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Posts posted by Mach_5

  1. Desolate Warping would still summon abominations even against the desolation engine. The only ambiguity comes in with Joss, and how often is Joss played against a crew that takes Desolation Engine, and how often in those games is Joss the one that kills the desolation engine?


    I've asked a few others and everyone else seems to think that Joss drops no scrap from desolation engine, so I'll give you that one. Same result if Joss kills A&D.

  2. General timing only really applies when things are simultaneous. DE to me reads as more of an "always active" ability. If Pax is right, then DE wouldn't drop any. If I'm right, DE's ability only cancel's the corpse/scrap that would normally be dropped by a killed model, but doesn't cancel the scrap dropped by Joss's ability. Its definitely grey and I haven't seen any official ruling on it. Honestly this is gonna be an exceedingly rare occurrence, so not really a big deal either way to me. If it came up in a game I'd be happy to play it either way.

  3. Good to hear! Rasputina and the children of December can actually be pretty flexible even staying in-theme. There are a ton of different "Frozen Heart" models available and coming soon that allow her to be competitive in pretty much any set of objectives that come up. I've even gone so far as to find proxies for non-frozen heart stuff to better fit her theme if I want to use the models in her crew, for example I found some ice demon things to use as Coryphee.


    Basically you can buy her crew box, which is I think around 30ss worth of stuff, add in a few other models to get to 50, and have a few more models available to allow you to tweak the crew's focus.

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  4. Joss says "Models killed by this model drop a Scrap Marker in addition to any other Markers dropped." Joss's ability doesn't require that the model killed drops any markers at all, so I'd say it doesn't matter that the DE doesn't drop one when killed. Joss get's his additional scrap.

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  5. From the FAQ:


    19) Q: Can a Crew hire one totem, and then summon another totem during the course of the game?

    A: Yes, although frequently models which can do this have some sort of built in restriction. Check the

    individual model’s card.


    So I think it's fair game for Leviticus. Just not sure its all that wise compared to hiring two waifs...

  6. First, you can have one of each effigy (I believe they're all rare 1).


    Second, yep you can only hire one Totem unless otherwise specified (ie you can hire two Hollow Waifs because of their rule). I don't see anything to stop you hiring a different totem and still summoning a waif, though it will significantly limit Levi's options on where to unbury and it'll make it that much easier for your opponent to keep him buried by targeting your only waif.


    I'd be interested to hear how you unbury Levi without the waifs... didn't think that was doable but haven't really looked into him much myself.

    • Like 2
  7. Have to agree to disagree then. It's more than just an extra AP and an extra upgrade slot that make masters more powerful. Their abilities are designed to be significantly more powerful. You might also notice that the henchmen all have a total Cost+Cache=13, so the better the henchman the smaller the cache. If you tried to give any master a fair cost in ss, you'd have to go higher than the most expensive henchmen (more than 13ss) plus they still have a cache while a 13ss henchman has 0 cache.


    It could be a fun game, and like I said I'd be happy to have said game for a laugh, but personally I'd prefer to strive for a balanced fight, and to me it seems like that game would typically be skewed in favour of the Master-led crew. By all means, try it out. Maybe you win some games, maybe you could prove me wrong?

  8. So why would their be an issue with a Henchman leader at 50ss? Saying it's ill-advised seems reasonable, but banning seems unnecessary. If it's truly an issue of henchmen just being weaker, then allowing them as leaders shouldn't be an issue unless you are also banning the weaker masters....

    There isn't really an issue if both players play henchmen, but most people want to play a master as it's more interesting/fun/characterful. Masters can massively affect the way a crew plays and makes the game more interesting. Joss leading spiders is kinda meh, but Ramos leading joss with spiders is awesome!


    So yeah, you could play henchmen vs henchmen at 50ss and it would be balanced enough, but not as interesting of a game as Malifaux is designed to be. As most people prefer to lead with a master you're left trying to play henchman vs master in which you'll be at a distinct disadvantage, and that isn't usually that fun for either player.

  9. The game is still enjoyable and mostly balanced at lower ss levels if you are henchman led. If you are playing with a master at 35ss then the balance can skew a little (summoning becomes even more powerful, for example). You will still probably have a fun game most of the time, though balance issues can burn you if people are trying to take advantage of that fact.


    Aside from using soul stones, there isn't much that makes most henchmen stand out from any other model. Masters have more character, way more options available to them, and really set the tone for how a crew plays. You don't get the full tactical depth of the game without them. Henchmen-led games are great for occasional story encounters, or add part of an ongoing series of linked missions. They're great for intro games to keep it simpler for new players. Most people prefer to play masters at 50ss because that is where the game is most balanced with the most tactical options available. Plus you get to put more toys on the table. Win-win, no?

  10. Never knew that, never had a problem. Good to know the rule exists but I'd still be flexible. Not an bad idea to quickly run down heights on specific pieces of terrain before the game starts anyway "so this this and thus are Ht3, these are all ht2 and that's just ht0 but severe terrain? Awesome, let's start!".

  11. From a few of the videos I've seen I believe they had a group pre-set as if they were part way through a campaign already, each group of demo-ers played the same fight over and over again. You could possibly figure out how to equip a group and fight a monster as if you were part way through a campaign (or just fight the first battle over and over, which would get dull as you don't have any equipment), and you'd get a taste for how the combats work, but you'd be missing a huge part of the game which is the struggle to survive, build a community, harvest animal parts, advance your society, etc.

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