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Posts posted by thatdave

  1. Don't get me wrong - I was never blind to the ET goal and could read the writing on the wall as well as the next guy (most of them anyway - some just put their heads in the sand).  I am not in the "the sky is falling" camp and will refrain from judging until I see the new edition for myself, just as I did for previous editions.  I'm sure there will be a number of rage quitters and hope the new edition is good and they come back (just as they always seem to).  I like the story of ET, just not the way it dramatically changes the game - at least the 8E version. 



    @Sylvos - My post was in no way meant as a slight towards you.  As someone who has been involved in the process for a number of years I commend, admire and truely appreciate your efforts.  If anything my post was in defense of that, not naysaying.



    I will come and play, ET or no ET.  I appreciate the OFCC for what it is.  The game of Warhammer, for a long time now, for me is about the people I play.  And the OFCC epitimizes that for me.  I love to come and hang out with seldom seen friends and Warhammer facilitates that, regardless of the ruleset.

  2. I am not trying to invalidate anyone's points, so please take no offense to my semi-rant that follows.


    It seems to me that it would have been much easier to say "No End Times".  That's what I would have done had I been the HoG, but I have not been a fan (lol) of ET from the beginning.  I thought it was silly to start with, moved on to dumb and barreled all the way to ludicrous.  I play Chaos and Elves and didn't like their changes - maybe even less than I liked some of the others.  I don't feel like ET is 'real' Warhammer as it gives me a vibe of GWs attempt to taper into a new IP-able Warhammer world/universe.  The fact that it was a good money grab for them was a nice bonus for their bottom line. 


    I feel like that would have been less hassle and taken far less effort than what has been put forth by all those involved.  It would have been easy, and more acceptable overall I think, to have just went with SwedeComp (which I've been in favor of for some time) and the army books (not ET).  That would have been a clear line with a widely accepted and utilized comp system wherein everyone would know exactly what the scores were and the HoG/organizers would be off the hook for any discrepancies.  Not that I think SwedeComp is infallable (because it's not), but at least we would all know the deal.


    Semi-rant off, carry on.

  3. I've played with a Tri Advanced (Vader, Steele and Alozen (the TA pilot that has been leaked from the Raider)) list that I really like.  A 4 generic Advanced list seems good (waiting for the Raider for the 4th TA).


    Vader, Predator, Engine, Tie/X1 title, Advanced Targeting Computer

    Alozen, VI, Engine, X1, ATC

    Steele, Engine, X1, ATC


    I'm thinking of swapping Predator from DV for PtL on Steele.  Gonna have to give it a go to see if it's worthwhile.

  4. Tie Defenders are good, but expensive (points-wise).  They have a very useful white K-turn and can be loaded with a cannon.


    Phantoms just got 'nerfed', but since you are just getting in they will just play the erratted new version so not really a big deal for you there.  Take a look at the Phantom thread a couple down the list for info about that.


    Advanced are not popular and are overcosted (Vader is good though), but they are getting updated/upgraded in the Imperial Raider box (Imperial huge ship).  I, along with many others, am very much looking forward to this.  I have flown a 3 Advanced list that I like and feel it will be popular and good.


    Tie Fighters are good in swarms, mini-swarms and as cheap filler/fodder.  Swarms are tricky to fly, but can take down most ships with focused fire.  Many of the named pilots are useful with Howlrunner being the most popular by far.


    Does your list include one of each of the listed ships?  Maybe post some of your list ideas and you can get feedback from everyone.

  5. The fact that a TOMB KINGS army won the US MASTERS using ET/Lore of Undeath in a SwedeComped event should tell us something about ET and the altered meta it creates.  I trust Sylvos will weigh and weight ET correctly.


    First line of defense is and should be the players themselves, secondly their respective captains.  If something agregious slips through to Sylvos then shame on them.  Both of them, but especially the captain.  Let's take our responsibilities seriously gentlemen.

    • Like 1
  6. I think they are still good, albeit not quite as good, just in a different way.  As mentioned you can get some nice blocking and you will still be very action efficient with the right upgrades:


    Named Pilot of Choice (Echo for me with this set up), PtL, AS, SPA (Stygium Particle Accelerator), Recon Specialist


    Decloak gets you an Evade (SPA), Advanced Sensors gives you an action before you move so you Cloak and Focus (which gets you a free Focus via RS) and then make a green move to shed the PtL stress.  So you are double Focused, Cloaked and have an Evade - this is a good setup if you chose poorly on your dial and/or are not going to be in a good position to shoot this turn.  If you need to Barrel Roll to get in a good (out of arc) position just forego the Cloak for the Roll and blaze away.


    I like that the change will diversify builds, even if only a little.  The Whisper/VI/Gunner/ACD/FCS build will still be good and viable, we'll just have to be a bit more crafty when flying them.


    So I say still good, only different.  And opposition will have to adjust to the changes as well.  Ion, blocking and Stress are not nearly as effective counters as they once were.

  7. Sorry I'm late to this party or else I would have advised against the Fury models.  They are ok looking in general, but they do not rank up well for combat.  I'm converting some Dryads with 'Nid Gargoyle wings that are better I think.  The Furies are not the worst (they are not as bad as the plastic Bloodletters, which rank poorly and line up poorly for CC), but there are better options.


    As to the list: looks good and fun.  Halbards are a good choice for Khorne, though they usually are not taken in favor of XHWs.  Skullcrushers are money all day long, but a unit of 5 seems excessive and perhaps unweildy.  They should blow thru whatever they contact though.


    I agree that a cannon of some flavor would be good, maybe even two of them, but there are few armies inclined to jump into melee with a list like this whether you have a cannon or not.  I don't think you have the points or the list options to field enough (non-magical) missile fire to force that.  Unless you could manage a pair of each cannon type, but we all know you don't roll like that.  So I don't know if I would bother if you don't have the points readily available.  You will get into close combat, and the sooner the better for you. 


    Shove it all forward - they can only back up so far!

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  8. Oh and obviously thatdave, we are ON, but be forewarned we are bringing something like a 15+ average comp so (if your team follows your lead comp-wise) we may have a serious pillow fight on our hands, hah!


    I have not seen Ian's nor Greg's lists, but I can say that we will have 2 lists in the 18+ range.  Ian's might be tougher, but I'm sure Greg will land midrange.


    Might be pillows with wet mop sidearms.

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