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Posts posted by Chappy

  1. Alas. I am out raiding, far from Norsca. But know this, southlanders, the tide of blood will be coming. The Blood God's chosen shall sweep down and wash you all away in a deluge of crimson and death. Pray to your weak Gods and cower behind your elven majiks. For they shall not save you. When the harvest moon hangs over PDX so shall I return to scourge the land before me.


    Fear the coming wrath of Khorne!


    (Especially you, Raindog. But first you have to teach me how to play.)

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  2. Question: Why the rokkits on the boys squads? When I build I tend to specialise each unit to a specific battlefield role. So, for shoota boys I would take big shootas so I could utilise them for a purly anti infantry roll. Are you doing it to make them multi-role? I ask because I find that when I do this, I am torn between how to use that squad effectively. And I may need to equally utilize both capabilities, but am now only limited to one. It does depend on situational circumstance, but, it can leave you high and dry. Costing you the game.


    Your thoughts Herr Fluger?

  3. Don is correct. You can pay the base cost of the weapon twice to double it's shots. I typically run suits with 2 Burst Cannons to take advantage of the ability to crank out 24 shots from a squad of 3. Flamers are pretty rad as you can take a twin-linked set (re-roll to wound) and an additional one. They are the only weapon that is good twin-linked. Even then, that is debatable. Suicide deep strike and burn some baddies into oblivion.

    Other loadouts is your call. One favorite of mine is 2 Fusion Blasters and a Flamer. Deep strike in, break a big thing, jump away, use flamers for defense from charges. Works well, but expensive.


  4. I was daydreaming about the implications of the Bubble Chukka coming back... more Orky force field teknowotz... more Invul save bubbles spread around? And perhaps more tellyporta tek? I really like the idea of da boyz not wearing all that poncy armour the soft oomies wear and instead trusting in da oddboyz to keep them alive long enough to WAAAGH! across the board and get in a proppa fight.

    My favorite part of Ork army releases are all the cockney accents that come out from old skool veteran gamers. It is one of the more endearing aspects of this hobby. Truly. Remember screaming "WAAAAGH!" at GT's some years back. People say Space Marines are GW's flagship army but its the Orks that truly capture hobbyists heart and soul.
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  5. Shrike and his unit should be able to. It is the way I see and understand it. If anyone wants to play me and have him infiltrate a unit of jumpers or whatever closer, I will allow it. People who want to knitpick a unit ability that has been around for what, 2 codexes and 3 editions, can take their shenanigans to another table.

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