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Posts posted by dvang

  1. I think theres four races at release,at least that's what my Son said and hes been following it with his friends pretty closely.


    And of course the rest and more will be released over the next few years im sure.


    From what I heard, the four starting races are:


    Empire, Greenskins, Vampire Counts, and Dwarves.


    The developers wanted depth, rather than breadth, so that is why there are only 4 initial races. 

    • Like 1
  2. Playing through Witcher 1 now. Story is great. The interface is pretty clunky, especially combat.  Pretty much just clicking after X number of swings to continue your combo (when the on-screen icon changes to a flaming sword).  Also, the alchemy requiring resting, which can only be done at inns and special 'campfire' locations is a bit clunky as well, IMO.


    Still a pretty fun game.

  3. The big VATS change we saw in the demo was that time is not paused in VATS anymore ... merely slowed down while in VATS.


    My wife is not a fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the sames reason ... she greatly prefers the isometric top-down RPG, rather than FPS.  I didn't mind so much, but I do play FPS games myself.  I will admit that I prefer the isometric top-down view for Fallout rather than the FPS that Bethesda introduced, but not enough to not play Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

  4. I tried WarThunder and found it looked nice, but was just completely frustrating and unfun (for me) to play.  It is so easy to be 1-shotted by tanks that you can't see in WT... well-1-shotted period.  It just didn't make for a fun time playing.  It looks nice, and the concept of multi-aspect is pretty neat...but constantly driving forward to be able to see/shoot something only to suddenly be killed and having to do it again (and again and again until you are out of respawns) got old pretty fast.  Even playing cautiously and surviving, meant that then there was usually very little shooting to be done.  It just isn't a fun game IMO.  I suppose that its just too 'realistic' for my taste.  Personally, I'd rather spend my time on a more arcade-style game that is fun (for me) to play.  I do give it a retry every now and then, like when the US tanks got introduced.  I still haven't had fun with it.


    That said, I agree that WoT has taken a bit of a slide in terms of fun as well recently.  


    I am greatly looking forward to World of Warships, though.

    • Like 1
  5. Errr, no one has anything that I can use to proxy?  How about any small guns that are on medium bases and face the short edge, anyone?  I've got 3x Us 57mm AT guns that I can use in a pinch, but I need a total of 6 guns.  Zeke or Ryan, do you guys have like three 37mm or 57mm guns I can use as proxies maybe?  Otherwise, I will have to come up with something creative for proxies, which I'm not a fan of.

  6. I've counted out the models for my list.  A little proxy-ing of mostly guns/artillery but otherwise I'm pretty good.  However, does anyone happen to have 6 Italian 47/32s that I can borrow? They are used as the model for the Dutch 4.7cm Böhler gun. Or, anything else that works as a man-packed 4.7cm AT gun team, that I can borrow for the event? (see: http://www.flamesofwar.com/online_store.aspx?CategoryID=11006)

  7. I have absolutely no issues with the interface.  The graphics are dark and gritty, yet clean.  Very nice.  I read that they used motion-capture to translate all the characters in the game (using friends and family etc) and it really shows, as despite being essentially black-and-white there is a lot of detail to the characters.


    Using your characters is pretty simple and intutive. Point and click to move them, double-click to make them run.  Interaction is with circular areas on the screen that have icons in them. With a character selected (they have a slight but noticeable highlight around their body) then click on the icon you want them to use.  There is also an area in the lower right with character portraits, which you can also use to select a character, as well as bring up a small display for them that gives you some bio/information about them.


    Honestly, it seems like a very well polished game to me, and I highly recommend it to everyone.


    The only "frustrating" thing to me is the 'saves'.  The game splits into a "Day" portion, in which you handle in-house construction, eating, fortifying, etc.  Then there is a "Night" portion, where one of your survivors is sent to scavenge various areas of the city.  There is no manual save in the game, and the game itself only saves at the start of each "Day" cycle.  Thus, if you have a bad Night, you can either get stuck with it b/c it quickly goes to Day and saves... or if you can exit quick enough, you revert to the start of the next day and need to do/repeat the entire day portion's events/building before you can get back to the night scavenging.


    Then again, since it is a survival game, technically you should probably not be reloading anyway and just take the bad with the good, so I understand the design of it.  It isn't really a flaw of the game, simply a matter of me hating when one of my survivors dies, so I "cheat" to avoid it.  :P

  8. How 'financial' is financial that you are looking for?  


    My wife and I have a lot of fun with the various Tropico series of games. Fun island-builder. There is some economics/financial building, although it isn't hugely realistic.  We haven't picked up 5 yet (which just came out) but it looks pretty good, as do the earlier ones.  It can also play pretty quickly, and comes with a variety of challenging scenarios or you can play sandbox.

  9. I am running a day of SOBS demos in Portland OR, at Guardian Games. 9/6/2014, for anyone interested.


    Shadows of Brimstone is a 'dungeon-crawler' board/miniature game, reminiscent of Warhammer Quest/Heroquest.  However, it is set in the Wild West, as a cross between the Wild West and Unspeakable Lovecraftian Horror.






  10. I saw it played at GenCon, but couldn't get in a demo game myself.  It looks great, and plays well.  Although it looks similar to X-Wing, it really played differently.  For example, you shoot and then move.  Your dials are for orders, not necessarily for movement.  So, your orders could affect your movement, like allowing you to turn slightly better or move slightly farther, or give orders to your fighters to attack (allowing your fighters to get an extra activation).

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