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Posts posted by KIRBY

  1. NetEA is the best -- as it worked out all the typos and errata that GeeDub is notorious for. The army lists are much more flavorful.


    As far as point size, I have 4000 points and it all fits in 1 one-level tackle box. Unlike the Epic40K days were you needed a metric ton of minis, the new rules are much more forgiving on your time and pocketbook.

  2. Introductory caveat: I have barely played any games in the newest edition.


    I am assuming that this is in response to the seemingly endless stream of formations and special rules to try to keep track of (not to mention all the monster-machines stomping around the table). Are the flyers and whatnot really that over-powering or is this more of a response to the all the extra rules that suck up game time?


    In any case, I never moved out of the old skool, so this looks good to me ;-)

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