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Posts posted by Rijel

  1. I was just coming here to post something about Dragon Rampant. It looks like a fun game, and I love how the approach to forces section means you can use just about anything.


    I finally have a use for all my Arcane Legion and old Warhammer figs.


    So, yeah, definitely interested. 

  2. I'm working on a very small scale (2mm-6mm) Kings of War setup, and for this project I'm in need of a variety of small bits, usable as unit identifiers.


    I will pay cash for any of the following:


    20mm, 25mm, and 40mm square bases, so long as they don't have the tab slot.


    Shields, any faction, sci-fi or fantasy. I'm especially looking for newer shields with designs on them, or older shield sprues with separate bosses. I'm especially looking for GW dwarf and high elf shields.


    Icons, scenery, and small creatures from other kits. Snotlings, tyranid rippers, the tiny dragon on the elf skycutter kit; that sort of thing. For icons, I'm looking for stuff that's immediately identifiable as a marker for that faction.


    Banner bits. A lesser priority, but if anyone else's bits box is like mine, there are extra banners that aren't being used.


    And I don't need any of this in bulk. Even if you've only got one or two, I'm probably interested.




    X-Wing starter, with some extra ships.

    Pocket Battles: Orks & Elves.

    Boss Monster + Tools of Herokind.

    Torches & Pitchforks

    Once Upon a Time + Dark Tales expansion


    Death Angel

    Filthy Rich: the 3-D game of Capitalism

    Battleground Fantasy Warfare: Dwarves and Undead starters. 

    2 sets of Black Reach Orks, some base-coated, some still on sprues.

    Warhammer high Elves that I'm probably not going to get to:

         Island of Blood figures

         30 metal swordmasters

        17 plastic archers

         1 bolt thrower.

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