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Posts posted by deadwing34

  1. I have thought about this myself. What if you just painted the entire model one color and then gave it a wash/shade. Either metallic or stone in color. It would end up looking like a statue and would be really quick to pull off. If you wanted to do it real down and dirt use a colored primer and follow up with quick shade from Army Painter.

  2. A few questions about Ordo. Maybe I missed it somewhere but I did not see this stuff spelled out anywhere on the forums.


    1. What are the play hours for Tuesday and Sundays.

    2. Is there an expectation that you set up and tear down tables and terrain? Is all terrain and tables provided by Ordo?

    3. After my first free session does it cost 5 each time I want to play?

    4. Do you just show up and play or do you arrange points and who you are playing with beforehand?

  3. I was under the impression that the club house was only accessible on Tuesdays and Sundays?


    My most available days and times are as such:

    Sunday after 4pm (every other week all day on Sunday), Monday after 6pm, Wednesday after 6pm, I have some other open times during the week but these are my most available times

  4. I am defiantly looking for a less competitive setting than a league night..I do after all play DA...haha! I am much more of a beer and pretzels kind of gamer, the clubhouse sounds about perfect. Unfortunately Tuesdays nights are not good for me, I am recently divorced and I take my kids our for dinner that night.

  5. I am looking for someone that (hopefully) lives in my area (NE Portland), to get together 1 or 2 times a month to play WH40k. I am really looking for a home game (garagehammer) and not playing in a league at a game store. With work, kids and general life stuff it is hard to commit to the time slots of leagues and game stores. My most available times and days are after work around 6pm during the week and on Sundays. I have over 3000 points of Dark Angels including an Imperial Knight and a full tables worth of painted GW terrain. Playing at my house is not the best option because I don't really have the space to set up a standard 4' x 6' gaming table.

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  6. Name: Jeremy

    Location: NE Portland

    Armies: Dark Angels (around 3k), Imperial Knight

    Preferred Location: Guardian Games, Red Castle Games, Someone's house/garage etc

    Preferred Time: Evenings (after 6pm) or Weekends (mostly Sundays)

    Contact: PM or Text


    I also play a bunch of board games and a few RPG's. I recently moved out to NE, looking for someone to primarily play 40k with, but I am pretty open minded when it comes to playing games. I also have a full 4'X6' worth of fully painted GW terrain, but not sure I have enough room to set everything up at my new place.

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