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Posts posted by JamesBeadle

  1. Really? That makes me kinda sad. I like the flying aspect of the game, but since I'e yet to play I don't really know how crucial it is. With some Christmas money I purchased two Ork Dakka Jets and I have heard that those are really good  because they are so shooty. Guess the Tau flyer doesn't hold the same sauce.

  2. I was just wondering how important the Tau bomber was to the Tau battleforce? A trade I am engaged in with a friend of mine has changed and I am now getting a second Riptide (I'm very impressed with the stats on this model) instead of a Tau bomber. Are the bombers played very often? Are they worthwhile? Looking at the stats it seems the second Riptide would benefit my army more.

  3. I cannot speak for miniature games, but boardgames are certainly far more popular in Europe than in the US. It is common for friends who would not be understood as wargamers, to get together for a social gathering and break out boardgames. People in the US go to movies, folks in Europe game. I would think that would translate into all kinds of games, but I don't know for certian.

  4. What Eben said. I am studying to be a pastor, and among what I have learned about holding the office is that, like a politician, pastors live in a fishbowl where everyone examines thier every word and action. Now multiply that by a couple of million fans, put your words on paper, blend them into an excating and percise game system, and just see how many people barf their anger and frustration all over you becasue you made a rules decision that runs counter to their expectation. I think the guy does rather well all things considered.

  5. So I just started reading the BRB today. I've tried starting it a couple of times in the past week, but my headcold would always make my mind drift and I'd realize that I didn't remember the past two paragraphs. I am coming up with some very basic questions regarding how things work that would be best explained in actual play, but I doubt I will get a chance to before classes start again. I don't want to annoy folks with basic questions that could be better answered elsewhere however (I'm just unsure where to go).


    My Tau question is on Crisis suit loadouts. Is the Fireknife (Plasma Gun/Missile Pod) still the optimal build for these suits? I have four of them built this way, and one built with a fusion blaster and a flamer. The reason I ask is because I have two more Crisis XV8 suits that are unbilt NIB and I was wondering if I should make two more Fireknives, or if other loadouts would be useful to have access to?

  6. Okay, well it looks like I am not getting the Skyshield, as my trading partner has already traded that off. I hear what your are saying Herozero about no fortifications, but I want one, they are just cool and I want the experience of Orkifhying a piece of terrain. Looking over the comments it seems to be that the Redoubt is the most likely option to go with if I have to buy a piece of terrain, so that is the direction I will go. Thanks everyone for your input.

  7. Well LH, I only have the one Riptide for now. The army is meant to be an ally force for my Orks, but its shaping up into an army of its own.


    Commander Farsight

    Cadre Fireblade


    2 x Ethereal


    12 Firewarriors w/Farsight Shoulders

    12 Firewarriors

    12 Pathfinders



    2x Broadsides w/Missile Pods

    2x Broadsides w/Rail Cannons


    7 Crisis Suits (5 Built, four as Fireknifes)


    Unit of 3 Stealth Suits


    Coming in a future trade:


    2x Devilfish


    XV8 Battlesuit Commander

  8. This was a retail to retail trade for half of my Khador army. 


    Looks like most of the damage is repairable. Some bits broke of and were lost outside of the box, but nothing my huge bits collection cannot compensate for.


    He shipped priority with insurance, but it looks like I will be ok.


    I just looked at the book, and yeah, the Ion is cool, thought its tank buster shot gets hot.

  9. The boxes were smashed in transit. I took pics of the boxes and opened the larger one which was the most badly damaged, the lid had been smashed and there was a gaping hole. The riptide was broken to pieces. Most of it is repairable, but one of the thin tall fins is bent and hanging beyond easy repair. I've not opened up any of the other wrapped foam packs he sent inside that box. He had agreed to insure it before shipping and I sure hope he did. Fortunately I had him ship first as my feed back was superior, so he essentially has to address it.




    This Riptide only has its Ion cannon. That was always the least favored of the Hammerhand weapons, I'm assuming it still is?

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