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Posts posted by HeroZero

  1. Tested 2 units of 5 Devs, 3 HB, 1 Flakk missile launcher.

    I was extremely pleased with the results, cheap enough to not break banks, and.BS5 skyfire came in handy with the quad gun.

    The 6 HB reaped a significant number of kills and even dropped a light transport and a skimmer.



  2. In a non IH list how does everyone feel about them.


    50 points for a powerfist, possible repair roll and a 2+ wound sink isn't bad imho.


    My idea is to stuff them in Rhino tactical squads with just an auspex. Thoughts?.

  3. Lootas should be ten man, you do not want fearless lootas.

    So 3 ten man units for sure.


    Your warboss should be on a bike.

    Drop the big Mek for another bike boss.


    Split the mega Nobs into two units of three mount them in trukks with reinforced rams.


    Drop the Ard Boyz and Grots. Buy three units of 20 shoota boyz


    Drop the kannons

    Buy a third deffrolla battle wagon.


    Reduce the bikes down. They are just delivery wounds for the double bosses.

  4. Single shot str 8 ap 3. Good for a glance here in there.

    Combi Weapons actually have a use. When you pop the combi- you have a purpose. Melta to absolutely kill a tank, flamer to rip out a infantry horde. Plasma to put down a terminator.

    HK just don't have a justifiably good reason for inclusion.

  5. I know Razorbacks are so last edition. Ineffective and easily killed, but it is always an.option.

    I love the plasma gun/lascannon ten man tactical squad in a TL Plas/las back. Combat squad the las plas into five , then the five bolters.go in ride to score.


    That's a topic for another thread.

    164 points for 3 las cannons on 6 bodies isn't that expensive actually.


    I like it in doubles for IF. Lots of tank killing.

  6. Do you use them? What load out?

    Quad Flakk Missiles seems like a ridiculous point sink.

    Quad Missiles seems okay...

    Quad Heavy Bolters seem good if you go IF.

    Quad Las? Expensive.

    Full 8-10 unit? Or 5 man units?

  7. Isn't this the exact squad I said had a ton of merit than got flamed wt for them being too costly...


    Their CC ability is to keep them safe from shooting. Hit and run boyo.


    3 just isn't enough 6 is the sweet spot.

    The grenade launcher is insanely powerful. Use it more on bigger squads.

  8. I'd argue that marines above all.armies desperately need extra AA.

    The Talon is a poor AA platform due to cost/survival

    The Raven is great but 1/10th of an army or more.

    Marines have zero issue putting down infantry. Every single slot has that in spades. Only one slot has viable AA.

  9. No love for the Plasma cannon I see.

    I've always been a fan of the assault cannon however. 4 shots is fairly significant.


    As for Ironclads. God I want to field two. But I need stupid right arms so I can Magnetize. I think the ven dread kit looks a lot cooler. That's what matters to me.


    If I do bring dreads of course it will be two in pods.

    (Third pod is sternguard.)


    Two ironclads podding in on t1 can put early pressure on units that don't enjoy protracted combat or backfield units. 2 heavy flamers make cultist units sad.

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