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Lion of Flanders

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Posts posted by Lion of Flanders

  1. My OFCC army was an 11 which seemed reasonable.


    One thing I find curious about the Swedish system that I'd be interested in the opinion of others is the "no magic =+8pnts" thing (at least for DE). In the old days, a no Mage list generally was a weakness, but it also was a bit of a RPS sort of thing in that the army would be very strong against certain armies, but be crippled by others.

  2. Hey All: I was going to add this post to the Squig Hopper movement thread, but I didn't have the courage to wade into that bewildering array of diagrams and analysis.


    So....is there a link to the most recent Masters FAQ that was referred to in that thread? Google identified one that was February 2014 and that seemed a bit old.


    Seems like adopting some agreed upon standard for OFCC would be a good idea for next year.

  3. Man, I don't want to write an essay about how cool a guy was after three games on a Saturday.  I just want to give them a five, a high five, and go get a beer.

    Most definately. The favorite opponent pin thing is perfect for this, I.e. it keeps it simple. Most of us spend the majority of our lives dealing with complexity and a series of tough decisions and judgement calls. I like like the OFCC as an escape from that sort of thing.


    Sportsmanship in WFB (I imagine it's the same in 40k :) ) will never be captured or defined within a numerical system. It's like the Supreme Court definition of pornography back in the 70's " I can't necessarily define it, but I know it when I see it"


    After all this huge thread, the idea that comes to mind for me is that perhaps if you get overly concerned with how sportsmanship was scored and what scores you/your team received....perhaps you have missed the point of the event. I don't think anyone needs to "learn" how to get better sportsmanship scores (by knowing the system and/or results, for example). I think we all know how to treat people well.


    Lincoln had a great quote that I think applies to this discussion: "The Just have no need for the Law for they carry the Law within themselves"

    • Like 1
  4. OMG WTF I didn't WIN?!  Wait, what team was I on again?  Comp sucks!  Sports sucks!  Painting sucks!  I heard some guy got a 0 sports score!  Who came up with this scoring system?!  I want a refund!  My team got robbed!  I demand to know details!  Thank you for the free Twix!!  I <3 OFCC 4Evah.

    This bears repeating. Bottom line is that the event is about playing warhammer and having fun.


    I think some are failing to remember the point of the event.

    • Like 2
  5. I'll echo NTK and others about list deadlines. If a deadline is a deadline, people will make it happen. If they know that they can miss it, many will miss it. Why do people show up early for airline flights? Because we know they won't wait for us.


    The only argument that I can think of against strict deadlines, is that we might lose some players who didn't get their act together in time. I think the event is established enough that we shouldn't worry about that. If it happens, it will not likely happen again. The greater good will be served by being able to see lists in advance and prepare (if you choose to do so) for any oddball stuff. Even setting the gameplay benefits aside, strict list deadlines will serve a very important function: they will make it easier on the event organizers.


    Another pint that was raised above concerned teams that "found out about the event late". This is also something that really shouldn't be a concern. The organizers (bless'em) had the date set something like 10 months in advance. That should be enough.

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  6. OK so I was in a hurry when I posted this so here are some more thoughts from a great event:


    1) I thought the venue was terrific. Really easy to access the game hall, great location near food and other, well ventilated, and even allowed for some exposure to the public with interested passerby wondering what in the heck was going on.


    2). I certainly am a better WFB player today than I was last week after getting 8 games in over the three days. My 8 opponents each provided me with some much needed education about the game, so thanks for that. They even let me win a few as well. Of particular note was Ricky Fischer and his completely awesome squig army who I was able to play a game with on Friday night. That army certainly ranks among the best I have ever seen and I've seen some pretty great ones. We had a great game and Ricky was nice enough to stay late so we could finish (cuz I'm not the fastest player in the world...but I'm learning)


    3) How 'bout lil' ol' Team Grimdark? Our lil' gang sneaks onto the podium with solid sports scores (there are at least three guys that are fun on the team), solid paint scores, and a few of the other guys must have done reasonably well in battle scores to land us third place. Well done, gents!

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  7. Big thanks to Raindog and all the guys that worked their butts off to put together such a great event!


    It was a really terrific weekend of playing warhammer, catching up with some people that I hadn't seen in a long time and meeting some new ones. I for one am looking forward to more....

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