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Posts posted by Nephren-Ka

  1. Made a couple of adjustments based on the feedback, should have the rest of the models I need by next game night. Figured I should actually try this list out, but I think its a good compromise. Further feedback is always welcome.



    Prince on Moon Dragon- Dragon armor, enchanted shield, ogre blade, gold crown



    Dragon Mage of Caledor- lvl2, dispel scroll, charmed shield

    Noble (BSB)- elven steed with barding, dragon armor, shield, sword of might,  potion of foolhardiness, luckstone



    Ellyrian Reavers (5)- shields/bows, musician

    Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

    Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

    Silver Helms (14) - shields, full command



    Lion Chariot

    Lion Chariot



    Bolt Thrower

    Bolt Thrower

    Frostheart Phoenix

    Great Eagle, shredding talons



  2. Hey Herozero, Im still relatively new regarding the game and a babe when it comes to high elves. In response to your points:


    1) I was under the impression that I couldn't have magic weapons with a magic banner, I'll have to look that up.

    2) Could you provide some suggestions for a different build and more specifically getting the +2 strength bonus for cheaper. He's definately a work in progress, but I figured that a 2+ armor save, 4+ ward would be sufficient. Maybe the charmed shield for added security.

    3) The lion chariots are built and ready to go, but maybe I'll trying proxying them as ellyrian chariots to get a better feel. Just seems like the lion chariot can dish out the hurt even after a charge.

    4) That seems to be a common sentiment and wise as I'll need something speedy to hopefully take out warmachines. 


    Thanks.Back to the drawing board, but I think that the essentials are there.

  3. So I made a few revisions to the army based on feedback, and decided to go for the whole bob and weave approach, everything being mounted, flying, or generally easy to maneuver. My enemy deserves to eat those boltthrowers if they want to trudge across the field. Just for fun I used the swedish comp system to evaluate it, and if my calculations are correct it's a +10.8




    Prince on Moon Dragon- Dragon armor, shield, ogre blade, dragon helm, talisman of endurance




    Dragon Mage of Caledor- lvl2, talisman of preservation

    Noble (BSB)- elven steed with barding, dragon armor, lance,  golden crown, enchanted shield, potion of foolhardiness, banner of eternal flame



    Ellyrian Reavers (5)- shields/bows, musician

    Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

    Ellyrian Reavers (5) - shields/bows, musician

    Silver Helms (14) - shields, full command




    Lion Chariot

    Lion Chariot



    Bolt Thrower

    Bolt Thrower

    Frostheart Phoenix




  4. Asking $250 for the following skorne lot, MSRP is about $530ish (everything is well assembled, pinned, and attached to forgecraft resin bases)


     Zaal and kovass, krea, bronzeback, hakaar, 2 extollers, marketh, 2 ancestral guardians, min unit immortals, max unit immortals 

     hexeris 1 and 2,  brute, savage, gladiator, shaman, molik karn, max praetorian swordsman

     max nihilators, 4 beasthandlers, agonizer, willbreaker, skorne tokens

  5. Thanks for the feedback guys,


    MexicanNinja: Definitely considering a frost phoenix, but I'm not quite comfortable yet fielding that many large targets (2 dragons, 1 phoenix) with so few foot troops. I would certainly include one if bumping this list to 2800pts. I agree that SM are an expensive distraction for enemy shooting, but my limited experience so far has shown that shooting (apart from warmachines) is over-rated. Likely not the case when facing off against dark elves though. I'm willing to take a few black eyes (figuratively speaking) before figuring out a good combo. Another option may be to have a unit of phoenix guard marching across the board to tie up units.


    Fixxer: Thanks, I'll certainly be learning to dance around the field. I'll definitely look into getting some eagles, I just don't trust my skill at using diverters yet and I feel vulnerable without two opportunities for shooting the big nasties. A recent game has shown that even the lowly bolt thrower can taken out a daemon prince.

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