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Steel Angel

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Posts posted by Steel Angel

  1. While yes, they got this one they have had many failed formats in the past:


    • Betamax
    • Digital Audio Tape (DAT)
    • Minidisc
    • MemoryStick
    • Universal Media Disc
    While all true the playstation made them more money to easy cover those failers


    Oh and true story betamax was better but lost cause sony dint support porn lol

  2. The difference is fantasy and 40k had/have a base points system to work with.  AoS doesnt have that which makes it very tough.  I enjoy playing AoS as a casual game and it is great for that, but it i see it failing miserably as a tournament game.  Play and enjoy it for what it is (a casual wargame)


    See i always wonder about this point cause each game still need a 20+ page system to work for events. Seem that None of these games was any good for events. Till someone tried.

  3. I think Ordo needs to decide on a comp. system we will be adopting so we can all be on the same page ,and can have any chance of using AoS in any events.


    While I may agree with AgentP that the rules work right out of the box and that they are fun. It does not work for event or turnies.


    Warhammer 40k and WFB work too right out of the box, but we still adopted a comp. system for both that we all used.


    40k had ITC,and WFB had Swiss these are what we used for events, and by default what we used in normal games.


    There are alot of comp systems popping up such as:


    Azyr Comp System






    [AoS] Laws of War


    just to name  few.


    I think and it's just my op. we need to pick something and stick with it.


    Just my 2 cents I like AoS and would like to see it in events, but will only work if we have a set system for it.

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