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von hammer

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Posts posted by von hammer

  1. I am liking the look and feel of the new Space Wolves models but what I want to run is just too messy and doesn't allow much in the way of competition or fluff. Here is what I'm liking:



    Njal in TBA



    5 Blood Claws (plasma Gun/Plasma pistol)

    5 Blood Claws (Power Fist/Plasma Pistol)


    Fast Attack:

    Stormwolf (Skyhammer missiles)

    6 TWC: 1 Chainsword/Bolter

    1 Chainsword/Bolt Pistol

    1 Frost Axe/Plasma Pistol

    1 Power Axe/ SS

    2 Chainsword/SS


    LoW: Logan with Chariot


    Knight Allies:





    I think it's good because it's what I like but I don't see much to it. I know I can make a better list but oh well. What do you all think?

    • Like 1
  2. Hello all!


    I have one too many armies and I am looking to unload my Ravenwing as I will never run a bike army but thought my DA army would look better. Oh well. What I'm looking for:


    $$$ (150 obo)

    Frontline Gaming mat

    Anything Wall of Martyr

    Land Raider

    Drop Pods



    Imperial Knight

    Thunderwolf Calvary

    Imperial Sector

    Fortress of Redemption

    or let me know what you have!


    What I have:

    3 Black Knights (plastic, no torso on)

    3 Converted Black Knights

    2 Landspeeders

    1 Sammael converted on Landspeeder

    3 DV bikes

    1 Landspeeder Vengeance

    10 (or more, need to recount) bikes

    Lots of extra bits and icons


    All the army is in the process of being painted/put together. I can txt photos since they are too big to load on here. PM me your number if interested. Thanks everyone for looking!

    • Like 1
  3. Name: Anthony

    Armies: 2500+ points Dark Angels, 2000+ points Iron Hands/SM, 2000+ points Space Wolves, low points in Blood Angels.

    Availability: Depends on day

    Location: Oregon City

    Game Location: My house, Guardian Games

    Preferred contact: PM me for cell number.

  4. Better late than never. I've decided I would like to attend this year's OFCC and play. I've watched the tourney a couple years ago when I first got started. I can bring Deathwing/Dark Angels, Iron Hands/Space Marines, and should have Space Wolves ready to go by the date. PM me if your looking for another teammate to fill out a roster. Thanks!

  5. It's getting down to the wire and I'm just not sure what to bring. I'm gonna throw out a list, and what I have so maybe all of you peeps on here can help a brother out.


    HQ: Chapter Master

    - Combi - Grav

    - Power Sword

    - Gorgon Chain relic

    - Melta Bombs


    Elites: Ironclad Dread

    - Seismic Hammer w/Melta

    - Power Fist w/Flamer

    - Ironclad Launchers

    - Drop Pod


    Troops: Scouts x5

    - Snipers

    - Camo Cloaks

    - Missile Launcher

    Tactical Squad x 10

    - Grav gun

    - Plasma Cannon

    - Sergeant has TH/Grav Pistol and Melta bombs

    - Drop pod

    Tactical Squad x 10

    - Grav gun

    - multi Melta

    - Sergeant has PF/Grav Pistol and Melta bombs

    - Drop pod


    Fast Attack: Stormtalon

    - Skyhammer missiles


    Heavy Support: Centurion Dev. Squad

    - Grav-cannon/Amps

    - Omniscope

    - LR Crusader



    Non FOC spot: Techmarine

    - Servo Harness

    - Power Axe

    - Combi-Grav

    - Melta Bombs

    Total: 1849


    I have painted up as IH:


    -2 Ironclad dreads with hurricane bolters/chain fists

    - Razorback with lascannons

    - Stormtalon

    - Sternguard Squad

    - Vanguard Squad w/ TH/SS

    - Centurion dev. Squad w/ Grav-cannons

    - Venerable Dread w/ Plasma Cannon/PF

    - Dread with TL Lascannons

    - 4 Drop pods

    - Librarian w/ Stave

    - Vindicator


    I do also have a bunch of stuff I could paint really quickly but let me know Ordo! Thanks!

  6. That's the best part of this game! It's all in the dice rolls and what they bring! Haven't played anyone that really brought DS defenses yet so not to sure about that. As for the others... I guess I'll have to play them to really find out.

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