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Posts posted by JamesBeadle

  1. You guys are both a little over the top, and the emotional response highlights this. Eben is right that this is modelling for advantage, but he pushed it further than it needed to go. Everyone tries to come up with clever ideas to give them an edge when they can, and that doesn't mean that they are intentionally trying to be dishonest. Sometimes a person just doesn't see the angle that makes the clever idea not advisable in a tournament scene. You are no criminal. This is a very small thing.

  2. I remember running into you and your lady, but I didn't make the connection. I was standing there feeling like an ass running through my brain, "Who is this guy... who is this guy." LoL, sorry man, I have a terrible time with names and so all these alyiases drive me batty. I was probably rather obvious about it, so thanks for being a good sport.


    I'm really looking forward to the game. I will be running pure Orks, with a lot of variety just to learn what they do. Its been so long since I have played a game of 40K that I don't even recall the 5th ed rules much anymore. Been at least three years.

  3. I realize I am trolling this a little, but this part of the board isn't very active. I really like space action games, but I don't have anyone to play with, and little enough time as it is to split between the games I do play. If there was an active garage group I could get into I'd buy a fleet, but I think I have seen this game played twice in all the years since I have known about it. Then again, I haven't been looking for a game. 

  4. That's why RAI arguments are futile, because *I* think that by the spirit of the game *I* have it right.  There is no winner here.  I think the wording is incredibly vague for this instance, and therefore it would come down to personal feelings.  


    Also, back to fluff rationales, there are plenty of blast weapons in modern arsenals (heck, even in older ones) in which things explode at a distance to target and not on impact.  


    Yep, both these points are true. Thinking about it from your perspective a little more, I can see where you are coming from. I jumped the gun on my initial assessment, falling into the self made trap of assuming evil in the other guy. Bad thing to do. I appreciate the new viewpoint.

  5. Why wouldn't it explode on contact, then the force knocks it offline and the residual blast hits the people in cover?  


    Also, I think WestRider hit the nail on the head in terms of how shooting attacks are resolved.  Technically, all the shots from one unit to another unit would be part of one shooting attack, therefore it would be all or nothing.  Meaning, that an autocannon that fires and hits the target unit twice would only get to resolve those shots against the shield in your version, not getting a chance to break through on the first and then resolving the wound on the unit with the second.  


    I guess that works if the void shields are tissue paper, like a big soap bubble. The blast is one event, not 3-7, the shield blocks that event. The argument I am hearing is one of rules interactions, essentially you are saying that a blast template is X number of indivdual shots fired by Y unit. I can see the argument from the assault cannon perspective as the damage it is doing is by volume not like indvidual HE or AP shells, but that is thousands of little events that plays out in three shots, either way the game mechnic can't quite capture it. I think the bottom line is that from a competative play aspect I can see your argument. However from a spirit of the game standpoint I still think I have it right. I see it as an abuse, but it doesn't follow that it is by nessesity being abused just because that is my viewpoint. /shrug

  6. James,

    I usually show around 3:00.


    3:00 Teus it is! So know most of the guys down there and I know we have played before, but I cannot connect alises with real names. Pretty much ever. So who is this alias for? Only one I ever seem to remember is Nate. Not sure why. :P

  7. IMO, the spirit of this rule is to get more than one hit with this.  As RCNjack is saying (though I don't think this is his argument) weapons with multiple shots get to try multiple times, I don't see the disconnect here between that and the blast markers


    I don't see it. Its one shell that is exploding Fluger, and the only reason it does multiple hits is because of that explosion. The void shield prevents it from reaching those targets. An assault cannon, sure it fires three separate rounds. A missile is a missle though. It seems kinda plain to me. /shrug

  8. I could be wrong Fluger, but about the only way I see the latter interpretation is in a self serving manner when someone is playing against a void shield using player and is trying to nerf him using the rules. I had enough of that back in the day when I played Star Fleet Battles. If I had someone use that approach with me and insist on it I'd let him, and then probably avoid playing him evermore after that.


    In any game you have the rules, and you have the spirit of the rules, that is true in any legal dealing. (Not that I think I am really telling you something new here, just explaining why I feel that way.) The rules are to facillitate play for both players with a cooperative attitude. I don't even think this deserves a D6 roll to determine the correct interpretation.

  9. Well, it seems to me that Orks are also a good ally contigent for Tau. The only way I could get the Tau allies that I wanted was to trade for them, since buying them is out of the question. To do that I dismantled my Khador, kept one small list that I wanted to play, and am in the process of trading the rest, which because of the Khador army size is netting me a complete Tau army. This wasn't my goal, but is ending up being the restult.


    I am not getting Kroot; my logic is that if I do ever run a Tau force, Ork allies can fill the gap that Kroot normally fill (ie. running interferance for shooty Tau models). Is this an accurate assessment?

  10. Thanks so much. I have no idea what I want to face, you choose. I will be playing an uncoordinated list of stuff that looks cool, with at least one unit of Kans and a Wierdboy!


    For a starter game what is a good points value?

  11. So in two short weeks I have done a lot to make my Orks a 6th ed force. I have picked up two Dakka Jets, a Stompa, and now an ally Tau force. The only thing I can think to get pre-codex release is one or two more pieces of fortification terrain, as I already own two defense lines (that I need to Orkify). I am thinking a landing pad might be good for my Lootas, but I like the idea of an Orky bunker too. What have you guys experienced (or played) Orks using to good effect?

  12. Hey everyone, I hope you all had a fun New Years Eve. 


    I have yet to play a game of 6th ed, and I was wondering if one of two of you would be willing to run a smallish (1000 - 1500 pts) game with me to teach me how to play? When the 13th comes I will be once again dissapearing as I am taking 17 CR/H to prepare for graduation in December, so I will be busy. However I'd really like to start learning the game.


    Anyone willing?

  13. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with WM Jonathan, however I assure you the game (at least in Portland) is growing. WM and 40K play very differently and each has its strength and attractions. Dwarves are not popular. They are fine in garage games and I think its a very cool looking army (particualry with your paint on them) but given the option to buy Rhules or Cryx, most folks will chose the latter. 


    And I pray that 2014 will be a far better year for you; I was not a fan of 2013 either!

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