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Brother Glacius

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Brother Glacius last won the day on July 24

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About Brother Glacius

  • Birthday 02/19/1983

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  1. I found one on amazon (different type of spray) that might have been a close match...but since the paint scheme relies heavily on this, I really wanted to keep a match if at all possible. Now I will have enough to prime the whole collection and keep consistency. I guess I was dumb to use it in the first place though considering the cost of each can. 🙂
  2. seems a bit of a mess...so many different factions all brought under one book...Its like...hey...these guys are in the imperium...lets toss them in the book. maybe they should call it, turning kill teams into a 40k army... 🙂
  3. Thanks for the tip, they did indeed have it...holy cow..that is expensive primer. 🙂
  4. thanks, I've been there and know Adam. I'll give them a call later today.
  5. I stupidly used this for my SoB army and just discovered GW doesn't make it anymore. Hopefully someone has it that doesn't need it anymore? 😄
  6. Looking for people to play Helldivers 2 and Dark and Darker with. Just started both of them so not looking for pro rated play...just a casual gamer but playing with peeps is always more fun.
  7. When will results be posted? Curious about the armies played and such.
  8. I've always used army painter matt varnish for my models, but was wondering if anyone has used something else? I see Rust-oleum has one for a lot cheaper...so just looking for some alternatives or testimonials that AP is the best.
  9. https://www.goonhammer.com/welcome-to-10-5-edition-q3-2024-40k-balance-update-core-rules-and-dataslate/ These guys do a great job of explaining everything. I'm trying to get back into 40k and nothing like a big shake up of core rules to help you along 🙄
  10. The OFCC grew out of a "in-garage" event. Literally the very first one was in a garage. No reason not to start small again all things considered. I think it would be worth trying to organize a much smaller, invite only event again. It is called Club Challenge for a reason. Instead of trying to make it an event for everyone, make it an event for those that appreciate it.
  11. Is 4pm the typical open time? I need to drop stuff off for someone getting there at 5.
  12. I can do that, give me a timeframe and I'll pop over.
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