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Posts posted by dalmer

  1. Hello there,


    I just purchased (8) more Realm of Battle board tiles for a steal-of-a-deal $ 155.  This now means that I have (18) Realm of Battle board tiles.


    Thus, we can have (3) fully legit game tables in the pole barn... or we can connect them together for a gi-hugic table for an apocalypse game this summer.


    I'm gonna paint 'em up and flock 'em but just wanted to share that hopefully I can host a nice game this summer.


    Stay safe and hope everyone is well,





    • Like 3
  2. Hello there,


    Not uncommon.  Easiest way I've found for folks I've trained is to not focus too greatly.  Sounds weird, but like we said in class... relax.  Just understand that you won't be able to focus on multiple planes/depths at once so just kinda work through it.


    The dominance is wonky because you're getting used to not focusing as hard, if that makes sense.  Keep training it a bunch and it'll seem natural in no time.


    Stay safe,



    • Like 1
  3. Hello there,


    Some of you more "in the know" folks can probably comment better.


    The new "Astra Militarum" codex is coming out and unless I'm looking at the wrong images, another "Codex:  Militarum Tempestus" is launching on 03-29-2014 with all the stormtrooper-ish models (called "scions") and the tracked transport ("taurox").


    Wonder if it'll be a wholly separate allied army like the Imperial Knights or what.  Hmmm.




    Stay safe,





  4. Hello there,


    I get all the 40k codices because (a) I'm a "completionist," which is the bane of my comic collecting existence and (b) the fluff is really good and interesting for me.


    But then again, I have all the Horus Heresy paperback books too and thoroughly enjoy those stories... and have been told by others that they're not "accurate" or "holding to canon" or whatnot.  I guess ignorance is bliss because I really enjoy them.


    If anyone in the local gaming scene ever wants to borrow a codex or whatnot, just lemme know.  Not like I get them for the rules for a game I'm not playing as of yet.  ha ha ha


    Stay safe,



  5. Hello there,


    I recently purchased the Sentinels of Terra codex.  Tossing out some information in case folks are interested.  The following information is a bare bones, "here's what you get for your hard-earned dollars."


    Please note that there are no play-test comments, as I unfortunately do not get to play 40k at the moment due to work scheduling and life.  And it does bear noting that this entire book is about the 3rd Company of the Imperial Fists.




    Pages 4 to 35:  fluff on the 3rd Company of the Imperial Fists


    Pages 36 to 47:  pictures of Games Workshop's Imperial Fists models


    Pages 49 and 50:  specific rules and wargear for the 3rd Company


    Pages 51 to 71:  different missions.  Apocalypse (1), Cities of Death stratagems (7), Planetstrike stratagems (10), Altar of War missions (3), Echoes of War missions (6)



    Stay safe,




    • Like 1
  6. Hello there,


    I posted a similar post in the "Rogue Trading" section but also thought I'd ask the local gamers.


    I've purchased every new 40k codex that has released thus far.  Sadly, their slipcovers have been getting recycled... and now of course I was thinking that if I had kept them I could make a cool display collage or whatnot for my gaming room.




    So, if anyone has any of the slipcovers from any of the new 40k codices and you don't want them, I'll happily buy / trade / menial tasks for them.


    Please let me know and thanks in advance for your consideration!


    Stay safe,



    • Like 1
  7. Hello there,


    Long shot at best, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, eh?


    If anyone has any of the new 40k codex slipcovers, please contact me.  I'll happily buy them from you.  Sadly, all the codices that I've purchased thus far have had their slipcovers tossed in the recycling... ack!


    Thinking of maybe putting them up as decorations.


    Please let me know if you want a few bucks or some 40k trade or whatnot.


    Thanks and stay safe,



    • Like 1
  8. Hello there,


    My apologies, as I'm sure one or more of you have already answered this.


    Since I've been moved to night shift I'm actually getting some painting done and would like to post pics to get some feedback from the local gaming group. 


    1.  I have an old, crappy digital camera... the photos don't need to be super up close, do they?


    2.  I can just attach files like a normal computer thingiemabobber, right?  Or I thought someone said to use some other program or something. 


    Obviously, a lot of my computer issues are "PICNIC" errors.  That's "Problem In Chair, Not In Computer" for those in the know.


    Any help is appreciated.


    Stay safe,



  9. Hello there,


    I'm just curious... "normally" do folks just get a ruleset and their army's codex and expect their opponent to do the same?  Seems like it'd cut those costs dramatically.


    Now, for folks like myself who get it all... yeah, that's a lot of cash for some books.  But (a) I like the fluff; (b) my kid likes different armies and © I can happily help folks that don't have the various codices or whatnot by loaning them mine.  I also like getting the various inspirations on paint jobs, scenery, basing ideas, etc. that the codices have.


    And, coming from someone who left after 3rd edition... wasn't a long-standing complaint by the gamer base that codices and such weren't release quickly enough?  Now it seems like since releases are quicker and such folks don't like that either.  I'd be psyched that more stuff is coming out... I don't have to get it all but it'd give me hope that for example a tyranids codex that wasn't updated for a long time got released. 


    Hope that makes sense.


    Stay safe,



    • Like 1
  10. Hello there,


    Please note that I did *NOT* have a chance to drop them off yesterday, as I got called in for overtime.  My apologies.


    I have them in my vehicle and will drop them off as soon as possible... I know for a fact that I need to go into Bellingham on Wednesday the 19th so it will happen at the latest then.  Again, my apologies.


    Stay safe,



  11. Hello there,


    I put (10) small square bases with diagonal slots in a sammich bag with a post it note marked "MUNKIE" in it.


    I will put this sammich bag at Dark Tower Games today when I come into town.  Probably sometime after 6pm.


    The bases have "Reaper" marked on the bottom so I don't think they're authentic Games Workshop slotta bases... my apologies.  If they work, awesome.  If they don't, please feel free to lemme know and I'll pick them back up or you can give them to a needy person.


    Stay safe,



    • Like 1
  12. Hello there,


    I doubt I can be in attendance (go figure, eh?) but if someone needs a bit or bunch from the following kinds, lemme know and I'd be happy to try and find them and drop them off at Dark Tower Games for you:


    *  Space Marines

    *  Space Wolves

    *  Tau

    *  Eldar

    *  Tyranids

    *  Orks (very limited selection)
    *  Chaos

    *  Necrons (very limited selection)


    Stay safe,



    • Like 1
  13. Hello there,


    The details have been confirmed:


    NOON on Saturday, March 22nd at the Bellingham Police Department's training room.


    Plenty of parking on the back side of the police department (505 Grand Avenue), which will be C Street.  There is a man gate and I'll have it propped open.  Go through the gate and take a hard right... you'll see the double glass doors of the training building.


    I will do my best to leave a trail of crumbs to help.


    Stay safe,



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