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Posts posted by wisetiger7

  1. I believe you are joking but just in case they were from Vancouver and Sean should be very proud to be married to the drop dead one.


    No offence Sean but your wife seems to be an amazing woman you lucky man.

    On a funny note, during game three, she walked by, and did a double take when she looked at me, which caused me to do a double take at her, to which she replied with a smile and "You sent me a text." I said, "I think you got the wrong guy," to which she responded by pulling her phone out and showing the "selfie" Sean took of he and I during game two that he sent to her forthwith, subtitled "Sexy". PAHAHA!  :laugh:


    edit: for reference:


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    1. The Tournament Packet states: "Each table should have only three pieces of special terrain. All other terrain should be generic by category. The special terrain is determined by the scenario."
    My question is: For wood elf players, do the free forest and forests from Acorns of Ages count toward this 3-special-terrain limit?
    IMO, I think they should be in addition to the 3-special limit, as it states that the forests are place during deployment, before any units have been deployed. Any pre-existing terrain should be identified prior to the deployment phase.
    2. In "It is All About the Core" it states: "A Bonus Point is awarded for each friendly core unit alive at the end of the game. Each unit standard alive at the end of the game is worth another bonus point."
    My question is: Do you get a bonus point for every unit standard alive, or just CORE unit standards alive at the end of the game? If it is every unit standard (not just core), then you do you also get a point for the BSB alive too?
    3. In the BRB under Buildings - Special Attacks, it states: "For special attacks (such as stomps) and items that affect models in base contact, a model fighting in a building is assumed to be in base contact with one enemy model nominated by the enemy player unless fighting in a challenge, of course, in which case they are in contact with the model they are fighting!"
    My question is: If a unit is in a building, and a character with the Other Trickster's Shard assaults the building with his unit, can the assaulting player declare that all of models inside are in base-to-base contact with him, thus needing to reroll their ward saves due to being in contact with the Shard?
    4. "King of the Hill" states: "Each friendly hero on top of the hill at the end of the game is worth one point."
    My question is: Does "Each friendly hero" mean Hero or Character? In other words, do you get a point for a Lord on the hill too? Or just Hero-level characters?




    Also, what is the ruling on the whole ASF + ASL + ASF thing?

  3. I also have the pdf, if anyone wants it. It was too big to include the fluff, so I cut it down to the Rules portion only to make it emailable. Mind you, these are iPad screen shots, NOT scans of the actual book, so where there are a lot of additional unique rules, the originator forgot in a few places to take the extra screenshots of those rules (eg. Nagash's Arch-Necromancer, Death Magic Incarnate, and Supreme Lord of the Undead rules are not explained. Likely, you can find them somewhere on the interwebs.) This will, however, give you a full view of the new rules regarding the combined army as well as the new scenarios that can be played, and all the rules included with those scenarios, and whether or not you think it is valid to play in escalation. The combined army does seem a little OP to me, though it fixes TK to a degree...


    If the higher-ups allow, I can email the file to you guys.

  4. For as long as I've been playing Warhammer, there has been a stigma of running SC's, that they are frowned upon. They are seen as crutches, though most of them are barely better than build-a-bearacters, many a lot worse. I like to think that GW actually does a decent job with most of the SC's, toning things down when they need it (like Teclis), and I believe that SC's contribute to the balance of the book. Some books maybe seem weak, except when you throw in a SC (like TK). Some books may seem strong, but have mediocre SC's to compensate, etc.


    I think it is important to take all the aspects of an army into account, when considering the balance of a book. And there will always be exceptions, of course. But I think it would be awesome to use the narrative characters we love to go along with the narrative setting we play in.

  5. I have to agree with MN on Teclis. IF on any double was way worse that adding an extra die. Also, he is no longer Loremaster of any chosen lore, only High Magic. Yes, choosing any 1 spell each from the basic 8 can be powerful, but many of the basic 8 spells are synergistic with other spells in the same lore (i.e. Throne of Vines with most of the other Life spells, or Kindleflame lore attribute with other Fire spells, etc). Having access to all the spells in a single lore would have been more potent.


    Furthermore, at S2/T2, he is extremely vulnerable, but going to S1/T1 after Staff use?! If he wasn't just begging to be Dwellers'd already, he will be after using the Staff. With WS3 and no innate saves built in, unless you're running High Magic on him, he's as good as dead. Even BotWD won't help him survive a charge from fast cav or other chaff.


    He is still very powerful. Don't get me wrong. But MN is right; Teclis is weaker than before, though not by much. He's a glass cannon, just more glassy than before.


    I will, however, have to disagree with "loremaster with Book of Hoeth" part. But that's just because I think loremasters are sh!te. They don't even get Lileath's Blessing! A regular L4 with Book is better, imo, and cheaper. +5 to cast should always be your go-to for Helf magic phase. +2 from a Loremaster means half the spells need minimum 2 dice on average just to cast with the book. It is just too risky to cast otherwise.


    Plus there's the juxtaposition of "Is he combat oriented or magic oriented?" Earthblood does almost nothing for him, if the latter. And let's face it, you're probably going to give him TaliPres anyway, so it's utterly redundant. Deflect Shots is garbage. Martial Prowess is wasted as he will never be in the third rank. So you're wasting points on a model that doesn't really benefit at all from half his combat-based special rules.


    If you are caster oriented, then you are sorely overpaying for a combat element you won't use. If you are going combat, he can die easily, plus half his spells are gone once you're in base-to-base with something.


    If a loremaster is ever to be used, I would think a high-points game would be fine, with another main L4 caster, while the loremaster can buff his own unit or miasma his enemy as he wades into battle. L4 High Magic won't use many dice, as most spells can be 1-diced with Book. Hopefully that will leave a few dice left for a loremaster to use prior to combat.


    Just my tw...enty cents.  :rolleyes:


    Oh, and don't even get me started about the whole "Why the eff doesn't a loremaster have the "Loremaster" special rule?!?" :wacko:  And that goes for "High Loremaster" Teclis too!!!  :angry:

  6. This has probably been suggested numerous times before (I know I've suggested it to my own team): What do you guys think of having a large multiplayer campaign on a club level? Each army can be led by Lord level SC/non-SC, and we play out scenarios that make sense with the narrative?


    For example, let's say a WoC army is besieging an Empire castle. Put on a series of tiny warband/skirmish games that ultimately impacts the outcome of the final battle. Maybe the besieged player wants to try and get a messenger out to request the help of a nearby ally. If the messenger warband wins, the besieged player gets aid in the form of an extra 500 pts of Dwarf allies. Or maybe the WoC player decides to try and sneak some scouts into the castle under nightfall to help open the gates during the main battle. Or maybe both sides have allies in the form of dwarfs and skaven, the rats trying to tunnel under the walls to collapse them, and the dwarfs trying to prevent that from happening, resulting in an underground battle as described in the ET:N book, while the main battle rages on above ground, etc.


    Not only would this be awesome as all hell, but it would give us a chance to see what these famed special characters can actually do in battle, small and large. It would take a lot of effort on the part of the organizer though, to come up with narrative battles. But since many people meet weekly at WOW, it could be done...

  7. Lol, I thought it was an invisible flame cannon until I scrolled down hahaha! Looks good MN! Love that base!


    btw, how'd you get the gory blood effects? I'm pondering whether or not to use some blood and gore on my units to make them all look like battle-hardened veterans in the midst of battle.

  8. People can always choose to play one style or the other though... If rumors of 9th ed being skirmish only are true (which I hope to the gods they aren't), I'll still be playing 8th. If I wanted round bases, I'll go play Infinity. 8th ed is strong enough to persist through a drastic change-up of rules if they are doing away with larger-scale battles. I don't foresee myself just packing up and selling my stuff just because the new edition doesn't play to what I like. I'm sure there will be plenty of players playing 8th when all is said and done, if that is the case.

  9. I like the idea of separate color schemes. Too many armies these days just look like the same mish-mash blend of colors. This way, it is easier to tell the difference between different types of units using different colors, yet the gold ties them together as an army.


    Also, it indicates for me the bigger threat! Hahaha! I've played enough against irondrakes to know you take them out first, attrition-style. Looking good, MN.

  10. 1. The Tournament Packet states: "Each table should have only three pieces of special terrain. All other terrain should be generic by category. The special terrain is determined by the scenario."


    My question is: For wood elf players, do the free forest and forests from Acorns of Ages count toward this 3-special-terrain limit?


    IMO, I think they should be in addition to the 3-special limit, as it states that the forests are place during deployment, before any units have been deployed. Any pre-existing terrain should be identified prior to the deployment phase.


    2. In "It is All About the Core" it states: "A Bonus Point is awarded for each friendly core unit alive at the end of the game. Each unit standard alive at the end of the game is worth another bonus point."


    My question is: Do you get a bonus point for every unit standard alive, or just CORE unit standards alive at the end of the game? If it is every unit standard (not just core), then you do you also get a point for the BSB alive too?


    3. In the BRB under Buildings - Special Attacks, it states: "For special attacks (such as stomps) and items that affect models in base contact, a model fighting in a building is assumed to be in base contact with one enemy model nominated by the enemy player unless fighting in a challenge, of course, in which case they are in contact with the model they are fighting!"


    My question is: If a unit is in a building, and a character with the Other Trickster's Shard assaults the building with his unit, can the assaulting player declare that all of models inside are in base-to-base contact with him, thus needing to reroll their ward saves due to being in contact with the Shard?


    4. "King of the Hill" states: "Each friendly hero on top of the hill at the end of the game is worth one point."


    My question is: Does "Each friendly hero" mean Hero or Character? In other words, do you get a point for a Lord on the hill too? Or just Hero-level characters?

    • Like 1
  11. If you are running beasts a waystalker with bow of Loren could be amazing if you cast savage beast on it.

    While it would be really funny to get this combo off, imho I think it is something that would be more beneficial as a fortunate accident, rather than planning an army around it, and the reasons are three-fold:


    1. Savage Beast is really more for combat characters. With +3S and +3A, it is clear that a combat character with already decent WS would benefit greatly from this. Throwing it on a waystalker means he only benefits from the +3A part, as the strength of the bow comes from the weapon itself, thus always be S3. That wastes half the spell.


    2. Throwing it on a waystalker means investing at least two dice to cast it, and that is a waste when he doesn't benefit from the whole spell. That's if you even get the spell at the beginning of the game. An important spell like that is kind of a waste to spend on a 90 point character, that will maybe get one more wound per round of shooting, before saves. Remember, the strength still doesn't go up, so you're still shooting 50% to wound at best, most likely 33% as most other characters are at least T4.


    3. The spell only has a 12" range. That means your waystalker has to be within a foot of the mage, greatly reducing his maneuverability and/or taking advantage of his Scout ability. Once we start hamstringing our characters' special rules, we devalue his points cost, possibly making it harder for us to earn points back with him.


    So my conclusion is this: If, for some reason, you are building a kitchen sink list, and happen to get the spell, and happen to have a waystalker, and happen to have said waystalker within 12 inches, and happen to have two spare powerdice, and happen to get the spell off... well, I'd say go for it!  :biggrin: Cause the reaction on your opponent's face will be that much more the sweeter when you kill his general with a 90 point model BAHAHAHA!


    My exception to the three-fold rule is this: If you have THREE waystalkers and cast boosted Savage Beast and give all three of them +3A, dude... THAT would be hilarious!!!

  12. "The Bow of Loren is an Asrai longbow with the Multiple Shots (A+1) special rule, which means it fires a number of shots equal to 1 plus the wielder's Attacks characteristic. It cannot fire enchanted arrows."


    "Hawk-eyed Archer: Before a model with this special rule makes a shooting attack, decide whether it will make a fast shot or an aimed shot. If the former is chosen, the model's missile weapon has the Multiple Shots (2) rule for the duration of that attack. If the latter is chosen, then armor saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by the attack. Models in the same unit must choost the same type of shot."


    If a waystalker is taking an aimed shot, armor saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by the attack. The attack consists of the Multiple Shots (A+1) special rule. So, a waystalker with the Bow of Loren chooses aimed shot, and the bow gives it 2 shots, no armor saves allowed. In other words, the only thing aimed shot adds to a waystalker's shots is the 'no armor saves allowed' bit. He can still use Bow of Loren, and benefit from 2 shots instead of his normal 1.

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  13. Yup, I decided to go the cheap route and order a bunch of resin models from China. Little did I know they require soooo much cleaning and rebuilding it is ridiculous. That is the last (and only) time I ever buy from China. I would gladly pay MSRP to not have to deal with this s**t ever again. If I had gotten the gw ones off ebay or through a LGS, I would have all 25 of them built and primed by now. Instead, I haven't even finished clipping, cleaning, and rebuilding five of them. FIVE. And they're still just a pile of bits. I haven't even put them together yet. Eff that noise.

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  14. I don't see a waystalker being that important in a wood elf list, unless you have a group of them. Being 90 points, the benefits CAN outweigh the points cost in say three waystalkers. But one waystalker alone will have a tough time earning its points.


    With the assumption that the waystalker is going to hit on a 2+ (I usually end up hitting on 3+ for long range, moving, and sniper), and also the assumption that the target is T3, we're looking at 41.5% chance to cause a wound, 27.4% chance to wound on T4.


    In the consideration of possible targets, most valuable targets will have a ward save. Even a 6++ will decrease the damage output by quite a bit. This can (and most likely will) influence target selection. It is easier to pick off a L2 backup caster with no ward save than an L4 general with TPres. Using a single waystalker to pick off a T4 L2 (assuming its in a unit, thus the need for sniper) and assuming the above To Hit and To Wound percentages, on average you will deal 1.6 wounds over the course of a 6 round game, not enough to kill it. That is not an efficient use of points.


    Using Bow of Loren doubles those chances, and adding a second or third waystalker increases efficiency exponentially. With one 90pt waystalker, you miiiight be able to take down a low level wizard with no saves in a game, maybe a maximum of 150 points, and that's if you are lucky. With Bow of Loren and two more stalkers, you can threaten a T4 L4 general with a 4++, doing 3.3 wounds (after ward saves) over 6 rounds, earning 450 victory points on average for 290 points of stalkers, not to mention all the benefits of taking out a general, like taking out a main caster or fighty lord, loss of inspiring presence, etc.


    If the choice was either a 90pt waystalker or putting those 90 points somewhere else like, let's say, 5 scouts with poison, I'd say go with the scouts.

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