run on by easier to play bash teams like orcs.

    1. Marauder (Leader)

    I'd try to fit the extra reroll in given that Pact has average stats and no base skills. It's wasted to have Leader when nobody on your team has Block yet.

    1. Dark Elf (Dodge or 2 Heads)

    Two heads is cool, but Dodge is the better choice.

    Honestly, Pact plays best when you just run them as "bad" humans light on big guys. I'd run something closer to:


    1. Ogre
    2. Dark Elf
    3. Goblin
    4. Marauder
    5. Marauder
    6. Marauder
    7. Marauder
    8. Marauder
    9. Marauder
    10. Marauder
    11. Marauder
    12. Marauder
      Rerolls: 3

    This'll bring you to 910k leaving you with a healthy 190k to spend. If you want to pick up another big guy, the Minotaur is a better grab than the Troll which would leave you with 40k to buy FF/cheerleaders/coaches. For skill choices, grabbing Guard on the Ogre is a pretty big automatic pick and I'd likely list Dodge on the Dark Elf as the same. The remaining four skill picks depend on what else you want to do. Two heads on the gobbo is a great pickup as is Block for a Marauder or two. If you brought the Minotaur, choosing between Block as a double (which is great) and Break Tackle should depend on how much you want a flex skill on a last Marauder. If you do, I'd suggest dropping a Marauder for the Skaven and making it a wrestler.

    So my end roster would look something like:

    1. Ogre (Guard)
    2. Dark Elf (Dodge)
    3. Goblin (Two heads)
    4. Minotaur (Break Tackle)
    5. Skaven (Wrestle)
    6. Marauder (Block)
    7. Marauder
    8. Marauder
    9. Marauder
    10. Marauder
    11. Marauder
    12. Marauder
    13. Marauder
      Rerolls: 3
      TV: 1,060,000

    It's not flashy and it's definitely a weak team, but I think this is about the most competitive Chaos Pact team you can run.

    • Like 1
  7. Unfortunately, the past week has seen little painting hobby time as I've been busy working on other people's stuff, but I have managed some build time at work which left me with a few odds and ends assembled and ready for the battlefield! The lucky winners are:

    • Overdron
    • Zerat Hacker
    • Xi Xuang

    I'm hoping to get some painting in on them in the next month or so, but we'll see.

    In gaming news, I managed another game of Deadly Dance tonight with my regular YJ opponent. This time we both brought TAGs to try and actually play the mission.

    His list (IIRC):

    logo_201.png Yu Jing

    logo_15.pngMECH-ENGINEER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 15)
    logo_14.pngZhanshi YĪSHĒNG Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 15)
    logo_3.pngTIGER SOLDIER Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 29)
    logo_3.pngTIGER SOLDIER Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 25)
    logo_4.pngZÚYǑNG Lieutenant (AutomediKit) HMG / 2 Breaker Pistols, Knife. (1 | 39)
    logo_10.pngGŪIJIĂ MULTI HMG, Heavy Flamethrower / AP CCW. (2 | 88)
     sep.giflogo_10.pngGŪIJIĂ PILOT Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (0)
    logo_19.pngCHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    logo_11.pngGŬILÁNG (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 27)
    logo_12.pngNINJA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow / Pistol, DA CCW, Knife. (0 | 29)
    logo_39.pngPANGGULING Hacker (EVO Hacking Device) Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 25)

    3.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    My list:

    logo_203.png Japanese Sectorial Army

    orden_regular.png10  orden_impetuosa.png3
    logo_1.pngKEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    logo_11.pngTOKUSETSU KOHEI Engineer Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    logo_6.pngDOMARU Lieutenant Chain Rifle, E/M Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 25)
    logo_6.pngDOMARU Chain Rifle, E/M Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 25)
    logo_7.pngHARAMAKI Missile Launcher / Pistol, DA CCW. (1.5 | 33)
    logo_7.pngHARAMAKI Missile Launcher / Pistol, DA CCW. (1.5 | 33)
    logo_7.pngHARAMAKI Blitzen, Contender / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22)
    logo_17.pngCHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    logo_8.pngO-YOROI HMG + Heavy Flamethrower, CrazyKoalas / EXP CCW. (2 | 83)
     sep.giflogo_8.pngO-YOROI PILOT Contender / Pistol, CCW. (0)
    logo_21.pngSHINOBU Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (0.5 | 47)

    5.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Mission: Deadly Dance

    Deployment: My opponent won the roll off and chose sides which left me to choose to go first mostly because I wasn't taking the game particularly seriously (hence the list based around firepower rather than objectives).
    JSA: I deployed my models with a sort of spread idea with my TAG and engineer sitting by themselves all the way to my left, my Keisotsu and Chaiyi sitting centrally, and my HI link on the far right. Mainly I wanted to be able to react to Deadly Dance's "excellent" scoring zones, but also these areas were the best spots for my killing spree to happen. The far left had long corridors of buildings where slicing the pie would be easier and I could abuse Stealth on the O-yoroi while the right had a defensible area in my DZ, but otherwise was wide open with LoF to a good 20ish% of the table where MLs could flourish. 
    YJ: My opponent decided to go for a refused flank with all of his models setting up either opposite my link team out of LoF or on the tops of buildings prone in the case of the Guilang.

    With the TAG being such a juicy target (and a likely Lt. to boot) I decided to go for the Superior Infiltrate on Kitsune to cut it down before it had a chance to do anything. Kitsune nailed her roll and setup just out of my opponent's DZ out of LoF of everything but the Guijia. My opponent's ninja deployed in marker form on top of a roof to my left in the same fashion as the Guilang.

    Mission Roll: Playing Deadly Dance means contending with its terrible randomization rule for scoring zones. While we'd dodged this being a problem last time, this time we ended up with the zone we were going for being the same one which just happened to be where my opponent was castled up with few ways in that wouldn't elicit a bunch of guns. Oh, and it was the farthest one from my O-yoroi who needed to get in there for max points. Super.

    Turn One:
    JSA: Seeing that I was unlikely to get into my opponent's zone with all the might-be-hackers markers on the table blocking both my TAG and HI link (who would also have to trudge across no man's land to get there), I decided to send Kitsune in to deal with the Guijia hopefully before it had a chance to score. She did accomplish her task with a crit mono hit, but the Guijia managed to burn her unconscious with his flamer on the way. Still, a trade most definitely in my favor. Otherwise, my turn consisted of running around with the O-yoroi putting his koalas in opportune locations before ending on my opponent's side of the table in Suppressive Fire daring markers to come down from the roof and try her.

    YJ: With the Guijia down, my opponent decided it was time for the tigers to come down. His plan, which he revealed to me later, was to deploy as a refused flank which would force (hopefully) an inordinate response from me and allow his tigers free rein. This made sense to me, but unfortunately was met with a bit of failure as my engineer and O-yoroi could cumulatively see the entire table edge he wished to come in from with good range for the engineer in particular. As he had an EVO, my opponent decided to just jump the paramedic in out of LoF of my army and dispose of the engineer to let the shotgun tiger sneak up on the O-yoroi. While the medic landed the jump, he unfortunately lost the firefight with the engineer who crit him right in the face. Not to be deterred, the next tiger attempted to jump to the same spot and deal with both targets now...and promptly caught a gust of wind that brought him into the area of one of the koalas who gleefully latched onto his face before exploding.

    With his tigers and TAG gone, my opponent could have quit reasonably, but he decided to stick it out which was fortunate as his Zuyong stood up and popped one of the ML Haramaki with his remaining order before setting up in Suppressive Fire himself.

    Turn Two:
    JSA: Well, things were definitely going well for the Japanese who decided to push up and finish the last visible threat: the Zuyong. My O-yoroi seemed the smart pick for the job as I needed to get her into the zone anyway to score so up she rolled to shoot the suppressing Zuyong in cover with +0 for range modifier. Given the difficulty of the shot, it was of no surprise when the Zuyong was splatted with three failed armor rolls. After this, my FO Keisotsu decided to try and mess with the antenna to swap the scoring zone for my opponent, but WIP 12 is a helluva drug and he just failed.

    YJ: With the Zuyong now gone and in LoL, my opponent was definitely in dire straits. He took this as a challenge and sent the ninja to deal with the O-yoroi herself. She did manage to land a few blows with her sword and even penetrated the TAG once, but it wasn't enough and the TAG still stood. With his limited order pool, this basically concluded my opponent's turn.

    Turn Three:
    JSA+YJ: As it was all over but the crying, I decided to just roll my remaining four HI into the scoring zone and sit it out. My opponent tried again to fell my TAG with his few remaining orders, but was unable to land a telling blow which ended the game in a whimper.

    JSA: 8
    YJ: 1

    Thoughts: Crits are pretty devastating in LI especially when you build heavily skewed lists like we were running. I'm not sure there was much to learn here besides that it's sometimes fun just to relax and throw dice.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't agree with some of the main points and he missed that the M-drone is also an FO (and a pretty darn important one at that), but overall it's a nice review. I've also been playing mostly Onyx for awhile now and find them to be a fun, if not restricted, sectorial like all of the CA sectorials.

    • Like 1
  9. Cool list! I've played with the Wu Ming link a bit and one of my regular opponents runs it all the time so I've had a lot of time to consider what I think about it. I've found that, while the pain train is pretty great feeling while using it offensively, it doesn't do enough to actually win the game. It's so many points that it needs to be unicorn levels of effective per order where it's extending its threat, exercising its firepower, and locking down objectives all at the same time. On the plus side, it definitely made me appreciate the Crane+CG link as it can perform a similar job as the Wu Ming link on the field while also being much more cost effective. Probably my favorite way to run CG now, actually.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm pretty sure that's a gross underestimation of how good that model is. Five points for a specialist with Flash Pulse and a pretty big built-in buff for engineers? That's big. Way bigger than a niche EVO multiplier.

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