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Posts posted by Wiccus

  1. I could probably use a game of infinity to practice for the upcoming tournament and the OFCC. I'm looking for mid tier (300pts) limited insertion lists. Preferably I would like to play transmission matrix, biotechvore or frontline.

    Failing that I would be super down for some 9th age.

  2. Okay any updates on who wants to go for sure? Christian and I are trying to plan out our board currently. Want to get a player nailed down in the next month or so so we can coordinate.

    So far we have Miles as seemingly a for sure and like 5 maybes. Also if most of these maybes decide to go we can form a second team and maybe even coordinate further between teams. 

  3. I know the narrative event is going to reveal bits and pieces as we play but I was just wondering about the importance of specialists. Should we bring a lot? Are they not very important? The 200pts feels a tad restrictive so I'm having trouble list building. I want to build something fun but I also don't want to make something that can't win missions

  4. Speaking of grimness here are some tasty offerings from old grandpappy Satan.

    Marduk really makes me want to play my Flames of War Germans. Watain captures the early/mid 90s metal vibe and smacks you in the face with it. Carach Angren as always brings the moody brutality with tragic lyrics.

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  5. Jinjer grew some balls. That song had real power and substance. I heard a few of their songs before and thought they were rather boring and formulaic breakdown laden chug fests. Though I did hear potential. That song blew my junk out my ass though.

    Khemmis thouroghly rocked my balls. I need that album now. 

    That black metal has potential. I need to give it more of a listen. I've been wanting to listen to more grim frostbitten northern riffs lately.

    Brojob is hilarious.

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  6. Well you basically have 5 months to practice. Its not until the end of July. I'm down to relearn some rules. I haven't played in a bit and really love this game. I really need practice with Morats which is what I plan on bringing. So feel free to post in our tuesday game night threads or post here if you're looking for a game on some other day of the week.

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  7. Hey guys. The details for the OFCC infinity events are up. Friday is a standard ITS event and Saturday and Sunday are a narrative 3 person team event.


    Christian and I are already planning on going but we need 1 more person on the team. One of the requirements is for each team to make or bring a table. So figuring out our team asap so we can brainstorm tables and display boards would be great.

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