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Posts posted by spagunk

  1. I haven't calculated my fleet size in points yet but I posess a sorylian fleet with two frigate squadrons, 1 cruiser squadron, 1 Regular/Heavy cruiser squadron, 1 battleship and 1 battlecruiser squadron.


    Currently have a gunship squadron on order as well.


    Edit: Tallied it up and looks like I got about 1220 points without hardpoints/upgrades applied.

  2. Could they not just make a suppliment/advanced rule book so we could buy a 25/30 dollar book instead of another 80 dollar one? Games companies have routinely done this in the past where they also included an errata which revises a ton fo rules in the original version.

  3. Yeah, this time I used mostly GW paints and I am surprised at how well the paint covers. I tend to use a thicker paint pallet than most people as you can tell but over all the color is fantastic. I just used these: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-SE/Blood-Angels-Paint-Drop. I've yet to figure out how to use the kindleflame dry paint or the bloodletter glaze so those weren't used. I also usually try to make my figures "blotchier" to signify a grimey appearance but I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out.


    I did neglect to paint battle damage on the guy. Kind of difficult to do now that it already has matte finish applied.

  4. Btw, there is a Spartan Games thread which could help you out a bit. There is even a thread on Spartan players and where they are located.


    I just bought some models and I am working on getting a hold of the v2 rulebook. Hopefully if I can find another player locally, we can go about showcasing this game in more popular arenas.


    I'm up in Vancouver so that is in the area-ish.

  5. The hulls themselves are pretty fantastic with lots of details.









    All in all, I think these are all pretty good. Everything I received was in good condition with no breaks or issues. The models have plenty of details which will make painting fun. I am totally impressed with the entire shipment. Since I chose Sorylians as a race, I am increadibly excited to add more to my fleet. They are releasing new versions of Gunboats and other craft in April and what I see looks really good.


    Hopefully I can get these painted soon and start showing them off!

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  6. Battlecruisers




    Battlecruisers are a recent release with a street data of February 28th. Not all of the races received quasi-carrier type ships so you may not get any fighter and bomber tokens with whatever race you get.




    Consistant packaging with the other boxes. The bits bag provides engine parts as well as the tokens for your small fighter and bomber ships.






    The flight stand pack contains a set of small dice which are there to mark how many wings of fighters or bombers each token represents.




    Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how the token matches to a Battletech hex. They are pretty much the same size.



  7. Cruisers




    The Cruiser box is similar to what you get in the Fleet Patrol box as far as parts go. However the benefit here is that you get the extra parts to make them Heavy Cruisers as well.




    As with the fleet patrol, the hulls are shipped in bubble wrap to prevent them from damage while the more sturdy bits are given a bag. Flight bases are provided as well with the same plastic covering that can be removed.




    Four sets of engine blocks are provided which are intended to match either a standard cruiser configuration or a heavy cruiser configuration. Four regular and four heavy lower cruiser hulls are provided giving someone a great opportunity to magnetize the ships.


  8. Battleship

    The battleship is significantly larger than the cruisers. I estimate it to be about 5 times if not more larger than the cruisers. Engine parts and peg hole bits are interchangable with the cruiser bits with the added exception that you need two peg hole bits glued in so that two pegs can be used.



    Detail again is pretty phenominal. Being almost a single piece of resin, the amount of work done to make this ship stand out is absolutely great.









    Comparted to 28mm figures, this thing is pretty big.




    One thing to mention is that the blank spaces on the rear of the ship is for engine blocks. These are absolutely the same as the cruisers so again, no need to worry about instructions or issues with the wrong parts.


    Next post: Cruiser Box and Battlecruiser

  9. Frigates

    Frigates in this box are highly detailed and are much improved over the older versions. Rather than having metal bits to glue together, you are given one whole piece of resin. I have to say that their resin manufacturing is pretty top notch. Very little flash from the mould which will make cleanup a lot easier.



    Flight stands have a hole on the bottom of the ship.The front peg is just where the filled the mould with the resin. People familiar with resin are pretty used to this.


    The next class up in the box, Cruisers are much larger than the Frigates by at least two or three times. Again, the build quality is really nice for resin. They smartly broke the ship up into two parts. This is a design decision they made to allow you to swap bits on the cruiser hull and make them Heavy Cruisers. For a normal cruiser squad, one ship can be upgraded this way. However from a company stand point, this allows them to get two models for almost the price of one. The other advantage is that the mould lines are all inside the recess that no one is really going to see much of anyway.







    Engines parts are provided and attached to the back end on flat areas. They give you a set of normal engines for all ships plus an extra set to make one a Heavy Cruiser.




    Because the ships are larger, they provide the holes for the flightstand on a separate piece. This same piece is going to be used for all the cruisers and the battleship in this box so there is no confusion on which bit goes to which ship. Note that the bulkier cruiser hull piece in the middle is larger but shaped slightly different. This did not appear to be a problem and would lend itself great for magnetization.

  10. Instead of posting one long post, I will break it up into parts.


    First up, the

    Fleet Patrol Box




    The box itself is constructed pretty well. Rather than making the whole box a walking advertisement, only a sleeve covers a plain white box.




    The components are all packed in their own bubble wrap which is good to know since we're talking about resin. Though there aren't very many bits that stick out or could break in transit, it's nice that they are all packaged separately.


    The patrol box comes with a set of frigates, cruiser hulls, the battleship, engine/hull bits and flight stands. Resource cards are also provided as these are used in game as a tactical resource while playing.




    Each box also has a set of tokens, measurements for movement and the like. They are made with a thin but sturdy card stock so investing in hard plastic counters is something you may want to look into later.




    Flight stands come in two sizes: Battleship size and Cruiser/Frigate size. Each one has a peelable plastic coating on one side to protect from scratches.You can opt to keep them on or off depending on what you want to do. I've seen many people actually decorate the underside with star fields. Not a bad idea IMHO.


    Also note that this set has a dual peg battleship stand. Other ships may have more since the pegs themselves are used for measuring and some firing situations.



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  11. So despite my better judgment (*looks at huge pile of unpainted 40k figures in corner*) I dropped a few bucks on getting some FSA models. I decided to buy a new Patrol fleet box, a box of the new cruisers/heavy cruisers and some new Battlecruisers.


    They are set to arrive around Friday so I wanted to see if anyone was curious to see an unboxing/general impression post.


    Would you like to know more?

  12. Ewwww ;)

    Started a scratch build Ork counts-as Knight Titan when the rumors had the height at eight inches and it looked like they could ally into Orks...

    Guess it'll have to be a Warlord Knight and I'll have to build 3 more!


    When has actual height or legality been any reason NOT to scratch build Ork versions? :tongue:

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