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Posts posted by Drak

  1. wisetiger is a real life friend, who is giving me crap about only playing one army. not a matter of class but perspective.


    that being said I agree with Murphy that If they did discontinue a line you could alway convert and/or in most events we play in use the most recent book for rules.


    I think saying warhammer is a hobby that warrants spending thousands of dollars, while certainly possible, isn't a given.

  2. while trying to stay within your expressed theme here is what I would do.

    drop the ghouls for a block of skellies, this fits well with the idea of ruins and gives you more from master of the dead.

    make the dog units 6 for optimal dart formation while keeping some drops.

    try to get the either free up the points to get your hexies to 6 per units (dart formation) and it get the horrrors to a body count of 8.

    none of these tweeks make any of the units broken/overpowered. while keeping the flavor of variaty that you've got going on.

  3. what is that you are wanting to accomplish win this list? knowing that would help guide my input.


    from a first glance this list appears under powered. there is very little that has any real kind of punch. most of the list looks like chaff. I don't see you having any unit that can deal with blocks of any size.


    the ghouls are much to small I be of any use. you will need at least 30-35 to make them efficient in combat, even with a ton of ion possibilities.


    I commend you or taking models that aren't optimal (blood knights and the black coach).


    do you have a theme your building around?

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