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Everything posted by spacemarinejunkie

  1. If there was ever a game that plays and feels a lot like a Kill Team game this would be it. Everything just feels like 40k to me. I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I have to believe the creative team plays some type of tabletop wargame. :) I am probably going to get Enemy Within once I get into Unknown. I am playing on PC with the graphics boosted (Geforce GTX 760 with 16gb RAM) and it looks a lot better than I thought it would when I bought the game. It's not Crysis 3 graphics by any means but it's still very nice. Anyway it blows away other turn based games of it's type and if you game electronically you should give it a shot.
  2. I looked at the Kill team rules and it seems like a far more manageable game for me. Anyone in the Seattle area throwing down with some kill teams? I'm still checking out the rules but I've got Chaos and Space Marines pretty much ready.
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