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Posts posted by Casiarius

  1. Although I live close enough to Portland to get games, my actual local area (Saint Helens, Oregon) has a 40K scene similar to yours. The few players that did exist have abandonned 40K and/or have their own precious metagame that's more important to them than playing real 40K.

    If that's what you have to work with, see if you can play using their meta, or something new like Kill Team or Inquisimunda that they aren't sour on.

    In a college town there will undoubtedly be 40K players who have no gaming contacts in their new environment, including people who play "real" 40K but didn't bring an army to college. There should be some way to make contact with those gamers.

  2. I don't have any board games that are specifically intended for solo play, but I agree with Shmitty that many coop games can be played as solo games. Pandemic and Sentinels of the Multiverse, for example, would both work solo. I wouldn't try it with something like Space Alert though.

    Still, I feel that a good single player PC game is more fun than playing a board game by yourself.

  3. I have scanned my 5e PHB. Although the group you were playing with may have been rolling for stats and hit points, I'm happy to say that random character creation (which I hate) is optional. You can allocate your ability scores from a pool, and take a fixed number of hit points per level. In general, it does seem like they have learned the lessons of previous editions well.


    One thing that I did find annoying is that they have taken a lot of abilities that used to be feats anyone could learn and they have made them class features of various subclasses. So, in 3.5 if you had a Rogue that was an expert at disarming foes in combat, you can't do that anymore, that's now the exclusive domain of one subclass of Fighter (Battle Master, I think it was called).

  4. I will not be able to do much Tuesday gaming until August 12th, though I can show up briefly tonight to look around.

    A few weeks ago when I was playing with my 1K of Guard, someone said they had a set of Orders cards they wanted to unload, though I forget who.

  5. I figured I would post this in Rogue Trading since it's a transaction we're discussing, and it's not limited to any specific game.


    So, Miniature Scenery in Australia makes terrain and vehicles out of 3mm MDF. I've been thinking of ordering some Building Widgets and maybe a Tactical Response Vehicle. Pretre mentioned that he liked their Goblin Guns. Both of us have held off actually ordering anything from them due to the high cost of shipping things from Australia.

    Of course if there were other people out there who were interested, we could make a combined order for cheaper shipping. Things like the Building Widgets and Tactical Response Vehicle can also be purchased cheaper in lots of 3 or 4. We may already have a third co-conspirator and we're looking for more. See anything on their web site you can't live without?

  6. 2 Converted Hellhounds - Torn on this. I don't think I'll ever use hellhounds, but the conversion is reaaaally cool. Thoughts on what I could use them as?

    I think you should use them as Hellhounds!

    When those grubby enemy troops are getting all "Objective Secured" on real estate that should rightfully belong to you, the Hellhound has what you need to evict them. I know Leman Russes have gotten cheaper, but those tank gunners are mere mortals that often miss, whereas the Inferno Cannon is BS11. It absolutely cannot miss, and you can even place it sideways for maximum carnage. Hellhounds are fast, so you can use them to take objectives yourself. They don't even compete with Vendettas for Fast Attack slots, since you can ally with yourself and get six (or nine) slots. Further, the Hellhound miniature can be converted into a completely WYSIWYG Devil Dog or Bane Wolf just by swapping one little nozzle. Facing five Imperial Knights? Now your Hellhounds are packing Melta Cannons.


    (Full disclosure: I liked Hellhounds even when they were normal speed and so fragile that bolters could penetrate their sides. I only traded mine (the not-cooly-converted ones) to Pretre because I am replacing them with different models.)

  7. Well, I guess as a one-man operation you could still give demos to store patrons and see if you could get them hooked.

    I tried to establish a regular 40K group there earlier in the year. There are some 40K players in the area but they all had various reasons not to show up. I'm not sure if FoW (which I assume has a smaller player base) will do any better. Still, if some sort of miniatures game can take root there, I'm sure it will attact new people.

  8. This may be a dumb question, but bear in mind that I've only recently played my first game of 40K since 4th Edition. Back when I used to play this game, in addition to walking to school up-hill (both ways) in the snow, you could be disqualified from tournaments if you didn't use genuine GW miniatures. I understand there are no more Rogue Trader Tournaments, etc., but I wanted to know just what kind of standards modern tournaments have concerning 3rd party alternate models. Can you bring anything you want as long as it's representative? Does it matter if anything in the army is actually GW?


    To be more specific, I'm not planning to do anything bizarre (all LEGO army), but I am considering using all third-party vehicles, maybe Ramshackle Games' Rhebok Transports:


    And I have already obtained some Anvil Industries gun tractors for use in heavy weapons teams for my metal Storm Troopers (since GW doesn't make 'em and I'm too lazy to convert them):


    (The minigun tractors would represent heavy bolters and the howitzer tractors would represent autocannons, though they are much smaller than GW autocannons.)

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