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Posts posted by splinx

  1. I ship all the time back home to the UK and best way is defo not the flat rate boxes. If your posting plastic and resin then fine but metal will be really expensive. I have posted a couple of regiment/battleforce boxes home and it cost about $50. Not cheap but if your buyer is paying then best get a price from the post office before you let them know. It's not cheap.

  2. I'd probably be interested in you older unpainted night goblins dude! PM me with a price your after.


    Back to your main questions you best bet would be to sell off the painted stuff as an army and they split up the unpainted stuff or eBay it? I did it previously and it worked out quite well.

  3. I feel a lawsuit coming on for these guys! Lol they are totally copying the vendetta / valkyrie's. There is a dakka jet in there, a Crassus armored transport and tons of other GW lookalike 6 mill figures. As they are for epic I wonder if GW will bother? I'm guessing yes as their legal team are pretty quick to jump on potential enforcing menus of their trademarks and copyrights.


    Great find though!

  4. After reading through the HoR last night there are differences in movement, certain weapon differences, buildings, assaulting from buildings, squad make up (or lack of) and a few other bits that I'm not keen on. The major thing I do like form the HoR rules is the true line of sight needed which I hope is inbuilt into the next edition of 40k.


    I like the story line approach to skirmish gaming rather than full campaign capacity. So with being able to buy a couple of guys from here then a couple guys from here doesn't seem to me like any type of squad focus at all. What I do like about the GW kill team rules is you still have a squad approach and get the independence of individual models as a unit. I also like the fact that the rule set is 40k with a couple of additional kill team rules. The HoR is too much to remember entirely and I will being sticking to the GW rule set as for me it's easier and more enjoyable. But hey that's my view and I know a lot of people like the KoH rule set.

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