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  1. I might be down to learn some TTS TOW. I [big bad swear word]ed my ankle up pretty badly last month so I haven’t been able to really play at all in person (fell down the stairs literally outside the game room to my first game of TOW 😭).
  2. I don't come by here very often anymore, but Clash of Kings is a list of changes to the game (and most army lists) that comes out every year. I'd argue that it's less required and more the point of playing a living game. Hope that helps
  3. You can also make effective and attractive hedgerows by: Gluing a strip of pluck foam down to a wooden tongue depressor Covering the new piece in thinned PVA Placing foliage (Woodland Scenics or whatever cheaper brand you prefer—just looking for the foam-based kind) on the still-wet pluck foam Use various grit to cover the visible area of the tongue depressor Paint the grit like dirt/rocks Cover the whole thing in a few more coats of thinned PVA to lock it all down For craters, you can do a similar thing. Cut out your base out of whatever you want (pressed cardboard should be OK, but MDF/masonite would be best) Glue pluck foam down in a rough circle a little ways in from the edge of your base (gotta leave room for the taper) Cover the whole base in a quick spritz of isopropanol (not a necessary step, but a good habit to build) Cover everything in Sculptamold Wet your fingers and smooth the edges down around where you placed the pluck foam to create a ridge Add some larger pieces of grit starting with your small gravel and working down to sand Give the larger pieces of grit a bit of thin super glue and then hit the whole thing with thinned PVA After this is dry, hit it with the isopropanol again Spray with thinned PVA Apply dry grout across piece After that dries, hit it with some more thinned PVA layers to seal it Paint Sculptamold really is a wonderful thing to have if you're into terrain building as it's a fast-drying, plaster-based compound with some paper for volume. Like papier-mâché, but much, MUCH stronger. Dry grout similarly acts as a very fine soil/sand and adds a tough texture that binds the piece together. I recommend pluck foam just because of how ubiquitous it is in gaming circles, but you could also use foam scraps from other projects if you want.
  4. Red Goblins were always Irregular so there's no change there, but in general it's a big change (along with regiments of Large Infantry unlocking nothing). Skeleton Cav were...bad. Like, really bad. Move 9 and Nimble is OK, but being Shambling it was almost always better just to bring Goblin or whatever cav if you wanted them as a late-game objective grabber (-/16 isn't all that important with damage output that low). I'm glad that their stats have been rolled into the archer cav and the melee roll replaced by Revenant Cav who fulfill the same aesthetic role, but with significant mechanical upgrades. The loss of the riders is pretty irrelevant in terms of power scaling due to how competitive EoD worked and the buffs to Guardians in 2019. Aesthetically, I'll miss em, but I just popped my worms off and put them on a cav regiment to run as Revenant Cav. Pretty cool thematic unit that way. I would use scorpions as unit filler to be honest. Adding interest to skeletons can be difficult while maintaining the whole regimented-in-death look so finding thematic elements that don't overpower the skeletons themselves in the motif is important.
  5. Oh no, plenty of people were stubborn enough to bring Scorpion Husks even though they had zero purpose in the list, but now we have the freedom to use scorpions as something useful! We're free!
  6. Keep in mind that the rulebook has all the story in it—the two-player starter just has the rules IIRC.
  7. They'd be interesting to use as bits for a Sylvaneth army as well.
  8. Yep, I’m with you. The execution is pretty high, but the idea seems poor to begin with. These just end up looking like a pile of genestealers with dumb head swaps and Morghast equipment thrown on.
  9. They look like if Necrons were what happened when Engineers met genestealers—and we’re doused with joker gas. I’m not a fan.
  10. Yep, I attended the event held at GG last summer. It was run by a fellow named Dan Wright who I don’t believe has any Ordo presence. He and another guy named Dustin head things up in Portland in terms of the events I’ve seen for KoW down there, but again no Ordo presence. One of the worst parts of KoW to me is that the community has really hitched itself to the Facebook wagon so, if you want to get in touch with people, that’s the social media outlet to do it on. Main group is Pacific Northwest Kings of War which encompasses the entire PNW, but they’ll sort you out in terms of game nights and such if you ask.
  11. The big difference is those armies didn't get a big release to go along with their retirement. Vanilla Tohaa has access to all of Spiral Corps as confirmed in this video (right around 6:48). I wouldn't expect a lot of repacks to happen for the Tohaa, but they're not dropping all non-Spiral Corps Tohaa and in fact are greatly strengthening core Tohaa armies with the inclusion of the Spiral Corps release--provided you already own the discontinued SKUs of course.
  12. 1) No problem and I get it. I was just pointing out that Infinity isn't like 40k in that--without knowing what the list you're playing is--I can't rule out the vast majority of equipment/special rules from being in the army as they're aren't faction locked in the same way. But yeah, figuring out what your army is and then practicing the basics of order of operations and what specific equipment does in your list is a good way to get started in most any game and especially in Infinity. 2) There's a button for list validation in the official army builder and, for the most part, it's correct. I haven't seen the validation ever be wrong, but I have seen the stats be off once or twice before getting corrected so that's something to be aware of (although the general way of figuring out what version is correct in Infinity is FAQ>wiki>army builder>army book). Duo is especially confusing because it's one of the Fireteams that non-sectorial lists have access to, but only if they bring an EVO REM (remote) and spend one of their command points at the beginning of the game. It's super niche, but it's there. 3) That was someone either trying to be funny or trolling. There are no sectorials or armies that are on the army builder that are not allowed. There are formats that change what models are legal where, but that's a whole different thing and even then the sectorials on the army builder don't just go away. Corregidor is fully legal. 4) Pilots are a little weird as the models were added a fair bit after they started producing TAG models. Technically you need to purchase a separate model for pilots (which the Gecko has an official one if you'd like), but you only need one if you plan to get out of your TAG/if your opponent forces you out via hacking. Both of these are pretty niche practices as pilots leaving their TAGs make both models super vulnerable and disembarking tends to be a more advanced form of play. As for the hacking example, it's one example and widely considered a waste of resources in most circumstances--especially against small potatoes like a Gecko. So, yeah, you technically should have a model that you can produce for the pilot of your TAG, but it won't be used very often. (Although most people collect the pilot models as they're some of the more interesting Infinity models and make for pretty cool HVTs when you're not bringing the TAG). 5) Infinity has an...interesting modeling policy. The game is both one where proper representation of your models is important for the clarity of the game state and one where to make every variation of unit type would be too limiting a factor for retailers and collectors so instead you can sorta use anything as anything. Granted, this is technically anything reasonable, but given how subjective that statement is it can get a little weird. For the most part, people will expect you to use the model that matches the profile you're fielding if it exists (so WYSIWYG) and, if it doesn't, the best practice is to use the same type of model as what you want with a proper weapon swap to the profile you're fielding (e.g. chopping the Combi-rifle off of a Hellcat and replacing it with a Spitfire to represent a Hellcat with a Spitfire). When no model exists, people tend to either convert their own version or use the Spec-Ops models to represent them (Spec-Ops are any of the models in boxes marked Dire Foes or marked Spec-Ops). That said, you don't need a special model to represent skill sets--just equipment. In your Lt. example, this would actually be frowned upon as who the Lt. is in a force is hidden information in almost all Infinity missions. You do not declare and should not visibly mark who your lieutenant is on the model as it removes some of the gameplay along with putting you at a sometimes-massive disadvantage.
  13. Here are my quick-fire answers to both your assumptions about the game and your specific questions. Hope you find it helpful! 1) Infinity is not a game you can just skim the rulebook and be fine. Besides rare equipment/rules such as Sepsitors, Nomads have access to everything in the game. In fact, most factions have access to 90%+ of the total rules/equipment available in at least a token way. Infinity is not like 40k where army identity is tied to reams of exclusive units and equipment, but instead the availability and combinations of those rules. While it's smart to stick to what you're fielding for now as Infinity is an incredibly complex game system, if you plan to stick around you'll need to know a lot more about how everything works than you would for a standard 40k army. 2) Fireteams are optional and (mostly) only available to sectorial armies. Sectorials are more like what the mini codeces for 40k were like back in 3rd ed in that they're subfactions within factions. In the case of Nomads, Nomads is the parent faction while Corregidor, Bakunin, and Tunguska are the sectorials. Sectorials are themed lists that limit your access to units in your faction and give you sectorials while the main factions are the overarching whole of the country. Long story short, you can field the Gecko in any army that the online army builder lets you choose it in and, even if that's in a sectorial, Fireteams are always optional. 3) Just as another note on sectorials, the only sectorial that can field the Gecko in Nomads is Corregidor. They are of course available in the main faction of Nomads if you choose to pass on playing a sectorial, though.
  14. They also cut one of the plastic models they produced in 7th Ed from the line. A bold move, Cotton.
  15. Didn’t see Slaves in the book, but they were really Clan Rats at heart anyway so it’ll be fine. That said, they’re not exactly as cheap as I think you’re thinking at 5-6 PPM (max VS min unit size).
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