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Posts posted by Raak

  1. I have spotty Internet rigjht now so this is likely the only post I can check make until Tues. so......

    Nathan - yes on x wing if no takers

    Eli - Game  @ 5/6 after Shae? I'll bring my eldar and ... ... you could bring both those WFB armies if its not a huge hassle. Still moving and my FoW Stuff is packed/not yet found. Can probably dig out the Brits Early War before Tues if need be. My Reds are a mess.


    barring all that I guess I'll just mosey on down and see whats shakin'


    I'll be coming in around 5ish and am down with some board game action as well. You can check the registry for my cell and msg me or pm ordo but I cant promise I will see it today.

  2. My most sincere apologies for anyone who actually held a conversation with me yesterday evening. I thoroughly enjoyed the game though it seemed to go like this for me:


    Dragos interrupts: We should take a boat

    Dm: youre in the middle of a peninsula


    Dragos interrupts: We should stab him

    Party: That would be bad -you should lie down in the wagon with the pig


    jetlag is rough but when you add your kids' schedule it becomes  an experiment in sleep dep.



  3. On the topic of firearm safety, I'm a state-certified handgun instructor and would happily volunteer my time to show you folks and spouses / GFs / BFs / kids handgun safety.  I can even supply the weapon systems... I used to do it all the time for folks when I was range officer.  Holler if this sounds like what you want.


    Stay safe,




    Yes please! Absolutely. I can't believe you're willing to volunteer this service. Count me in.

  4. Yeah I am not entirely sure when I moved to sudden valley. No I am still in Bellingham. Everyone watch your stuff, lock your doors, look poor and pack a gun. It seems like the robberies are the new fad. Oh Brad. It's funny cause it's true. So true. 


    Agreed. I would just add, "make sure that the appropriate training, license, and knowledge of WA and federal law come into play if you decide to carry that firearm".


    To quote Chekov: Once a gun has been introduced into the play, it must at some point be used.


    and to quote Don:


    Stay Safe

  5. Sorry for the supposition everyone - I heard Eli mention Sudden Valley and then just ASSuMEd that was where Shae lived. Also to clarify, generalR - I wasn't implying that the kids in SV are rotten eggs, just that there has been a spate of car burglaries in SV lately and when I called SV security and contacted the community association in Dec about my concerns, I was told that it was "most likely just kids". Which, to me sounds more like "We really don't know and don't have the funding to figure it out."


    I'm sure that most if the kids in SV are perfectly nice people; no disrespect was meant; you yourself stand as a shining example of an exemplary younger SV resident.

  6. My wife says there's been a bunch of posts in the last few weeks on the Bellingham moms Facebook page about car burglaries in SV. Wtf? Are these kids? I plan to contact svca and wcso about this. Just because SV is out of the way doesn't mean kids, punks and junkies can start doing whatever the hell they want. For a place with 3000 residents it seems we are pretty low on the county's priority list and I think the community association is mostly to blame for that. If we don't watch it SV will turn into Kendall.


    (Sorry for drifting off topic)

  7. Awww F*^K, Shae. That's awful. You need to contact Don. Not because he'll expedite things with BPD; I don't think it works that way, but because he'll probably a) have some good advice b) be able to suggest some really good resources for dealing with the emotional aftermath and also how to protect yourself and family in the future. I'm really sorry this happened to you. Are you in the county or the city? Hows the fam holding up?


    PM me - I'll be back soon. I have an unlocked phone you can use till renters insurance kicks in.


    also-I know this sounds obvious but check Craigslist. Trying to dump stuff this way is fairly common for that brilliant species of scum known as junkies. You might just be able to point BPD right to the worthless [big bad swear word] ers who did this.

  8. So I just noticed that iTunes (via iBooks) will be releasing the new Tyranid Codex on Jan 11th! Happy New Years Shaun and Shae! Heck, I'm excited to see it myself.


    It looks like there's quite a few new Tyranid models as well. Pics are better in White Dwarf but GW has a pre-order link where you can gawk at the cool new 'nids


    Full Disclosure - I ebay'd a small unpainted 'nid army about a month after I started playing (last Sept). So I'm not a bandwagon hopper, per se - I'm more of a pre-Bandwagon hopper. Let the hating begin ;P

  9. People not wanting to travel for the same old thing, fair enough.  People don't like to travel for crazy either, one of the reasons I stopped going to TSHFT was the crazy missions and because the event is expensive.  If we want to inject fluff into the event, I'm all for it, but I do not believe that fluff being the center point of the event will draw.

    really god point(s). Agree with all of this.
  10. Just received Of Dice And Men (about D&D players) for the holidays and so far it's enjoyable.


    If you enjoy Of Dice and Men you might also enjoy Playing at the World by John Peterson. It's a history, of sorts, of wargaming from Chess to RPGs and Tabletop. It's a lengthy and not so linear so I enjoyed it piece by piece; a good tome for the throneroom.

  11. If you are willing Raak, I am going to take advantage of your flexibility, currently I have no game lined up for Tuesday.  I'm going to try and get someone and then play you on wednesday night if that is ok.  If I can't get a 40k game on Tuesday, I'll play you both Tuesday and Wednesday :D.


    Sounds good bud! One caveat - Tuesday I am Campaigning with our Pathfinder Party. Wednesday is a go though.

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