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Everything posted by winterman

  1. I'd be interested to hear the rest of the list, not detailed just the broad strokes.
  2. They did gain an extra attack as well, which is better then the reroll 1s they had before. They gained Fear also (I know big whoop but its still something if not extremely small), they also lost the reserve manipulation. At 50 points and considering elites are not as dominated by the need for antitank as before I can see a place for lictors. Like say guiding in mawlocs or spore mines. Not amazing but hey I own 6 lictors so itd be fun to see what they can do.
  3. Move through cover ignores dangerous terrain tests. Its an oft overlooked feature in 6ed.
  4. He can grant Monsterhunter, Furious Charge or Prefered Enemy to his unit or a unit within 18". I don't recall when he does it but its otherwise seems like before with the addition of monsterhunter.
  5. I agree with a lot of what he says and maybe in the east coast meta he is spot on. For me I think he dismisses some considerations like hormagants and warriors. Warriors since the 5ed dex have been decent deck chairs, you just didn't really need a deck chair with tervigons. Now that termagants fall back 50% of the time when they fail IB, I can see warriors being a default cheap scoring unit for bugs. Hormagaunts gained an extra 3" run and base are more effective point for point then they were. This is where swarmlord comes in, giving them the USR they need to get the job done. Look I am not trying to white knight the codex and I am 100% in agreement with his assesments on the core rules in the book. I just see some new units emerging as worth considering and that's a good thing to me.
  6. Tervigons no longer give poison or adrenal to termagants, their spawns no longer get to move or assault, counter assault now keys off of base gant leadership and they kill gaunt broods out to 12" when they die. Not to mention the overall price increase to 195 and the 30 gant tax. Or how gants for scoring are pretty negatively affected by IB. Knowing how little tervigons synergize with termagants now and how much faster and cheaper hormagaunts are, I am surprised people still cling to the old ways. Tervigons and gants will still be effective but they are not (in my early estimation) so far head and shoulders above the other troop choices any longer.
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